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Collective Efficacy
A Joint Publication with Learning Forward and Ontario Principals’ Council
If educators’ realities are filtered through beliefs that little can be done to influence student achievement, then these beliefs will manifest into practice. The solution? Collective efficacy.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781506356495
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2016
- Page Count: 152
- Publication date: October 21, 2016
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Improve student outcomes with collective teacher efficacy.
Is your school climate promoting meaningful change? Recent research suggests that Collective Efficacy (CE) is the number one factor influencing student achievement.
CE—the belief that, through collective actions, educators can influence student outcomes and improve student learning—is changing the educational ecosystem. A faculty with high Collective Efficacy show greater effort and persistence, willingness to try new teaching approaches, and attend more closely to struggling students’ needs. This book presents practical strategies and tools for increasing student achievement by sharing:
- Rationale and sources for establishing CE
- Conditions and leadership practices for CE to flourish
- Professional learning structures/protocols that promote CE
If educators’ realities are filtered through the belief that they can do very little to influence student achievement, then it is likely these beliefs will manifest in their practice. Help teachers develop mastery and CE by employing these key strategies.
“Acclaimed staff developer and experienced educational consultant Jennifer Donohoo puts the sword to the mistaken idea that the best way to improve teaching is by evaluating individuals. Donohoo takes an old idea—collective efficacy—strengthens it with a rigorous research base, and brings it alive through her countless observations of teachers' practice.
Collective Efficacy is about the overwhelming power that teachers have to improve student learning and achievement when they work together, explore every avenue open to them, and persist relentlessly once they have found the best ways forward. This book will turn many people's assumptions about how best to improve student achievement on their head. Probably one of the very best education books of the year.”
Andy Hargreaves, Brennan Chair in Education
Boston College
Key features
(2) Contains practical strategies for strengthening, sustaining, and measuring Collective Teacher Efficacy
(3) Also includes ideas for strengthening students' individual and collective efficacy.
(4) Each chapter includes case-like vignettes of what CE "looks like" when enacted across a school.
(5) Contains powerful designs for professional learning that foster CE in schools.

Jenni Donohoo
Jenni Donohoo is the director of Praxis-Engaging Ideas, Inc and a project manager for the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE). Jenni has a PhD in Educational Studies and Supervisory Officer Qualifications. Jenni is a former classroom teacher and currently works with system, school leaders, and teachers around the world to support high quality professional learning. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications and three best-selling books, including Collaborative Inquiry for Educators, The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry (with Moses Velasco), and Collective Efficacy: How Educators’ Beliefs Impact Student Learning. Jenni’s areas of expertise include collective efficacy, metacognition, adolescent literacy, and facilitating collaborative learning structures.
Table of Contents
List of Figures and Tables
About the Author
Chapter 1. Collective Teacher Efficacy
What Is Collective Teacher Efficacy?
Why Is Collective Teacher Efficacy Important?
Efficacy Shaping Information
In Conclusion
Chapter 2. Consequences of Collective Teacher Efficacy
Greater Effort and Persistence
Willingness to Try New Approaches
Conveying High Expectations
Fostering Learner Autonomy
Decreasing Disruptive Behavior
Increased Commitment
Enhanced Parental Involvement
In Conclusion
Chapter 3. Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy
Six Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy
Fostering Collective Efficacy: A Theory of Action
In Conclusion
Chapter 4. Enhancing Collective Efficacy Through Professional Learning
Seven Characteristics of Effective Professional Learning
Efficacy Enhancing Collaborative Learning Structures
Efficacy Enhancing Protocols
In Conclusion
Chapter 5. Leaders Utilize a Collaborative Inquiry Framework to Organize Actions
Getting Started
Stage 1: Plan
Stage 2: Act
Stage 3: Observe
Stage 4: Assess
In Conclusion
A. Template for Documenting Student Learning
B. Team Success Analysis Protocol
C. Observer as Learner Protocol
D. Evidence Analysis Protocol
E. Diversity Rounds Protocol
F. Developing a Shared Vision Protocol
G. School Visits Protocol
H. World Café Protocol
I. Assignment Analysis Protocol
J. The Enabling Conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy Questionnaire
K. Leadership Theory of Action
L. Characteristics of Collaborative Leadership Inquiry Continuum
"We knew that collective efficacy mattered, but Donohoo, in this easy to read, research based book makes it abundantly clear that schools need to focus on working together and believing in each other's ability to make a difference. Donohoo combines a synthesis of the research around collective efficacy with practical strategies and tools for how to create the right conditions for this skill set to flourish in schools."Jennifer Abrams, Educational Consultant
Author of Having Hard Conversations, Hard Conversations Unpacked, & The Multi-Generational Workplace
In a time when educators are under increased scrutiny and criticism, Donohoo builds a case using research and experiences as the foundation of how collaborative inquiry can improve the disposition and practice of teachers. Sprinkled with thought-provoking questions throughout the book, Donohoo encourages teachers and leaders to reflect on their practice to determine their own path to build a personal philosophy and collective belief set that all children can succeed."
"In Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator's Guide to School Improvement (2013), Donohoo Described what collaborative inquiry is and how to do it. In The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry: Realizing Change in Schools and Classrooms (2016), Donohoo and Velasco explained how collaborative inquiry can bring change to individuals and systems. Now in her new book, Collective Efficacy: How Educators' Beliefs Impact Student Learning, she shares the personal impact collaborative inquiry can have on teaching collectively and individually.Martin Chaffee, Leadership Consultant for School Administrators
In a time when educators are under increased scrutiny and criticism, Donohoo builds a case using research and experiences as the foundation of how collaborative inquiry can improve the disposition and practice of teachers. Sprinkled with thought-provoking questions throughout the book, Donohoo encourages teachers and leaders to reflect on their practice to determine their own path to build a personal philosophy and collective belief set that all children can succeed."
