
Connecting Teacher Recruitment to Retention
By: Roberta Richin, Richard Banyon, Rita P. Stein, Francine Banyon

Foreword by Harvey J. Stedman

How can you fill the large number of teacher positions you need over the next decade as well as keep the best teachers on your staff?

Induction: Connecting Teacher Recruitment to Retention is designed to help school administrators, teachers, and board of education members choose from a wide variety of proven practices to attract and retain the best professional staff in this competitive market.

This excellent, new resource provides you with the best practices for attracting and keeping educators by using five building blocks to construct a three-year practical plan to recruit and retain staff:

  • Preparing: recognizing your induction needs, developing your mission statement, establishing policy, and setting your induction goals
  • Staffing: recruiting, interviewing, and hiring
  • OrientingYear One: conducting professional development; mentoring and collaborating; and supervising, observing, and evaluating
  • ConnectingYears Two and Three: continuing professional development as well as supervising, observing, and evaluating; granting tenure/permanence
  • Keeping/Retaining: sustaining the connection, developing career long learners, and renewing and reorienting

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761946762
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2003
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: March 21, 2003
Price: $34.95
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"This book offers a valuable and practical framework for thinking about how to teach successfully—year after year, class after class, student after student. It contains many insights and lessons from teachers who have found their own professional experiences genuinely rewarding and who remained in the profession for a lifetime."
—From the Foreword by Harvey J. Stedman, Vice-Chancellor
New York University

How can you fill the large number of teacher positions you need over the next decade as well as keep the best teachers on your staff?

Each time you sign a contract with an educator, you are choosing someone responsible for helping children learn well and stay safe. Therefore, recruitment and retention form the foundation for achieving your school community's learning and safety goals!

You know what it feels like to ask yourself, "How will this professional fulfill his or her role in five years? Ten?" Induction: Connecting Teacher Recruitment to Retention is designed to help school administrators, teachers, and board of education members choose from a wide variety of proven practices to attract and retain the best professional staff in this competitive market.

This excellent, new resource provides you with the best practices for attracting and keeping educators by using five building blocks to construct a three-year practical plan to recruit and retain staff:

  • Preparing: recognizing your induction needs, developing your mission statement, establishing policy, and setting your induction goals
  • Staffing: recruiting, interviewing, and hiring
  • OrientingYear One: conducting professional development; mentoring and collaborating; and supervising, observing, and evaluating
  • ConnectingYears Two and Three: continuing professional development as well as supervising, observing, and evaluating; granting tenure/permanence
  • Keeping/Retaining: sustaining the connection, developing career long learners, and renewing and reorienting

Create a professional culture in which staff members meet student needs by using the best practices throughout their careers. Create a custom approach to recruitment and retention that will meet your school's learning and safety goals now and for years to come.


Roberta Richin photo

Roberta Richin

Roberta A. Richin is a nationally recognized author and educator specializing in improving student learning and safety through professional development. With Banyon, Banyon, and Stein, Ms. Richin is a co-founder of the Connecting Character to Conduct© consulting team and co-author of the book and related materials of the same title. Her model for leadership and consensus building is used by public and private schools, law enforcement organizations, parent-community groups, and corporations. Richin has presented this model at numerous conferences conducted by such organizations as the American Association of School Administrators, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Children’s Defense Fund, National Symposium on Child Victimization, School Administrator’s Association of New York State, New York State Education Department Conference on Inclusive Schools and Communities, the Nassau-Suffolk Bar Association, the Center for Prejudice Reduction and the Parent-Teacher Association. Since 1975, Richin has published journal articles and curricula, and has contributed to books focusing on the education and well-being of children and families. Ms. Richin continues to dedicate the majority of her time to providing school-based support for instruction by collaborating with students, teachers, administrators, and parents at the classroom, building, district, community, and university levels. She and her colleagues can be reached at Inductionhelp@aol.com.

Richard Banyon photo

Richard Banyon

Richard Banyon is presently consulting in the Carle Place, New York school district as assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction and personnel. His educational career spans over thirty-five years as a classroom teacher, guidance counselor, dean, building administrator, and central office administrator in New York City and Long Island. He most recently was assistant superintendent for personnel, curriculum, and instruction for the Deer Park school district, where he piloted a fully integrated model of induction specifically focused on recruiting and retaining teachers and administrators. He has facilitated national and regional workshops, and conducted job-embedded professional development on such issues as supervision, observation, evaluation, and preparing new teachers for the classroom. With Banyon, Stein, and Richin, he is co-founder of the Connecting Character to Conduct© consulting team and co-author of the book of the same title. Banyon enjoys the "lights" of Broadway in his spare time and bring his love of music and the theatre into any and all aspects of his professional career.

