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Giving up on School

Student Dropouts and Teacher Burnouts
Students aren't just dropping out of school, they're dumping it. Teachers aren't just quitting, they're running. Each group may blame the other, but they're running from the same problems, not each other. Both are victims of the alienation process that prevails in schools and is cultivated by conditions within the school, the community, and society at large.

According to the authors, attempts to decrease dropouts and burnouts have failed because reformers have approached them as two distinct problems. The root causes are the same in each and "mandate an immediate and drastic reappraisal".

Giving Up on School is the culmination of years of sociological and anthropolgical research in school settings. The authors offer a compelling portrait of those who "turn off, tune out, and drop out" and then propose changes - both modest and not-so-modest - to reverse the trend.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803934917
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1991
  • Page Count: 312
  • Publication date: October 07, 1991
Price: $42.95
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Students don't just drop out of school, they dump it. Teachers don't just quit, they bolt. Both are victims of the alienation process that prevails in schools -- and is cultivated by the conditions within the school, the community, and society at large. The search for a solution to these conditions is hardly new, but nearly all attempts have failed. Giving Up on School provides educators with the insight they need to know why previous "solu-tions" solved nothing because reformers have approached the situation as two distinct problems. The root causes are the same in each and "mandate an immediate and drastic reappraisal." Giving Up on School is the culmination of years of sociologi-cal and anthropological research in school settings. The authors offer a compelling portrait of those who "turn off, tune out, and drop out" and then propose changes -- both modest and not-so-modest -- to reverse the trend.

Table of Contents


The Contemporary Context of Cultural Expectations

Turned Off, Tuned Out, Dropped Out

Creating Failure: Why Students Drop Out

The Who and Why of Teacher Burnout

To Quit or Not to Quit

Alienation and Schools

Giving up on Schools: A Process Model

Why School Reforms Fail

Conclusion: Some Modest and Not So Modest Proposals

Other Titles in: At-Risk

Price: $42.95
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