The Professional Development Schools Handbook
Starting, Sustaining, and Assessing Partnerships That Improve Student Learning
Foreword by Marsha Levine
Start or improve a PDS with this step-by-step handbook!
Structured around the five Standards for Professional Development Schools that were developed by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, this easy-to-use book provides practical strategies for initializing, maximizing, and evaluating PDSs.
The five chapters dedicated to a particular standard comprehensively yet succinctly cover:
- A straightforward description with practical examples of what the standard looks like at various developmental stages
- Real-life issues, challenges, and resolutions associated with each standard, from the early stages of partnership development through implementation and sustainability
- "Quick-check" self-assessment models
- A hands-on toolkit, including specific examples, proven suggestions, worksheets, planning, and discussion points
- Extensive resources, including web sites and other texts
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9780761938354
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2003
- Page Count: 296
- Publication date: March 13, 2014
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