Instructional Innovation+

Cultivating Teaching Teams Through Action Research
By: Jorge Valenzuela

With contributions by Serbrenia Sims, Drew Hirshon, Laurel Byrd, and Sara Leone

Empower teaching teams with data-driven instructional innovation

With teacher shortages, high staff turnover, and an influx of new and underprepared teachers, highly capable data-informed teaching teams are needed now more than ever.

Instructional Innovation+ provides educators with a systematic action research approach to achieve instructional innovation and guide teaching teams to success through careful analysis, collaboration, and implementation. Inside you’ll discover

  1. A new model, flexible framework and tools for teaching teams to develop their own unique system for effective collaboration and feedback
  2. How to develop and implement instructional methodologies and strategies to enhance student learning
  3. How to gather and analyze data to inform innovative teaching strategies
  4. How to identify your students’ unique needs, plus guidance for initiating improvements in the classroom

This impactful guide helps your teaching teams bridge the ever-widening gap between proven strategies and student success through practical and sustainable instructional innovation.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071985014
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2025
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: May 13, 2025
Price: $31.95
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Empower teaching teams with data-driven instructional innovation

With teacher shortages, high staff turnover, and an influx of new and underprepared teachers, highly capable data-informed teaching teams are needed now more than ever.

Instructional Innovation+ provides educators with a systematic action research approach to achieve instructional innovation and guide teaching teams to success through careful analysis, collaboration, and implementation. Inside you’ll discover

  1. A new model, flexible framework and tools for teaching teams to develop their own unique system for effective collaboration and feedback
  2. How to develop and implement instructional methodologies and strategies to enhance student learning
  3. How to gather and analyze data to inform innovative teaching strategies
  4. How to identify your students’ unique needs, plus guidance for initiating improvements in the classroom

This impactful guide helps your teaching teams bridge the ever-widening gap between proven strategies and student success through practical and sustainable instructional innovation.


Jorge Valenzuela photo

Jorge Valenzuela

Jorge Valenzuela is a respected performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined. His mission is to empower educators to lead confidently and teach with greater effectiveness. Specializing in instructional innovation and action research, Jorge provides expert training in team building, core instruction, project-based learning (PBL), STEM pathways, entrepreneurship, and life skills integration. Partnering with Corwin, he helps schools systematically enhance instructional practices and adopt innovative teaching strategies, including PBL. He is a published researcher and author who also hosts the Lifelong Learning Defined podcast, sharing insights and strategies to inspire and support educators.

Table of Contents


About the Author


Part 1 – Unifying the Path to Instructional Innovation by Building Collaborative Teams, Establishing Effective Feedback and Effective Core Instruction

Chapter 1: Fostering Synergy: Creating Shared Agreements for Collaborative School Environments

Chapter 2: Empowering Teachers: Effective Strategies for Providing Feedback

Chapter 3: The 5 Key Building Blocks of Effective Core Instruction

Chapter 4: Tools for Aligning Instruction and Assessment

Part 2 – 5 Steps to Instructional Innovation Through Action Research

Chapter 5: Step 1: Pinpointing Key Instructional Challenges and Problems of Practice

Chapter 6: Step 2: Conducting Instructional Rounds Using Learning Walks

Chapter 7: Step 3: Analyzing Learning Walk Data and Identifying Solutions Through Structured Data Debrief

Chapter 8: Step 4: Designing Data-Driven Professional Development (PD) Interventions for Solutions

Chapter 9: Step 5: Implementing Data-Driven Professional Development


Appendix A: Tools and Templates


Price: $31.95
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