Updated Edition of Bestseller

Common-Sense Classroom Management for Elementary School Teachers

Second Edition
By: Jill A. Lindberg, April M. Swick

Simple solutions and strategies for successful classroom management!

This revised and updated bestseller offers new teachers, teacher trainers, and mentor teachers easy-to-implement classroom management strategies ready for use in a variety of classroom settings. New topics cover successfully managing standardized testing, Internet safety, email and cell phones, classroom hygiene, and parent-teacher relationships.

Highlights include:

  • More than 70 classroom strategies needing five steps or fewer
  • Proven tactics for working with diverse learners in inclusive classrooms
  • "IDEA" features for learners with special needs
  • "Light Bulb" features for K-1 students  

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-4
  • ISBN: 9781412917223
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: April 12, 2006
Price: $39.95
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"It covers more practical information than I've seen compiled anywhere else."
--Deborah Gordon, Math Teacher, K-6
Madison School District, Phoenix, AZ

"A great reference no matter how long you have taught."
--Katina Keener, Second Grade Teacher
Gloucester County Schools, VA

"The organization and layout make it the perfect 'go-to' guide for virtually any problem. This book will revolutionize my management methods."
--Amy M. Turkowski, Student Teacher
Clement Avenue School, Racine, WI

Simple solutions and strategies for successful classroom management!

Through humor, drawings, and a conversational narrative voice, veteran educators Jill A. Lindberg and April M. Swick offer new teachers, teacher trainers, and mentor teachers this comprehensive collection of easy-to-implement classroom management strategies ready for use in a variety of classroom settings. Taking a nuts-and-bolts approach, this revised and updated second edition expands the original reader-friendly bestseller featuring invaluable, quick-reference insights into the most common issues and concerns faced by all teachers.

Special highlights include:

  • More than 70 classroom strategies that need five steps or fewer
  • Proven tactics for working with diverse learners in inclusive classrooms
  • "IDEA" sections throughout that customize strategies for learners with special needs
  • "Light Bulb" sections that highlight strategies for K-1 students

New to this edition are practical techniques for successfully managing standardized testing, Internet safety, email and cell phones, classroom hygiene, parent-teacher relationships, and more!

Key features

  • Revised and updated edition of teacher-friendly bestseller!
  • More than 70 classroom strategies ready to implement in 5 steps or fewer
  • New strategies cover standardized testing, Internet safety, use of e-mail and cell phones, classroom hygiene, and working successfully with parents.


Jill A. Lindberg photo

Jill A. Lindberg

Jill A. Lindbergretired from Milwaukee Public Schools in June 2003 and is currently a supervising teacher for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her teaching experience includes six years as a mentor teacher, assisting both general and special educationteachers in Milwaukee Public Schools.She has taught students with specific learning disabilities, students with emotional/behavior disabilities,and students with hearing impairment. She has coauthored five books in the Common-Sense Classroom Management serieswith educators from the Milwaukee area. She has a degree in exceptional education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
April M. Swick photo

April M. Swick

April M. Swick was assigned to Clement Avenue Elementary School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in August 1990 and began with a class of combined fourth and fifth graders. She was a highly involved staff member, concerned not only with the success of the children in her classroom but also with the betterment of the entire school population. She belonged to a wide variety of com-mittees and worked to ensure schoolwide discipline, a positive climate, and school spirit. After teaching for several more years, she and her current coauthor and friend, Jill Lindberg, became the first full-inclusion teaching team in the school. In the fall of 2002, April was appointed Principal of Clement Avenue School. She has earned a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, and she is pursuing a doctorate in education. Sharing her good ideas with young teachers and colleagues has been an extremely fulfilling experience. In the future, she would love to write and illustrate children’s books.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Christine Kadow



About the Authors

1. Taking Care of Teacher Business

Room Organization

Teacher Desk Organization


Independent Activities While Teacher Works with Small Groups

Reviewing Expectations

Field Trips

Making the Most of Your Paraprofessional Assistant

2. Creating a Positive Classroom Atmosphere

Classroom Seating

Decorating With Themes

Classroom Monitors and Jobs

Respect in Your Classroom

Teaching Social Skills

Ways to Include All Students in Classroom Participation

Super Student of the Week

Classroom Meetings

Compliment Book

Wall of Fame


3. Communicating With Parents

Parent-Teacher Relationships

Parent Conferences

Using Email With Parents

Using Cell Phones With Parentsl

Classroom Newsletters

4. Helping Parents Teach Children Safe Internet Practices

The Information Superhighway: Basic Information for Parents

Limiting Children to Appropriate Internet Content

More Tips for Safe Traveling

Using the Internet for School Projects

5. Working With Diverse Student and Family Populations

Working With Non-English-Speaking Students

Making Non-English-Speaking Students Comfortable in Your Classroom

Working With Non-English-Speaking Families

Working With Family Members Who May Be Illiterate

6. Dealing With Personal Hygiene Issues

Recognizing That a Problem Exists

Talking to Your Class

Talking With Parents

Providing Personal Care at School

Working With Support Staff

7. With-it-ness

Teacher Behaviors

Planning Ahead and Lesson Expectations

If a Lesson Really Isn’t Working

Looks, Gestures, Posture, and Positioning in Room to Convey Expectations

Demeanor and Actions During Lessons to Ensure Student Focus

Modeling Expected Responses

The Challenging Student

8. Transitioning

One Subject to Another

One Subject to Another: Moving Within the Room

Moving for Group Learning Activities

One Classroom to Another

9. Taking Care of Classroom Business

Entering School

Entering the Classroom

Beginning the Day


Homework Collection

Failure to Do Homework

Line Order

Bathroom Procedure


Pencil Sharpening

Gum, Candy, and Other Forbidden Edibles

Classroom Rules

Indoor Recess

Reentering the Classroom After Lunch and Recess

Ending the Day

10. Integrating Into Your School Culture

Becoming Part of the Team

Teacher Buddies and Mentors

To Socialize or Not to Socialize

The Teachers' Room

Ask for Help; Offer to Help

Other Supports for New Teachers

11. Preparing Your Students for Standardized Testing

Before the Test

Testing Day

After the Test

Test-Taking Tips for Students

12. Organizational Time

Desk Cleaning



Non-School-Related Materials

13. Rewards

Academic Rewards

Extra Special Class Time

Extra Art Time and Extra Gym Time

Leisure Time Activities

Lunch With the Teacher

Good News Phone Calls

Extra Classroom Chores

Whole-Class Rewards

Making Arrangements for Non-Reward Earners

Stickers, Stamps, and Other Goodies



Tokens and Play Money


14. Consequences

Identifying Challenging Students

Dealing with Mildly Challenging Behavior

Working with Chronic, Highly Disruptive Behavior

Suggested Readings



Price: $39.95
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