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Responsible Classroom Management, Grades K–5
Reduce office referrals, decrease suspensions, and increase responsible student behavior!
Written for principals and teachers, this book introduces a nationally tested discipline plan that emphasizes a team approach to managing student behavior. The Responsible Classroom Management Plan (RCMPlan™) demonstrates how a behavior support system can promote good citizenship and appropriate social conduct. This all-inclusive resource offers:
- A research-based model that shows teachers how to reinforce responsible behavior in a warm, inviting classroom environment
- Guidelines for developing flexible behavior standards and effective consequences in place of rigid rules
- Numerous tools, samples, and field-tested consequences for implementing RCM schoolwide
- Grade Level: K-5
- ISBN: 9781412973908
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2010
- Page Count: 152
- Publication date: April 26, 2010
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Other Titles in: Classroom Discipline | Schoolwide Discipline & Bully Prevention | Elementary Teaching Methods