Leading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency
Using vignettes focused on engagement, leadership, implementation frameworks, and collaborative learning, the authors demonstrate how to uncover and remedy inequities.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781071823699
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2022
- Page Count: 416
- Publication date: January 14, 2022
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
The pathway to uncovering and dismantling inequities
Educational leaders who work in the district, site, or classroom level know that opportunity gaps have long been a focus of education policy in the United States. Leadership can be a critical lever for advancing policies that oppose racism and confront systemic inequities. In meeting this challenge, educators have found that acknowledging beliefs and behaviors is critical. Still, deficit-based thinking, especially due to privilege, remains a barrier to equity. Among the most damaging blind spots is the continuation of practices that are grounded in the values of entitled groups.
Leading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency tells the story of a school community in the midwest United States that contended with its approach to teaching and valuing students of diverse backgrounds. Featuring the research-based Cultural Proficiency Framework and Tools, the book provides a clear road map to advancing equity across schools and districts. Designed to support leaders and school communities in developing policies and practices that respond to the needs of all students, this book
- Guides school leaders in a journey of learning the theory and strategies that improved student achievement and improved the working conditions in this district
- Features a real-life case study of a school community using the Tools of Cultural Proficiency and the Framework
- Provides vignettes and data, based on work conducted across an actual school district, that resulted in improvements in school climate, achievement, mindset, and equitable educational practices
- Includes powerful reflection, dialogic, and action activities for use in a variety of community learning modalities
- Is grounded in assets-based assumptions with respect to students, families, and the school community
With a focus on engagement, leadership, implementation frameworks, and collaborative learning, the authors demonstrate how to uncover and remedy inequities. Designed for education leaders at all levels of the education system, this is the ideal foundational text for implementing Cultural Proficiency in your setting as you open doors for all students to thrive.

Jaime E. Welborn
You can contact Dr. Welborn at info@midwestccps.org.
Website midwestccps.org
Twitter @welborn_jaime

Tamika Casey

Keith Myatt
Keith Myatt, Ed.D., was a full-time instructor in the School Leadership Programs at California State University, Dominguez Hills where developing school leaders dedicated to dismantling systems of oppression and focusing on Cultural Proficiency were at the heart of the program. Prior to that he was at the Los Angeles County office of Education in Educational Leadership Services as a director in the California School leadership Academy (CSLA). He is coauthor of Culturally Proficient Education: An Asset-Based Response to the Conditions of Poverty (Corwin, 2010) and Culturally Proficient Coaching, Supporting Educators to Create Equitable Schools, (Corwin, 2020). He has worked at the Museum of Tolerance providing seminars for educators wishing to establish Cultural Proficiency as an element of their work and provided seminars for educators supporting credential candidates with the tools of Cultural Proficiency and Coaching. He has recently been working to implement the California Administrator Performance Assessment and is currently helping to develop an Ed.D. program at Dominguez Hills dedicated to creating school systems focused on the success of each and every child.

Randall B. Lindsey
Email – randallblindsey@gmail.com
Website - CCPEP.org
Twitter - @RBLindsey41
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Part I: School Leadership: Educational Debt, Race, Social Class, and Change
1. Leading Equity Starts With “Why”
Why You?
Why District and School Leadership?
Why Cultural Proficiency?
Why Race and Social Class?
Why Do We Even Have to Consider Our "Why"?
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to our Next Destination
2. The Cultural Proficiency Framework: Research and Planning
On-Ramp to Planning, Research, and Cultural Proficiency
The Framework and Tools of Cultural Proficiency
A Case Study: Narratives as Illustrations of an Organizational Change Process Using the Tools of Cultural Proficiency
Inquiry: A Guide for Leading Organizational Change Toward Equity, Access, and Inclusion
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to our Next Destination
3. The Intersectionality of Race and Social Class
On-Ramp to the Intersectionality of Race and Social Class
A Word About Nomenclature: Words Matter
Theoretical Frameworks
Race and Social Class in Education
Opportunity, Access, and Educational Gaps
Equity by Whatever Means It Takes
Today’s Inequities
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
4. Individual and Organizational Change Leadership
On-Ramp to Leading the Change
Culturally Proficient Leadership for System Transformation
Being Present and Involved in the Work
Foundational Leadership Research on the Case of Eaveston
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
Part II: The Framework of Cultural Proficiency
5. Overcoming Barriers to Cultural Proficiency
Stories from Eaveston
On-Ramp to Overcoming Barriers to Cultural Proficiency
Identifying Barriers to Cultural Proficiency
Acknowledging and Overcoming Barriers
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to our Next Destination
6. Relying on Our Inclusive Core Values; The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency for Organizational Change
On-Ramp to Relying on the Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency
The Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency
Turning Inward and Relying on the Guiding Principles of Cultural Proficiency
Eaveston’s Reliance on the Guiding Principles
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
7. Telling Our Stories and Changing the Conversations: The Cultural Proficiency Continuum
Stories from Eaveston
On-Ramp to the Cultural Proficiency Continuum
The Cultural Proficiency Continuum
Eaveston’s Voices
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
8. Committing to Standards of Equity-Focused Change Through Improvement and Growth with the Essential Elements
On-Ramp to the Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency
The Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency
The Essential Elements Guide Development of a Transformational Equity Action Plan
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
Part III: Commitment to Planning, Collaboration, Growth, and Improvement
9. Implementation: Planning for Challenges Along the Journey
On-Ramp to Challenges of Implementation and Sustainability
Preparing for the Challenges of the Journey
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
10. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for School Leaders
On-Ramp to Recommendations for School Leaders
Diverse Family and Community Engagement
Professional Learning Communities
Continuous School Improvement
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
11. Implementation and Sustainability: Commitment to Action Planning
On-Ramp to a Commitment to Learning, Planning, and Ensuring Equity
Commitment to Learning and Action Planning
Strategic Planning for Implementation and Sustainability
Transformational Action Planning
Looking in the Rearview Mirror
On to Our Next Destination
12. Sustainability: Commitment to Ensuring Equitable Outcomes
On-Ramp to Ensuring Equitable Outcomes
Cultural Proficiency Policy to Practice
Building the Critical Mass
Race, Social Class, and Cultural Proficiency: Ensuring Equity for All
The authors do an excellent job of making connections between theory and practice, providing clear guidance and examples of how to bridge the two. This book provides a practical tool that can be applied immediately to help principals assess the alignment of their plans with continually moving toward being a culturally proficient organization.
Jeff RonnebergThe authors do an excellent job of making connections between theory and practice, providing clear guidance and examples of how to bridge the two. This book provides a practical tool that can be applied immediately to help principals assess the alignment of their plans with continually moving toward being a culturally proficient organization.
Leading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency is a must-read for anyone in education who wants to be the voice of educational reform so that all students feel valued and are able to achieve success regardless of race and/or socioeconomic status.
Melissa MillerLeading Change Through the Lens of Cultural Proficiency is a must-read for anyone in education who wants to be the voice of educational reform so that all students feel valued and are able to achieve success regardless of race and/or socioeconomic status.
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
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