You Have to Go to School...You're the Teacher!
By: Renee Rosenblum-Lowden, Felicia Lowden Kimmel
Resolve classroom management challenges with 300+ field-tested insights, tips, and strategies!
In the third edition of this best-selling book, teacher, trainer, and keynote speaker Renee Rosenblum-Lowden and school counselor Felicia Lowden Kimmel share their expertise on positive classroom discipline and working with all learners in Grades K–12, including special and resistant learners and struggling learners. Blending the authors' common sense, wit, and professional knowledge, this edition features new information on:
- Defusing difficult situations
- Getting students to complete homework assignments, come to school prepared, and stay on task
- Figuring out how to partner with school counselors and parents
- Praising students appropriately and offering constructive criticism
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412951227
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2007
- Page Count: 200
- Publication date: December 20, 2013
Review Copies
Praise for the Second Edition:
"This book should be required reading for all teachers. The multitude of classroom strategies offers teachers invaluable insights and techniques."
—Michelle Fratti, Consultant, NYC Partnership for Teacher Excellence
Former Superintendent of Schools, New York City
Praise for the Third Edition:
"This book speaks to rookie teachers, veteran teachers, and every teacher in between. Through sharing stories, modeling behaviors, and holding up a mirror, the authors convey in a lighthearted way the truth of what teaching is all about—creating a classroom environment that encourages both students and educators to strive for and experience success."
—Sue Hughes, Supervisor
Allegany County Public Schools, MD
Resolve classroom management challenges with more than 300 field-tested insights, tips, and strategies!
In the third edition of this bestseller, teacher, trainer, and keynote speaker Renee Rosenblum-Lowden and school counselor Felicia Lowden Kimmel offer beginning and experienced teachers an abundance of techniques for dealing with everyday classroom management issues. Blending their professional knowledge, common sense, and wit, the authors provide new strategies for:
- Avoiding confrontations, defusing difficult situations, and encouraging honest communication
- Empowering students by building their confidence and cultivating responsible behaviors
- Getting students to complete homework assignments, come prepared, and stay on task
- Working with parents and staff
This timeless collection of innovative ideas and teacher-tested methods is an ideal "mentor-in-a-book" that educators will use again and again throughout their careers.
Rapper Jay-Z Thanks Ms. Lowden for Inspiring HimKey features
- Revised edition of best-selling title
- More than 300 easy-to-findinsights, tips, tactics, and strategies in one concise volume
- Appropriate for beginning or veteran teachers
- Expanded focus emphasizesspecial learners, resistant learners,growth, development,diversity, gender issues, homework, time on task,and more
- New coauthorFelicia Kimmel brings expertise as a school counselor

Renee Rosenblum-Lowden
Renee Rosenblum-Lowden has taught children and adolescents for more than 25 years in the New York City school system. Currently, she is sharing her love for teaching by presenting seminars and keynote speeches to new and veteran teachers throughout the country, as well as student teachers at various universities. She uses a sense of humor while arming them with great strategies for making classrooms safe and fun—while always being in control. She has developed a curriculum called Prejudice Awareness, using consciousness-raising techniques and incorporating her training in conflict resolution. She was selected by the NYC Board of Education to train teachers in this subject.
Ms. Rosenblum-Lowden has conducted workshops for improving communication with children and adolescents, using non-confrontational strategies for parents and teachers. Having taught family living and sex education classes, she has unique insights into the needs of her students. Ms. Rosenblum-Lowden did her undergraduate work at Long Island University and studied at The New School for Social Research and New York University. She continues to be a social activist. She is a transplanted New Yorker who is now living in Columbia, Maryland, with her husband Michael and their dog, Susie B. Anthony.

Felicia Lowden Kimmel
Felicia Lowden Kimmel grew up in Brooklyn, NY. She began her career in education as a high school ESOL and English teacher in San Francisco, before returning east to teach in the Washington DC area. She was selected to lead a Peer Mediation program at Annandale High School in Fairfax County, Virginia. Her program received a great deal of attention and national praise after the tragedy at Columbine. She was spotlighted as a panelist for NPR's "All Things Considered", as well as a featured guest on WPGC's "Stop the Violence". After several years in this capacity, she joined the high school's guidance department, while still continuing her involvement in conflict resolution. Felicia has also worked with school districts faculties on understanding prejudice.
Currently, Felicia is working as a school counselor in Montgomery County, Maryland. She lives in Olney with her husband Troy, their two daughters, Isabella and Lexi and their dog, Maggie.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Part I. Tips for New and Student Teachers
1. Odds and Ends for Beginners
Put Loved Ones on Notice
Your Students Didn't Sleep Last Night Either!
