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The Skillful Team Leader

A Resource for Overcoming Hurdles to Professional Learning for Student Achievement

MacDonald offers a skillful approach to team leadership plus reality-based examples illustrating common hurdles in collaboration, shared leadership, goal setting, rigorous discourse, and continuous improvement.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452218830
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: March 05, 2013
Price: $43.95
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Get the most out of your PLCs and teacher teams!

All teams face hurdles. What distinguishes the skillful team leader from a less effective one is his or her approach in overcoming them. Whether you are a team leader or a trainer of team leaders, this book is an essential resource for you.

Elisa MacDonald offers a skillful approach to team leadership rooted in values, mindset, intelligence, and skill. Readers will learn from reality-based examples illustrating common team hurdles in collaboration, shared leadership, goal setting and attainment, rigorous discourse, and continuous improvement. This practical guide features:

  • Research-based and field-tested solutions for preventing and overcoming hurdles
  • Brief follow-up sections with tips for sustaining positive change
  • Ways to work beyond the team to shape and influence school culture
  • Prompts to apply learning to your own leadership hurdles
  • A common chapter format for easy reference and flexible use

"Teacher teams have become a common fixture of North American schools. However, not all teams make the best use of their meeting time by engaging in sustained, professional learning. Written in a clear, practitioner-friendly style, this book provides team leaders with an array of useful strategies to address common team hurdles and realize the promise of powerful, collaborative learning."
—Jim Knight, Author of Instructional Coaching

"This book is a fantastic resource for someone who leads teams every day. The vignettes echo the very real challenges that I continually see in team meetings. The book is organized so that I can easily find practical strategies to apply right away when I am facing major challenges in my daily work."
— Karen Coyle Aylward, Literacy Coach and Team Leader
Boston, MA

Key features

  • Guides team leaders through the process of facilitating meaningful collaboration and fostering sustainable implementation.
  • Goes beyond facilitation basics by focusing on the deeper cultural issues that may impede a team's effectiveness.
  • Chapters include engaging, reality-based dilemmas to illustrate common hurdles encountered by teams.
  • Chapters share a common organizational framework that lends itself to easily identifying problems encountered by teams, as they occur.


Elisa MacDonald photo

Elisa MacDonald

An educator for 30 years, Elisa B. MacDonald is the author of the best-selling book, The Skillful Team Leader: A Resource for Overcoming Hurdles to Professional Learning for Student Achievement. Her broad-ranging experience includes roles such as teacher, literacy coach, and assistant principal of instruction in the Boston Public Schools and adjunct professor for teacher action research at Boston College. As national director at Teach Plus, Elisa built up and led a program in six cities in which teams of teachers in chronically underperforming schools achieved rapid gains for students. Currently, Elisa consults with school districts and organizations, training and coaching team leaders and helping to transform teacher, school, and district-level leadership teams.

When Elisa isn’t championing students and teachers, she is on stage acting, driving her twins to soccer and theater, or experimenting in the kitchen, pretending she’s on the Food Network. Contact Elisa if you want to learn more about skillful intentional team leadership, or if you just want a delicious fudge recipe.

(Twitter) @elisaBmacdonald
(LinkedIn) Elisa B. MacDonald

Table of Contents

Dilemma Questions Index

List of Figures and Tables


About the Author

Part I. Foundations

1. A Skillful Approach

A Note From One Team Leader to Another

The Need for Skillful Team Leadership

An Introduction to a Skillful Approach: Values, Mindset, Intelligence, Skill

Important Information Regarding the Writing and Organization of This Book

2. Mindful About Mindset


Deconstructing the Fundamental Mindset Questions

The Developing Mind

Can We Change Our Minds?

Hurdles to Maintaining a Growth Mindset

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Fixed Mindset Culture to a Growth Mindset Culture

A Final Word

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

Part II. Hurdles

3. Alone Together: Overcoming Hurdles to Foster a High-Functioning, High-Impact Collaborative Team

What Is Collaboration, and Why Is It Needed?

Hurdles to Fostering a High-Functioning, High-Impact Collaborative Team

Considerations for Group Agreements

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Culture of Alone Together to a Collaborative Culture

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

4. Not It: Overcoming Hurdles to Achieve Shared Leadership for Learning

What Is Shared Leadership, and Why Is It Important?

Hurdles to Achieving Shared Leadership for Learning

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Culture of Dependency to a Culture of Shared Decision Making

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

5. Seemingly SMART: Overcoming Hurdles to Set and Attain Impactful Goals

What Are SMART Goals, and Why Are They Important?

Hurdles to Setting and Attaining Impactful SMART Goals

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Scapegoat Culture to a Culture of Mutual Accountability

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

6. Off-Course Discourse: Overcoming Hurdles to Lead a Team in Rigorous Discourse

What Is Rigorous Discourse, and Why Is It Important?

Hurdles to Leading a Team in Rigorous Discourse

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Culture of Nice to an Honest, Up-front Culture

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

7. Inertia: Overcoming Hurdles to Lead an Action-Oriented Team for Continuous Improvement

What Are Action-Oriented Teams, and Why Are They Important?

Hurdles to Leading an Action-Oriented Team for Continuous Improvement

Consider School Culture: Shifting From a Culture Acidic to Change to a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Application to Your Work: Connect, Observe, Explore, Act

A Closing Note


Resource 3.1 Function vs. Impact

Resource 3.2 Team Function, Impact Matrix Indicators

Resource 3.3 Compass Points: An Exercise in Understanding Styles in Group Work

Resource 3.4 Hopes and Fears Exercise

Resource 4.1 Adapted Consultancy Protocol

Resource 4.2 Is Your School Leadership at Its Highest Leadership Capacity?

Resource 5.1 Making the Shift From Seemingly SMART to SMART

Resource 5.2 SMA-H-RT Guiding Questions

Resource 5.3 Data Analysis Protocol

Resource 6.1 Six Phases of Adapting Data-Driven Instruction




Price: $43.95
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