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What Successful Science Teachers Do

75 Research-Based Strategies
By: Neal A. Glasgow, Michele Cheyne, Randy K. Yerrick

Foreword by Page Keeley

This easy-to-use guide features 75 research-based strategies for teachers of students in Grades K–12. Engage your students’ creativity and build their science literacy.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 5-12
  • ISBN: 9781412972345
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 272
  • Publication date: September 20, 2010
Price: $42.95
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"I found several strategies mentioned to be helpful to my own practice and tried them right away with immediate success."
—Deanna Brunlinger, National Board Certified Science Teacher, Elkhorn Area School District, WI

"The research is strong and well presented. The book addresses all aspects of science education and focuses on developing scientific thinkers."
—Loukea Kovanis-Wilson, Chemistry Instructor, Clarkston High School, MI

Supercharge your science lessons with proven strategies!

The experience and science expertise of these award-winning authors makes this easy-to-use guide a teacher's treasure trove. This latest addition to the popular What Successful Teachers Do series describes 75 research-based strategies and outlines best practices for inquiry-oriented science. Each strategy includes a brief description of the supporting research, classroom applications, pitfalls to avoid, andreferences for additional learning. Teachers of students in Grades K–12 will find a host of novel ways to engage children's natural curiosity, concern, and creativity in science learning. Highlights include how to:

  • Promote collaborative learning
  • Use formative assessment to engage students in content and instruction
  • Develop culturally responsive practices that invite contributions from diverse students
  • Build students' scientific literacy and reasoning skills
  • Incorporate students' Internet skills into their studies

When it comes to teaching science, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Learn from the experts today and jump-start your science curriculum tomorrow!

Key features

A winning format that allows busy teachers to:

  • jump in and immediately find the topics of most interest and usefulness for their own classroom
  • read just enough about the research to satisfy their curiosity about the basis for the recommended practices
  • be forewarned about potential problems witheach strategy
  • go to the sources, if they want to know more


Neal A. Glasgow photo

Neal A. Glasgow

Neal A. Glasgow's experience includes serving as a secondary school science and art teacher both in California and New York, as a university biotechnology teaching laboratory director and laboratory technician, and as an educational consultant and frequent speaker on many educational topics. He is the author or coauthor of ten books on educational topics: What Successful Schools Do to Involve Families: Fifty Research-Based Strategies for Teachers and Administrators (2008), What Successful Literacy Teachers Do: 70 Research-Based Strategies for Teachers, Reading Coaches, and Instructional Planners (2007), What Successful Teachers Do in Diverse Classrooms: 71 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2006); What Successful Teachers Do in Inclusive Classrooms: 60 Research-Based Strategies That Help Special Learners (2005); What Successful Mentors Do: 81 Researched-Based Strategies for New Teacher Induction, Training, and Support (2004); What Successful Teachers Do: 91 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2003); Tips for Science Teachers: Research-Based Strategies to Help Students Learn (2001); New Curriculum for New Times: A Guide to Student-Centered, Problem-Based Learning (1997); Doing Science: Innovative Curriculum Beyond the Textbook for the Life Sciences (1997); and Taking the Classroom to the Community: A Guidebook (1996).

Michele Cheyne photo

Michele Cheyne

Michele C. Cheyne is a clinical faculty member in science education at the University of Pittsburgh where she teaches a variety of courses in the secondary science teacher preparation program. She also supervises pre-service teachers during their clinical experiences. Cheyne has worked with Pittsburgh Public Schools on several projects and provides professional development for professional laboratory training programs. She has also worked with the Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium in Washington, DC as a member of the committee that wrote the 2001 document Model Standards for Licensing General and Special Education Teachers of Students With Disabilities: A Resource for State Dialogue. A former high school biology and chemistry teacher in Milwaukee Public Schools, she also served as a department chair and taught science methods courses at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Randy K. Yerrick photo

Randy K. Yerrick

Randy K. Yerrick is professor of science education and associate dean of educational technology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He began his career as a chemistry, physics, and math teacher in Michigan schools before becoming a full-time researcher in science education. Yerrick's research focuses on implementing contemporary visions of science inquiry in lower track classrooms where students share a strong history of failure and antisocial school behaviors. He has conducted ethnographies and critical autoethnographies in a variety of diverse teaching contexts as he continues to examine unresolved school issues of equity and diversity promoted by the continuous practice of tracking in science. He has also received recognition as an Apple Distinguished Educator. Examples of his work can be found at http://edcommunity.apple.com/.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Page Keeley