The Mentor Teacher
Dress Like a Grown-Up
Students Do Get Crushes
Flexible Personal Expectations
Everyone Else's Plans Are Better
The Clerical Work Blues
Ask Teachers for Help
Observing Other Teachers
Teacher Negativity
Just Say No
Part II. Beginning a Winning Year
2. They're Not Here Yet
Get to School Early
Organizing the Room
Put Up Diplomas
Say Cheese
Don't Be Caught Unprepared or Late
Friendly, But Not Buddies
First Name Versus Surname
Personal Records Debate
3. They're Here
The Rush to Seats
Seating Ideas
Don't Seat by Height or Gender
Dealing for Groups
Record Keeping Questionnaire
Now and Later Cards
What Is Your Favorite Subject?
The First Day "Sneaker"
Fun Introductions
You've Got Mail
Tangible Class Guidelines and Rules
Let Students Set Rules and Consequences
You Own the Limelight
You Can Always Ease Up
Sit With Your Students
Greet Students at the Door
Yowks! 5 Minutes Left
End the First Day on an Up Note
4. They're Gone and You Survived!
Everything Can Be Redone
You're Not a Shrink
You Can't Win `Em All
Go Home and Chill Out
Part III. Helping Students Be Responsible
5. Establishing Routines
Creatures of Habit
The Standardized Notebook
The "Do Now"/ ?Warm Up?
The Aim of "Aim"
Class Wrap-Ups
When to Give Out Worksheets
You Teach, Not Videos
Who Dismisses?
6. Have Them Come (and Stay) Prepared
You Are Not the Supply Store
Bless the Bargain Stores
Collateral, Please
Strings Attached
Creative Pencils
The Sharpener Cover
Pencils = Charity
?You Owe Me a favor?
Scrap Paper
7. Homework Strategies
The Importance of Homework
The Homework Spot
Numbering Homework
Collecting Homework
Hand in a Blank Sheet
Sign on the Dotted Line
Homework Buddies
Oops Pass
Homework Penalty (With Room for Redemption)
Homework Helper?You
8. Bathroom Breaks
The Sign-out Book
?Can You Wait a Minute? ?
The Visual Pass
Secret Code
Bathroom Coupons
Respecting the Restroom
It's That Time?
9. Empowering Students
We Make Our Own Choices
The Right to Pass
The Sanctuary
Tacit Approval
One Is a Rat?Ten Is Power
The "Many Kids Told Me" Fib
Don't Call Home
Softening the Call Home
Tons of Quizzes
Offer Choices
Confer for Grades
"Class"?The Collective Noun
Independent Reading, With Twinkies!
Go With the Roll
Incorporating Fads
Did They Learn What You Taught?
Role Reversal/Role-Playing
?Am I Boring??
Classroom Suggestion Box
A Fun Way to Limit Slang
Don't Overcorrect
Student Revenge: Your Personal Evaluation
"Help, I'm Being Observed!"
I Bragged About You
10. Setting Consequences
Every Act Has a Consequence
Coupons/Tickets/Marbles/ ?Money?
Sweets or No Sweets
Start With a 99%
Conduct Sheets
Torture Sheets
When to Call Home
Avoiding Confrontation
11. Preventing Showdowns
Going on Automatic
Everything Is Embarrassing
Humor, Not Sarcasm
The Biggest No-No: "Only Kidding"
"Shut Up!"?Not!
"I Told You So"
Avoid Arguments
Choose Your Battles
Start All Over
Beware of Empty Threats
No Spur-of-the-Moment Rules
Set Up Winning Situations
Don't Force Students to Lie
Make Rules Specific: Narrow Them Down
No Sides
No Comparisons
Never Attack Personally
12. Alternatives to Yelling
The ?Teacher? Look
The ?Excuse Me? Smile
The Lowered Voice
The Art of Gestures
Clap, Clap
Hurry, Shut Out the Lights!
Praising One
Initials On Board
Visual Commands
"I Am Waiting"
The Bellhop Bell
Stop Teaching
The Tardy Quiz
Early Bird Special
An Imaginary Friend
Word of the Day
13. Knowing Your Audience
Group Dynamics
Division of Labor
Don't Play "I Gotcha"
Deceiving Looks
Kids Have Bad Days, Too
Negative Attention Seekers
Good Kids Can Do Bad Things
Hold Students to Different Standards
Too Much Push on Sports
"Can We Really Be Anything We Want?"
Audio or Visual?
Check the Senses
Respect Privacy
A Secret Is a Secret, Unless...
Ignore Reputation
Permissive Versus Overly Permissive
Cultural Differences
What Language Is Spoken at Home?
Quality, Not Quantity
Confusing Neatness With Responsibility
Describe a Fight to a Potential Pugilist
The Sound-Off Minute
Part IV. Showing You're on the Same Team
14. Communicating Like a Pro
Acknowledge Feelings
Never Deny Perception
Use "I" Messages
"Let's" Instead of "You"
Interchange Gender Pronouns
Limit the "You Shoulds"
How to Listen
Make Limits Total Rather Than Partial
State Rules Impersonally
Vague Allegations
Describe What You See (or Don?t See)
Pick a Rule and Stick to It
Stay Simple: One Word or Sentence Will Do
The Desk Drummer
Would You Talk to an Adult That Way?
