Revision Strategies for Adolescent Writers

Moving Students in the Write Direction
By: Jolene Borgese, Dick Heyler, Stephanie Romano

Foreword by Vickie Spandel

Supported by the Common Core State Standards, the 30+ strategies in this book include pre-writing planning, peer conferencing, modeling effective revision, and using technology.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9781412994255
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: November 08, 2011
Price: $39.95
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Enlarge your repertoire of revision strategies!

For many secondary students, writing effectively is the most elusive of the critical literacy skills needed for college and career readiness. And for many teachers, revision is the most difficult part of the writing process to tackle. How can adolescent writers be guided to revisit their work, to identify the weaknesses in their writing drafts, and revise—making their pieces stronger and more effective? The Common Core State Standards advocate strengthening students' writing through revision—a skill different from either drafting or editing—and using technology for creating and collaborating with others. This instructional guide, with its more than 30 flexible, classroom-tested strategies, demonstrates these practices and more:

  • Frontloading (planning, rehearsing, and conversing before writing)
  • Peer conferencing as part of a writers' workshop
  • Using technology to write, collaborate, and revise in and out of the classroom
  • Modeling effective revision techniques as writers and teachers of writing

Teachers will turn again and again to this easy-to-use resource, with its clear explanations of strategies correlated to the 6 Traits of Effective Writing, examples of "before-and-after" student work, and thoughtful quotes from published writers about their own writing and revision processes. These authors and experienced teachers of writing have provided a handbook that can be used immediately to scaffold students' revision and help them become more fluent, confident, and independent writers.

Key features

  • Real student writing examples from secondary classrooms.
  • Tools and schedules for using the book in a professional development setting.
  • A chapter on how frontloading during the prewriting process can result in less revision
  • Strategies for conducting effective mini-lessons on revision during writing workshop time
  • Tips for facilitating productive peer response time
  • A chapter on how teachers and students can use technology to enhance revision


Jolene Borgese photo

Jolene Borgese

Jolene’s experiences came from the fact that she was a “young, naïve teacher with little writing instruction and experience.” The remedy: she became involved in the first writing project in Pennsylvania in the summer of 1980 when she attended the six-week summer writing institute. For the next 15 years she was the co-director of the project with Dr. Robert Weiss at West Chester University. Jolene taught Writing Strategies Courses, designed the “Summer Youth Writing Project” and went off site to lead Summer Institutes in different parts of the state. This life-changing event shaped her teaching, her career and most importantly her students’ learning. She taught middle and high school for 21 years in suburban Philadelphia and earned her doctorate at Widener University where she researched what made students successful on local, state, and national writing assessments. She left the classroom to work with teachers as a staff developer, a national six traits trainer for a large educational publishing company. With a volunteer group, she traveled to Guatemala to help struggling schools. There she presented writing as a process, the six traits, and frontloading strategies to Guatemalan teachers. All were eager and excited to learn about writing and methods to help their students be better writers. Jolene found that it didn’t matter that most of the teachers were Spanish speaking and needed an interpreter to understand her; what they heard were motivating ideas, explicit instruction and the power of literacy that they could pass on to their students. Presently, Jolene has added to her repertoire literacy professor at local universities. She is active in many professional literacy organizations and is program co-chair for the Keystone State Reading Association annual conference in October, 2011.
Dick Heyler photo

Dick Heyler

Dick’s interest in writing and visualizing goes back to his college days at Penn State University when he was a writing major with a minor in photography. After graduation, he traveled the country in a Kerouac-mode working as a photographer. From Maine to Colorado to Florida and every state in between, he met the people of the country and heard their stories. Returning from “the road” he began teaching English in the Athens Area School District in Athens, Pennsylvania. As his teaching shifted toward engaging his students in writing, he became more and more interested in the writing process, how the various elements interacted with each other, and how the same writing could grow. Twenty-six years since he began teaching, he is still a writing teacher for the Athens Area School District and co-director of the Endless Mountains Writing Project at Mansfield University. Dick believes writing is a solid way to tell our stories and by our stories we understand our lives. He imparts this daily to his students. This book is an invitation to learn and a journey for all teachers who teach writing.
Stephanie Romano photo

Stephanie Romano

Stephanie taught first and second grade where creative writing was a part of the language arts curriculum. She encouraged her students to be storytellers and write their stories down; not just Stephanie, but also her students and school community heard and saw the power of their stories through their authorship. Years later, Stephanie was offered a position as a reading specialist in a public school in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Her administration asked her to gain knowledge in the writing process so she could meld the reading-writing connection for her at-risk students. She participated in the Pennsylvania Writing Project at West Chester University where Jolene co-directed the project. Through her writing experiences, she realized the reciprocal relationship that writing is important to reading and reading is important to writing. As she worked with her at-risk readers and writers for over 20 years, she implemented the tools that her students needed to become more literate. Stephanie was appointed to a statewide steering committee commissioned by the governor to develop the Oral History Project, an authentic learning experience integrating the academic standards of reading, writing, speaking and listening. At the Governor’s Institutes in Pennsylvania, this project was attended by hundreds of teachers with the understanding that they would implement it in their classrooms. This project culminated in 2006 with the publishing of the book which Stephanie co-authored with colleagues Diane Skiffington Dickson, Dick Heyler, and Linda Reilly entitled The Oral History Project: Connecting Students to Their Community, Grades 4 – 8. She is the past president of the Keystone State Reading Association and is presently the editor of their newsletter, The Keystone Reader. Stephanie earned her doctorate of Education in Reading at Lehigh University and has recently retired from the Department of Reading Education at East Stroudsburg University, Pennsylvania.

Table of Contents



About the Authors

Introduction: The Need for Revision Strategies

Revision Throughout the Writing Process

Part I. Think from the Start: Begin with Frontloading Activities

1. Code the Text

2. Cut, Slash, and Burn

3. Create a Character Sketch

4. Create an Argument

5. Write an Effective Speech

Part II. Focus on Ideas

6. Use Anecdotes

7. Expand the Memory, Expand the Text

8. Guided Revising

9. Search for Details: The Hunt

10. Read and Rewrite

11. Add Specifics

Part III. Focus on Organization

12. A B C Revision

13. Organize a Feature Article

14. Try a Different Genre

15. Snip 'n' Clip

16. Tally Up

Part IV. Focus on Voice, Word Choice, and Sentence Fluency

17. Create Authentic Voice

18. Write Less, Write More

19. Wordle

20. Sentence Fluency

21. Verbs! Get Some

Part V. Two Heads Are Better Than One: Peer Conference


23. Draw as a Way to Think and Revise

24. Marathon Writing

25. Pointing

Part VI. The Reading-Writing Connection: Consult Quality Literature

26. Once Upon a Time

27. And They Lived Happily Ever After

28. What Did You Say?

29. Paint a Picture with Words

30. Personification in Poetry

31. Write from Another Point of View

Part VII. Digital Communication by Nanci Werner-Burke

32. Vocabulary Exploration

33. Talk Before You Leap

34. All Together Now!

35. Give Me the Highlights

36. Picture This

List of Literature Cited




Price: $39.95
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