Oakland Schools, Michigan
"Collective efficacy beliefs can be inferred from the conversations we have in schools. If we do not provoke such conversations, question assumptions and consider new possibilities, we remain in a stuck state. Jenni’s work is both timely and important. It interrogates the concept of collective teacher efficacy, providing a clarity and understanding that feeds into a framework that will change those conversations, ensuring school movement and a culture of shared and high expectations."
Simon Feasey, Head Teacher (School Principal)"Collective efficacy beliefs can be inferred from the conversations we have in schools. If we do not provoke such conversations, question assumptions and consider new possibilities, we remain in a stuck state. Jenni’s work is both timely and important. It interrogates the concept of collective teacher efficacy, providing a clarity and understanding that feeds into a framework that will change those conversations, ensuring school movement and a culture of shared and high expectations."
Bader Primary School, Thornaby-on-Tees
Collective Efficacy is about the overwhelming power that teachers have to improve student learning and achievement when they work together, explore every avenue open to them, and persist relentlessly once they have found the best ways forward. This book will turn many people's assumptions about how best to improve student achievement on their head. Probably one of the very best education books of the year."
"Acclaimed staff developer and experienced educational consultant Jennifer Donohoo puts the sword to the mistaken idea that the best way to improve teaching is by evaluating individuals. Donohoo takes an old idea - collective efficacy - strengthens it with a rigorous research base, and brings it alive through her countless observations of teachers' practice.Andy Hargreaves, Brennan Chair in Education
Collective Efficacy is about the overwhelming power that teachers have to improve student learning and achievement when they work together, explore every avenue open to them, and persist relentlessly once they have found the best ways forward. This book will turn many people's assumptions about how best to improve student achievement on their head. Probably one of the very best education books of the year."
Boston College
"Jenni Donohoo has written a timely, compelling and wonderfully practical book, which will help leaders develop a stronger sense of collective efficacy in their schools. As Donohoo points out so clearly, what ‘we’, as a collective believe we can achieve together makes a significant difference. Our beliefs impact our actions which in turn impact our collective sense of competence, confidence and responsibility as professionals. Our actions can also change our beliefs through the work we do together. Collective Efficacy offers many strategies including the use of protocols for leaders that can be used to nurture school cultures where collective efficacy through impactful collaboration can take root, grow and thrive. While what we do as individual educators in our classrooms will always be important, what we can accomplish as a collaborative collective of professionals can change learning and growth trajectories for a whole school community."Beate Planche, Ed.D., Educational Consultant, Coach, and Co-Author of "Leading Collaborative Learning: Empowering Excellence"
Collaborative Learning Services
"A powerful guide for leaders wanting to unleash the impact of teachers! Donohoo masterfully bridges the theory- practice divide providing compelling evidence of why and how educators’ beliefs impact student learning and the results when teachers build their collective efficacy. The blend of practical strategies and a compelling 4 stage collaborative leadership inquiry model make this a must read for every education leader."Joanne Quinn, Consultant and Co-Author of Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts and Systems
Michael Fullan Enterprises & New Pedagogies for Deep Learning
This book is a thorough examination of the subject of efficacy in all its forms dating back to the work of Albert Bandura who really first made mention of this notion. Jenni has worked hard to uncover the extensive research base for the subject of efficacy and makes a sound case for the impact of collective efficacy in schools and organizations.
Dr. Donohoo’s previous work on Collaborative Inquiry is enhanced by this her most recent examination of the collaborative process which is her current passion and the focus of much of her writing and presenting.
What adds great value apart from the extensive research base to support this notion of efficacy is the manner in which she makes this work come alive with suggestions for practical application. While there is lots of theoretical background Dr. Donohoo has taken time to make it applicable and practical for collaborative teams with robust appendices filled with useful protocols teams can apply immediately.
This is a very helpful and valuable resource for any school leader and any group who see themselves working in a collaborative, team environment."
"Collective Efficacy has been a rather elusive topic ever since Professor John Hattie indicated that this subject would top his list of 150 influences in his Visible Learning research. Dr. Jenni Donohoo has seized the opportunity to take this work deeper and has, for me at least, provided the first really clear and comprehensive analysis of what efficacy is all about.Ainsley B. Rose, President
This book is a thorough examination of the subject of efficacy in all its forms dating back to the work of Albert Bandura who really first made mention of this notion. Jenni has worked hard to uncover the extensive research base for the subject of efficacy and makes a sound case for the impact of collective efficacy in schools and organizations.
Dr. Donohoo’s previous work on Collaborative Inquiry is enhanced by this her most recent examination of the collaborative process which is her current passion and the focus of much of her writing and presenting.
What adds great value apart from the extensive research base to support this notion of efficacy is the manner in which she makes this work come alive with suggestions for practical application. While there is lots of theoretical background Dr. Donohoo has taken time to make it applicable and practical for collaborative teams with robust appendices filled with useful protocols teams can apply immediately.
This is a very helpful and valuable resource for any school leader and any group who see themselves working in a collaborative, team environment."
Thistle Educational Development Inc. & Corwin Author Consultant
Other Titles in: Designing & Evaluating Staff Development | Teacher Leadership | Collaboration & Team Building
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact
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