Don't Futurize
Don't Mix Criticism With Praise
Cursing ? Yes or No?
Forced Apologies Not Accepted
The Double Message
What Would Another Teacher Tell Me?
15. Being Fair
Admit When You Are Wrong
Admit When You Don't Know Something
Never Break a Promise
Never Demand a Promise
"I'm in a Bad Mood"
"This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You"
No "Boys Will Be Boys"
Etiquette Pitfalls
Please and Thank You
Gauge the Amount of Homework
16. Bonding Strategies
"I'm on Your Side"
Being Vulnerable: Share a Giggle
Relating Your Own Experiences
Staying Neutral
Those Special Few Minutes
15 Seconds of Fame
Creative Excuses
Bend the Rules
Read Aloud to Your Students
Giant Calendar
Celebrate Birthdays
Catch the Spirit
"I Thought of You"
Morning Meetings
Class Solutions
Decorating Your Room?Again
Thank Them for the Joy They Bring
When All Else Fails, Buy Pizza
Part V. Building Confidence Through Earned Praise
17. Self-Esteem Strategies
Praise, Praise, Praise?But Don't Overpraise
Acknowledge Improvements
Confidence Grading
Enthusiastic Credit When Credit Is Due
Put-Ups, Not Put-Downs
Respect Uniqueness
Leaders Need to Follow
Don't Rush to Correct
Call Home for the "Average" Student
"I Knew You Could Do It" (and More)
A Little White Lie
"You're a Late Bloomer"
Some of Us Can't Spell
Wonderful Comments on Paper
Post All Students' Work
"I Got a 97%! What Did You Get?"
Part VI. Safety
18. Personal, Physical, and Professional Safety
To Touch or Not to Touch
Face the Door
Never Release a Student to a Stranger
Never Throw a Student Out of Your Room
Don?t Break Up Fights
Screen the Videos
Your School's Emergency Plan
The Cafeteria
Keep the Door Open
You Are Neither a Pharmacist nor a Doctor
Do Not Drive Your Students in Your Car
Report Every Accident
Trust Your Gut Feelings and Follow Instincts
Go Home Already!
Part VII. Using Your Support System
19. Working With Parents
Meet Parents Right Away
Send Home an Introduction
Accommodate Parents
Inform Parents Early On
Tear on the Dotted Line
Parents and the Internet
Getting Parents Involved
Special Relative Day
Call Both Parents
Students at Parent Conferences?
Teacher as Middleman
Parent/Teacher Conference Management
Assuring Parents
The Defensive Parent
Parents and Homework
Children as Dream Fulfillers
Parents Knowing More Than You
The Blame Game
Don?t Stereotype
Beware of the Answering Machine
20. Working With the School Support Team
Cover Your Back?When to Consult Your School Counselor or Psychologist
Conflict Resolution
Cooperative Teacher Input
Buddy Teacher
Other Teachers? Successes
Confronting Other Teachers
No Gossiping About Your Students
Teacher Competition
Do You Float?
Field Trip Protocol
Helping Substitute Teachers
Preparing Your Students for Your Absence
Evaluating Substitute Teachers
Partnerships With Local Shops, Libraries, and Bookstores
Getting Along With the "Boss"
The Teachers' Union
Keep Those Skills Sharp
The Really Important People
Part VIII. Parting Shots
21. See You Next Year!
Is Teaching What You Really Want to Do?
Keep in Touch
The Portfolio
Holiday "Blahs"
Burnout Prevention
Only a Few More Months 'til Summer Vacation
Suggested Readings
"Rosenblum-Lowden’s energy alone lit up the room, and with her inspiring words, experienced advice, and genuine care, our students could not have been more moved. She is gifted with the way she shares her knowledge, and it is no wonder she is a sought-after presenter. She is a beacon for so many."Lisa Twiss, Instructor
Johns Hopkins University
“This book should be required reading for all teachers. The multitude of classroom strategies offers teachers invaluable insights and techniques."Michelle Fratti, Consultant, NYC Partnership for Teacher Excellence
Former Superintendent of Schools, New York City
"All who attended our end-of-the-year celebration made a special effort to let me know how much they enjoyed both interacting with Rosenblum-Lowden and listening to her presentation. I am certain they will be referring to You Have to Go to School…You’re the Teacher! for their entire careers."Andrea Mucci, Manager for New Teacher Support
Anne Arundel County Public Schools, MD
“Renee Rosenblum-Lowden is an inspiring writer who has a message for rookie teachers, veteran teachers, and every teacher in between. Through sharing stories, modeling behaviors, and holding up a mirror, she brings home in a light-hearted way the truth of what a career in teaching is all about—creating a classroom environment that encourages both students and educators to strive for and experience success.”Sue Hughes, Supervisor
Allegany County Public Schools, MD
"Packs in many important tips on classroom management challenges. All are common concerns: what's new here are new approaches and strategies to make the teacher's job easier."The Bookwatch, June 2008
Midwest Book Review