Bringing Poetry Alive

A Guide to Classroom Practice
This book offers a wealth of ideas and support for ways to bring poetry alive, drawing on what is known to work, and exploring exciting fresh ideas. It will help you to teach poetry with imagination and confidence, so that you can try new things whilst still meeting national curriculum requirements. An enjoyable and uplifting book, it is a must for anyone working with children aged 5 to 14 who is looking for inspiration for their poetry teaching.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-8
  • ISBN: 9781446292617
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: June 13, 2011
Price: $53.00
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Are you looking for ways to get your students and yourself excited about poetry again? Are you tired of teaching the same old poems in the same old way?

This book offers a wealth of ideas and support for ways to really bring poetry alive, drawing on what is known to work, and exploring exciting fresh ideas. It will help you to teach poetry with imagination and confidence, so that you can try new things while still meeting national curriculum requirements.

Written by people who have taught poetry in different settings for many years, and with contributions from poets Michael Rosen and James Carter, this book offers ideas on:

  • Using drama
  • Cross-curricular working
  • What to do with younger learners
  • Inspiring children to write their own poems
  • And much more!

An enjoyable and uplifting book, it is a must for anyone working with children aged 5 to 14 who is looking for inspiration for their poetry teaching.


Michael Lockwood photo

Michael Lockwood

Name: Dr Michael Lockwood Job Title: Senior Lecturer in English and Education/Cp-Director BE Ed Responsibilities: University responsibilities: Organiser of the annual University-wide Raymond Wilson Children's Poetry Competition. Main responsibilities at the Institute of Education: Co-Director of BA(Ed) Programme; Course Leader of the BAEd English Subject Specialism course; Convenor of the First Language and Literacy Research Group. Teaching: Lecturing on undergraduate courses in the four-year BA(Ed) programme. My undergraduate teaching spans subject specialist modules in English Literature and Language at the students' own level and professional modules dealing with the teaching of English in the primary school Supervision of school experiences for BA(Ed) students Lecturing on modules in English in Education for the Institute MA programme Supervision of dissertations for students in the Institute MA programme Supervision of Higher Degree by Research students Areas of Interest: Research interests: Areas of expertise and research interest (able to supervise at Masters level): All areas of primary school English/Literacy Areas of expertise and research interest (able to supervise at PhD level): Children's knowledge about language at KS2 Poetry for children Reading for pleasure in the primary school

Table of Contents


Reflections on Being Children's Laureate

Teaching Poetry in the Early Years

Teaching Poetry in the Later Primary Years: Response

Teaching Poetry in the Later Primary Years: Writing

'Look Children - a Real Live Poet!': The Role of the Poet in Primary Schools

Cross-Curricular Approaches to Poetry

Teaching Poetry to Teenagers

Poetry Teaching and Drama

'Literary Reading': The Challenge of Getting Young People to Experience Poetry


Price: $53.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.