Understanding Schemas and Emotion in Early Childhood

Understanding Schemas and Emotion in Early Childhood makes explicit connections between young children's spontaneous repeated actions and their representations of their emotional worlds. Drawing on the literature on schemas, attachment theory and family contexts, the author takes schema theory into the territory of the emotions, making it relevant to the social and emotional development strand in early childhood education.

Based on research carried out alongside children, parents, workers and co-researchers at the world-famous Pen Green Nursery, and using case studies of a small number of individual children, the author shows new links between cognition and affect. The book includes a brief summary of a method of Child Study, using video and reflections on video sequences.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781849201667
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: January 30, 2010
Price: $59.00
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Understanding Schemas and Emotion in Early Childhood makes explicit connections between young children's spontaneous repeated actions and their representations of their emotional worlds. Drawing on the literature on schemas, attachment theory and family contexts, the author takes schema theory into the territory of the emotions, making it relevant to the social and emotional development strand in early childhood education.

Based on research carried out alongside children, parents, workers and co-researchers at the world-famous Pen Green Nursery, and using case studies of a small number of individual children, the author shows new links between cognition and affect. The book includes a brief summary of a method of Child Study, using video and reflections on video sequences.

This book will be of interest to students and practitioners on Early Childhood undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as those taking modules on schema theory.


Cath Arnold photo

Cath Arnold

Cath Arnold will be discussing key ideas from Involving Parents in their Children’s Learning in the SAGE Early Years Masterclass, a free professional development experience hosted by Kathy Brodie. To sign up, or for more information, click here.

Table of Contents

Early Years Practitioners and Parents Engaging in Child Study

Ewan: Developing a Ritual for Separating

John: Exploring Lines and Connecting and Coming to Understand Separations

Caitlin: Containing, Enveloping and Transporting

Edward: Exploring ‘Together and Apart’ and Moving from ‘Vertical’ to ‘Horizontal’ with Objects

Sam: Enveloping, Containing and Seriating to Understand Separation and Loss and the Distribution of Power

Susan: Containing, Enveloping and Going through Boundaries

Cara: Trying to Make Sense of a Death in Her Family

The Inside Story: An Early Years Practitioner Studying Children's Emotions

Conclusions and Theorizing about Schemas and Emotions


Price: $59.00
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