About the Authors


1. General Science Instruction

Encourage Students to Become More Involved and Interested in Science

Guide Students to Engage in Science-Appropriate Discourse

Utilize Graphic Organizers in Your Classroom

Increase Depth of Coverage to Improve Student Learning

Foster Self-Efficacy and Motivation in Your Students

Challenge Your Students With Different Levels of Questioning

Try Using the 5E Instructional Model

Support Your Students to Engage Effectively in Disciplinary Argumentation

Utilize Mind Mapping to Improve Student Achievement

Test Students' Ideas to Facilitate Reasoning Skills

Create an Emotionally Positive Science Classroom Environment

Engage Students Who Have a History of Poor School Achievement

Include Students With Special Needs in Student-Centered Instruction

2. Scientific Inquiry and Laboratory Experience

Engage Your Students in Inquiry-Based Science

Teach Model-Based Inquiry Over the Scientific Method

Use Problem-Based Learning to Introduce Students to Inquiry-Based Science

Implement Inquiry-Based Instruction in Low-Track Classes

Attain Educational Goals Through Laboratory Experiences

Convert Traditional Labs to Inquiry-Based Activities

Align the Goals of Dissection to the Curriculum

3. Collaborative Teaching and Learning

Fine-Tune Collaborative Student Relationships With the Socratic Seminar

Teach Your Students Collaborative Strategies and Skills

Utilize Formal Cooperative Learning Methods in the Classroom

Introduce Students to Constructive, Cooperative, and Academic Controversy

Communicate Beyond the Classroom by Using Electronic Pen Pals

4. Utilizing Technology for the Classroom and Professional Development

Add Technological Tools to Your Students' Learning

Put Your Students' Internet Skills to Use in the Classroom

Use Technology to Accommodate Students' Different Learning Styles

Give Students Opportunities to Use Media Production for Classwork

Incorporate Mobile Technology into Student Assignments

Model Inquiry With Students Using Limited Resources

Update Your Approach to Literacy-Related Content Activities

Foster Literacy Development Through Visual Texts and Media

Utilize Portable Media Players to Bring Exemplary Resources Into Teaching

Find Opportunities to Record Yourself Teaching to Share With Peers

5. Science Assessment

Look at Formative Assessment in a Coherent and Cohesive Way

Use Standards-Based Inquiry to Prepare Students for Standards-Based Tests

Align Instruction and Assessment Tools to State Curriculum Standards

Utilize Formative Assessment to Better Engage Students in Content and Instruction

Add a Classroom Response System for Instant Formative Assessment

Design Formative Assessment for Data to Inform Instruction

Encourage Assigned Textbook Reading by Giving Open-Book Tests

Focus on Students' Writing Strengths

6. Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning

Avoid Culturally Stereotyping Science Students

Make Academic Success Your First Priority for All Students

Reach Out to Students From Unfamiliar Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds

Structure Homework for Success for Students From Nondominant Backgrounds

Develop Science Standards With a Multicultural Perspective

Broaden Discourse Opportunities to Invite a Diverse Range of Contributions

Provide Diverse Learning Opportunities for Student Discourse

Manage and Change Your Students' Misconceptions

Guide Students to Choose Authentic Problems to Solve

Utilize Meaningful Cues With Your English Language Learners

Provide ELLs With Opportunities for Extended Interactions in Group Work

7. The Complex Nature of the Gender Gap in Science

Examine the Evolving Nature of Gender Issues in Science Classrooms

Change the Opportunities and Experiences of Girls in the Science Classroom

Represent Science in Ways That Encourage Girls to Stay Interested

Improve Attitudes Toward Science Through STS Approaches

8. Science and Literacy

Address the Three Key Elements of Reading Fluency in Science Instruction

Use Scaffolding to Improve Science Reading Comprehension

Consider Reading as Inquiry With Primary Literature

Focus on Developing Scientific Literacy and Student Reasoning

Use Paraphrasing to Promote Reading Comprehension in Science Textbooks

Utilize Think-Alouds to Reveal Students' Thought Processes While Reading

Select Commercial Reading Programs That Can Improve Scientific Literacy

Use a Variety of Print Materials to Inspire Student Reading and Writing

Expand Vocabulary Instruction to Improve Comprehension and Motivation

Use Students' Native Languages in Science Literacy Instruction

9. Families and Science Instruction

Avoid the "Blame Game" Mindset

Involve Low-Income Parents in Their Children's Academic Learning

Understand How Homework Can Present Problems for Students and Families

Change Parents' Attitudes Toward Science to Change Students' Attitudes

Involve Community Members in Learning to Explore Home-Based Discourse

Recognize the Diverse Needs of Language-Minority Students and Families

Consider Parental Responses to a Child's Learning Disability



Price: $42.95
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