Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071866856
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2022
- Page Count: 192
- Publication date: March 02, 2022
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact
Learn how to take self-care off your to-do list!
It’s been a rough couple of years for teachers and school leaders. Your ability to be resilient and concentrate on social-emotional learning has been put to the test and now you deserve relief—without the pressure of having yet one more thing piled on your plate.
This book’s unique and compelling framework empowers you to practice self-care through thoughts and actions that are within your control, enhancing your well-being without taking on extraneous responsibilities. Features include
- A checklist for determining your baseline of strengths and needs
- Self-reflection questions, journaling opportunities, and action-planning exemplars
- A process for tracking, celebrating, and revising your own tangible objectives
- Teaching guidance for distance or hybrid education
- Strategies to share with your students

Michelle L. Trujillo
Michelle Trujillo is Co-Founder of the Center for Learning and Well-Being and passionate about igniting hope in schools and the workplace! A lifelong educator, Michelle is known to make a tangible, sustainable, and positive difference through her books, keynotes, and interactive workshops. Named Nevada’s 2016 Innovative Educator of the Year, Michelle has appeared on television (including Oprah), podcasts, and radio stations across the nation. Michelle partners with school districts, professional educational associations, educational service agencies, and conference organizers to provide applicable and inspiring strategies in the realm of school culture and climate, social emotional learning, and restorative practice. A best-selling author, Michelle’s books include Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators, Start with the Heart: Igniting Hope in Schools Through Social and Emotional Learning, and Chicken Soup for the Soul Presents Teens Talkin’ Faith.
Table of Contents
Throwing out the Lesson Plan
Adult SEL: Just Another Educational Initiative?
A Framework for Social Emotional WellBeing
It’s a Way of BEING!
Setting the Stage:
A Tiered Continuum
Social Emotional WellBeing Check In
Conscious Connection Chart
A Deeper Dive: Relevance, Reflection, and Making it Real
Be Reflective
Be Intentional
Be Empathetic
Be Connected
Be Accountable
Be Equitable
Modeling in the Moment
Guidance for Being During Distance or Hybrid Education
Social Emotional WellBeing - Strategies for Students
A New Lesson Plan
Meet the Author and the Thought Partners
"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is a valuable resource. Michelle Trujillo has created a Framework for Social Emotional Well-Being that is aligned with the five SEL competencies as defined by CASEL and which provides practical ideas, strategies, and opportunities for educators to nourish their own well-being and ultimately those of young people."
Karen Van Ausdal"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is a valuable resource. Michelle Trujillo has created a Framework for Social Emotional Well-Being that is aligned with the five SEL competencies as defined by CASEL and which provides practical ideas, strategies, and opportunities for educators to nourish their own well-being and ultimately those of young people."
Senior Director of Practice, The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
"She had me at 'Throwing Out the Lesson Plan.' Michelle Trujillo’s latest book offers some of the most relevant advice I’ve heard in the wake of pandemic education—starting with throwing out the lesson plan! These are not normal times, and we should not be conducting business as usual in our schools. In fact, even under the best of circumstances, some of our most impactful teaching moments happen when we are willing to be present in the moment and connect with our students on a deeper level. This book will help us do exactly that, and equally important, learn to care for our own well-being along the way."
Amy Cranston, EdD"She had me at 'Throwing Out the Lesson Plan.' Michelle Trujillo’s latest book offers some of the most relevant advice I’ve heard in the wake of pandemic education—starting with throwing out the lesson plan! These are not normal times, and we should not be conducting business as usual in our schools. In fact, even under the best of circumstances, some of our most impactful teaching moments happen when we are willing to be present in the moment and connect with our students on a deeper level. This book will help us do exactly that, and equally important, learn to care for our own well-being along the way."
SEL4CA–Social Emotional Learning Alliance for California
"As a life-long educator, Michelle Trujillo understands that SEL skills are the essence of who we are as human beings. She knows through her work in alternative education that SEL skills can serve as our North Star when our life’s journey presents rough seas. Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators empowers us with reflection opportunities, practical strategies, and a framework for being that will light our way as we encounter the challenges found in uncharted waters.
Maurice J. Elias"As a life-long educator, Michelle Trujillo understands that SEL skills are the essence of who we are as human beings. She knows through her work in alternative education that SEL skills can serve as our North Star when our life’s journey presents rough seas. Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators empowers us with reflection opportunities, practical strategies, and a framework for being that will light our way as we encounter the challenges found in uncharted waters.
Director, Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab
"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is a necessary read for anyone working within a school community. An educator’s well-being is vital to supporting the whole child, mitigating instructional loss, and integrating social emotional learning into the culture of the school community. Michelle's newest book provides a framework for adult SEL that is authentic, practical, and empowering!"
Doug Fisher"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is a necessary read for anyone working within a school community. An educator’s well-being is vital to supporting the whole child, mitigating instructional loss, and integrating social emotional learning into the culture of the school community. Michelle's newest book provides a framework for adult SEL that is authentic, practical, and empowering!"
Professor of Educational Leadership, San Diego State University; teacher leader, Health Sciences High
"If you want to know more about enhancing your social emotional well-being while making a tremendous impact on students, then this is the book for you. It is a delightful guide full of important information, especially when there is nothing left in your emotional tank. Michelle Trujillo takes readers on a wonderful journey into the work of social emotional learning and helps us continue to be empathetic, kind, and understanding educators. There is no other book like it!