Rita P. Stein photo

Rita P. Stein

Rita Prager Stein has been a central office administrator involved in curriculum, recruitment, and retention for more than twenty years. During this time, she has recruited, hired, and retained more than ten thousand employees. She has spoken on recruitment and retention at the Association of School Personnel Administrators, as well as other national conferences including the New England Middle Schools, ASCD, and Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Stein is co-author of the ASCD (Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development) book Connecting Character to Conduct: Helping Students Do the Right Things. Her work on supervision and evaluation has been reviews and utilized by several school districts throughout New York State. She has appeared on several television shows including "Tools for Schools," a show on professional development and character, as well as appearing on many radio broadcasts. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the effect of instruction on the moral reasoning of students. She has presented workshops on this topic at Columbia University, New York University, as well as districts throughout Long Island, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. She has presented workshops in New Orleans, Providence, Dallas, Boston and at several prestigious conferences. She is an adjunct professor at Stony Brook University and, with Roberta Richin, has published in the New England Middle School Journal. Dr. Stein has recently remarried and enjoys traveling, theatre, and living in her new home in Westhampton, Long Island.

Francine Banyon photo

Francine Banyon

Francine Banyon has thirty-five years of experience as an educator in New York City schools, the Huntington school district, and the Smithtown Central school district on Long Island. With Richin, Banyon, and Stein, Ms. Banyon is co-founder if the Connecting Character to Conduct© consulting team and co-author of the book of the same title. She has been the team leader in a New York State model dropout prevention program, a dean, a building administrator, and mentor to numerous present administrators working in Long Island school districts. Banyon has created student internship programs, Renaissance student success programs, conflict resolution-mediation programs, as well as school-to-business partnerships that have continued to grow long after she has left the schools where she was a part of the team that developed these programs. As an educational consultant, Ms. Banyon has presented at numerous workshops throughout the United States and has conducted extensive job-embedded professional development for instructional, administrative, and support staff in public and private schools.

Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures



About the Authors

Introduction: Induction - From Recruitment to Retention

Choosing and Using Successful Practices


1. Building Block 1: Preparing to Recruit and Retain

Chapter Summary

BluePrint for Building Block 1

2. Building Block 2: Staffing Your School or District - Necessary Tools

Putting It Together

Getting Started

How to Recruit

How to Interview

Chapter Summary

BluePrint for Building Block 2

3. Building Block 3: Orienting New Members of Your Professional Staff - Year One

Preorientation: Connecting Before the School Year Appointment Begins

Conducting Professional Development

Mentoring and Collaborating

Supervising, Observing, and Evaluating

Putting It Together for the Induction Task Force

Chapter Summary

BluePrint for Building Block 3

4. Building Block 4: Creating Lasting Connections for Your Probationary Professional Staff - Years Two and Three

Ongoing Professional Development Best Practice: Data Mining

Ongoing Supervision, Observation, and Evaluation Best Practices: Formal Observation and Informal Supervision

Ongoing Supervision, Observation, and Evaluation Best Practice: The Process of Granting Tenure/Permanence

Chapter Summary

BluePrint for Building Block 4

5. Building Block 5: Retaining Your High-Quality Professional Staff - Best Practices

Retaining Best Practice: Observation and Evaluation for Tenured Staff

Retaining Best Practices: Renewing and Reorienting

Retaining Best Practice: Getting to the "Hearth" of It

Chapter Summary

BluePrint for Building Block 5



A. BluePrint for Building Blocks 1-5

B. Leading for Learning & Safety: A Leadership Development Institute

C. Affirm, Normalize, and Refocus

D. Particulars of the Letter of Intent/Binder

E. Letter of Appointment

F. Advertisement for Staffing Positions

G. Tenure Letter

H. Examplar for How to Use an Evaluation Instrument (see Resource) in the Preobservation, Observation, and Postobservation

I. Evaluation Instrument

J. Organizational Chart of the Induction Task Force




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