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No More Bystanders = No More Bullies

Activating Action in Educational Professionals

Bully-proof your school by equipping your staff to stand up instead of stand by. This book’s team-based proactive leadership model will transform your school’s culture.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412990967
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: June 13, 2012

Price: $39.95

Price: $39.95
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For Instructors

This book is not available as a review copy.


"The author strikes a great balance between text, action ideas, and survey questions. With each chapter comes the opportunity to examine one's school and apply the information to improve an existing situation."
—Kim E. Vogel, Principal
Parkdale Elementary School, OR

"This text offers great activities for addressing bullying and changing school culture. I will use this resource repeatedly with respect to Safe and Supportive Schools and Positive Climates for Learning."
—Chris Sarellas, Principal
Vaughan Secondary School, Ontario, Canada

Team-focused strategies for bully-proofing your school

One of the greatest challenges educators face in addressing bullying is recognizing when it's right in front of them. From identifying unsupervised campus "hot spots" to intervening appropriately in the moment, this practical how-to guide will equip your staff members to stand up instead of stand by. Shona Anderson's seven-step framework arms educators with:

  • A 10-question "pulse check"to determine areas of school culture that need strengthening
  • Tangible actions for each stage of the decision-making cycle
  • Activities that prompt staff members to observe, collaborate, act, and evaluate

 School leaders are empowered to maintain safe schools. It is a team effort and this unique guidebook shows how to educate all staff members to transform your school's culture from passive to proactive.

Key features

  • The book is organized around a 7 stage model that leads educators from bystander to proactive decision maker in order to recognize and reduce bullying.
  • Each chapter finishes with an "action" section which will guide the reader in a step-by-step format of what they can do in their own educational setting to start to create changes to current practice. These complete activities include warm up, main, exit, extension, and follow-up activities.
  • The author offers a 10 question "pulse check" at the end of the introduction to allow readers to jump to the section of the book that targets the weaknesses on which they want to focus.


Shona Anderson

Shona Anderson has been an educator since 1996. Her work as both an English teacher and a French teacher led her to administration in 2003 for the Bluewater District School Board. Anderson is also a part-time faculty member of the University of Western Ontario. She started her teaching career with the Upper Grand District School board as a core French teacher. She began taking Additional Qualifications courses and holds a double specialization in the teaching of French as a Second Language and Computers in the Classroom.

Anderson holds a B.A. in English from the University of Guelph and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education in secondary education from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. She also completed her Masters of Education through Charles Sturt University in Australia, with a focus on Educational Research in the area of bullying. Her research was supported by the Ontario Principals Council and she has both written for their publication, the Register, and presented at their annual Odyssey conference. Anderson has also published an action manual for administrators called Creating a Culture of Action for OPC.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Author


Introduction: Bullying and Bystanderism

The Elephant in the Room

The Continuum to Action

If We Do What We’ve Always Done- We’ll Get What We’ve Always Got

Turning on the Lights

Action - Pulse Check

1. The Team Approach to Safe Schools

What is a Safe Schools Team?

Creating a Safe Schools Team in Your School

Case Study – Who’s On Your Team?

Action – Planning Your Team

I. Pre-Bystanderism

2. Personal History Primes Perceptions

Following the Path Backwards

A Friend and A Foe

The Priming Problem

Broadening the Path

Case Study – Can You Spot The Bully?

Action – Fact Or Myth Activity

3. Good Intentions Can Get Lost

The Kitty Genovese Story

Good Samaritans – The Parable From Jerusalem to Jericho

The Bystander Affect – What Affects the Bystander?

Case Study – What Do You See?

Action – Hot Spots

II. Decision Making

4. Broken Culture – A Window of Opportunity

Broken Windows From New York to Your School

What Are Your Broken Windows?

The Counter Argument – It’s Not the Windows

Case Study – What Is Your Line in the Sand?

Action – Dotmocracy

5. Math Can Make Bystanderism Manageable

The 80-20 Rule

Doing the Math

More Math – The Two by Ten Strategy

Even More Math – The Multiplier Effect

Can We Change Lives?

Case Study: Who Would You Choose?

Action – Math, Math and Even More Math

6. What Supervision of Students Really Entails

Meeting Myles

It’s Not The Wrong Place

Understanding the Responsibility of Supervision

Case Study: Spot the Supervision Problem

Action – Super Supervision

7. The Importance of Being Able to Say What You Mean

What is Mitigation?

Opaqueness - The Real Cost of Lies is That They Obscure the Truth

Lessons From Korean Air

Crucial Conversations – Fact vs. Stories

Case Study – What Would You Say?

Action – Common Language

8. Action at All Level

Satisfice is Not Enough

Enhanced Realities

Case Study: Where Did Things Go Wrong?

Action – Character Counts

III. Post Bystandersim

9. Closing the Circle of Communication

Knowing What to Say

Gen X Grew Up – Communicating With a New Generation of Parents

It Takes a Village – Communicating With Everyone

Case Study – What Will You Say?

Action – Communication 101

Final Thoughts


Creating a Culture of Action - Breaking the Bystander Cycle: Moving Education Professionals from Bystander to Intervener (Original Article)

Definitions of the Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander

Bullying and You: The Perspective of Educational Professionals (Survey)

Leet Speak Dictionary





Price: $39.95
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For Instructors

This book is not available as a review copy.