Pam Gilmartin, MEd"If you want to know more about enhancing your social emotional well-being while making a tremendous impact on students, then this is the book for you. It is a delightful guide full of important information, especially when there is nothing left in your emotional tank. Michelle Trujillo takes readers on a wonderful journey into the work of social emotional learning and helps us continue to be empathetic, kind, and understanding educators. There is no other book like it!
Elementary School Principal, Carson City, NV
"Michelle has a voice that speaks directly to each reader and provides a deeper connection to the applicable content she provides in this book. It's obvious from her writing and storytelling that the well-being of others is one of her core values. Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators will have an immediate and positive impact on students and teachers alike."
Keely Keller"Michelle has a voice that speaks directly to each reader and provides a deeper connection to the applicable content she provides in this book. It's obvious from her writing and storytelling that the well-being of others is one of her core values. Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators will have an immediate and positive impact on students and teachers alike."
Director of Professional Programs, Learners Edge
"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is more than a book about 'adult SEL' or adult 'self-care'—it is about a way of being for teachers which will affect their relationships with students and their ability to better handle the challenges of teaching in 2022 and beyond. This important book is grounded in good science and provides well-scaffolded tools that can help teachers be more self-aware and reflective about their behaviors. It is also grounded in good practice and will help teachers to be more empathic and to intentionally act in a way that supports equity and their connectedness with students and others."
David Osher, PhD"Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators is more than a book about 'adult SEL' or adult 'self-care'—it is about a way of being for teachers which will affect their relationships with students and their ability to better handle the challenges of teaching in 2022 and beyond. This important book is grounded in good science and provides well-scaffolded tools that can help teachers be more self-aware and reflective about their behaviors. It is also grounded in good practice and will help teachers to be more empathic and to intentionally act in a way that supports equity and their connectedness with students and others."
Vice President and Fellow, American Institutes for Research (AIR)
"Teachers, school counselors, and other school staff will find this book a welcome support to deal with the stress and strains during COVID times and beyond. There are two strategies for handling these tough times—tolerating them, or pausing just long enough to grow from them. This hands-on book offers the strategies needed to pause and grow."
Sara Rimm-Kaufman, PhD"Teachers, school counselors, and other school staff will find this book a welcome support to deal with the stress and strains during COVID times and beyond. There are two strategies for handling these tough times—tolerating them, or pausing just long enough to grow from them. This hands-on book offers the strategies needed to pause and grow."
Author of SEL from the Start: Building Skills in K-5; Professor of Education, University of Virginia
"Michelle Trujillo has created a framework that integrates the concepts of Adult SEL and equity in a way that is applicable and meaningful. She ties the core components of social emotional learning with specific competencies for adults in a 'way of being' for educators. Stakeholders need materials like this book to help guide them through the process by focusing on relevance, recognition, reflection, and making it real. Michelle is able to describe these concepts in concrete detail that will help our educators work through roadblocks to their personal well being. I highly recommend this book for all educators."
Jennifer Rogers, PhD, LPC"Michelle Trujillo has created a framework that integrates the concepts of Adult SEL and equity in a way that is applicable and meaningful. She ties the core components of social emotional learning with specific competencies for adults in a 'way of being' for educators. Stakeholders need materials like this book to help guide them through the process by focusing on relevance, recognition, reflection, and making it real. Michelle is able to describe these concepts in concrete detail that will help our educators work through roadblocks to their personal well being. I highly recommend this book for all educators."
Author, Counselor, Professional Learning Facilitator, Rogers Training Solutions, LLC
"The teaching profession is the only one that impacts every other. Regardless of what people ultimately do, at some point they experience the influential effects of the person(s) who taught them how to do it. Michelle Trujillo makes an even more impactful point: While what we as educators do or teach others to do is essential, what and how we be is even more crucial. She addresses the premise that when we are socially and emotionally well, we are better able to encourage students to be the same. This well-written book even provides a definitive framework for doing so by operationalizing how one becomes more reflective, intentional, empathetic, connected, accountable, and equitable. Particularly at this challenging time, her book is one that must be read and practiced!"
Marcia Tate"The teaching profession is the only one that impacts every other. Regardless of what people ultimately do, at some point they experience the influential effects of the person(s) who taught them how to do it. Michelle Trujillo makes an even more impactful point: While what we as educators do or teach others to do is essential, what and how we be is even more crucial. She addresses the premise that when we are socially and emotionally well, we are better able to encourage students to be the same. This well-written book even provides a definitive framework for doing so by operationalizing how one becomes more reflective, intentional, empathetic, connected, accountable, and equitable. Particularly at this challenging time, her book is one that must be read and practiced!"
Developing Minds, Inc.
Other Titles in: Social/Emotional Leadership | Personal Growth & Development | Emotional Intelligence
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact
Related Professional Learning
Related WebinarsRelated Resources
- Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.
- Baseline Social Emotional Well-Being Check-In - opens in a new tab [Checklists and Assessments]
- Framework for Educator Wellbeing - opens in a new tab [Book Excerpt]
- Nurturing Student and Educator Well-Being - opens in a new tab [Podcast]
- Strategies to Support Educator Wellbeing and Resiliency - opens in a new tab [Blog]
- Understanding Your Own Motivation - opens in a new tab [Book Excerpt]