Elementary School Secretaries

The Women in the Principal's Office
Nowhere is the role of the secretary more vital to the smooth functioning of the system than in the office of a school principal. But in spite of her importance (over 99% are women), traditional educational researchers have not approached this position as a valid topic of study.

Casanova - a former elementary school principal - examines the role of the school secretary, bringing recognition to a person who has been too long under-valued, under-paid and under-appreciated. She has broken new ground with an exploration of an occupation where women are the dominant force and on whom everyone depends, from students and parents to teachers and administrators.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-4
  • ISBN: 9780803938045
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1991
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: July 15, 1991
Price: $31.95
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Nowhere is the role of the secretary more vital to the smooth functioning of the system than in the office of a school principal. But in spite of her importance (over 99% are women), traditional educational researchers have not approached this position as a valid topic of study.

Casanova - a former elementary school principal - examines the role of the school secretary, bringing recognition to a person who has been too long under-valued, under-paid and under-appreciated. She has broken new ground with an exploration of an occupation where women are the dominant force and on whom everyone depends, from students and parents to teachers and administrators.

Table of Contents

A Historical Perspective of the School Secretary

Who are the School Secretaries

The School Secretaries' World

The Secretary and the Principal

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Research

Price: $31.95
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