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From math, literacy, equity, multilingual learners, and SEL, to assessment, school counseling, and education leadership, our books are research-based and authored by experts on topics most relevant to what educators are facing today.


Updated Edition of Bestseller

The New Elementary Teacher's Handbook

Flourishing in Your First Year

This reassuring handbook walks new teachers through their first days and covers the latest tips on technology, differentiated instruction, and planning effective standards-based lessons.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-5
  • ISBN: 9781412978095
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: January 18, 2013
Price: $39.95
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"This resource is extremely timely and well thought out. Wouldn't it be great if all principals gave their new hires this book along with their classroom keys?"
—Andrea Ziembia, Fifth-Grade Teacher, Morton Elementary School, Hammond, IN

"An indispensable companion for any new teacher, this book gives excellent advice for avoiding many hurdles and pitfalls and focusing on what's important—becoming outstanding teachers of young children."
—Carol A. Tateishi, Director
Bay Area Writing Project, University of California at Berkeley

"The book's lists, charts, tables, diagrams, and the narrative are amazingly helpful and insightful. This is more than a survival book; it is inspirational and affirming."
—Mary Ann Sinkkonen, Assistant Professor
Dominican University of California

Everything a new elementary teacher needs for getting started is right here!

This comprehensive guide from veteran educators gives first-year teachers a multitude of classroom-tested strategies for those critical first days of school. Written in a reassuring tone, this authoritative handbook walks you through setting up your classroom, managing behavior, planning lessons, assessing students' performance, and partnering with families. Thoroughly updated to meet the needs of today's classrooms, this new edition includes the latest tips on:

  • Teaching with technology
  • Differentiating instruction for students from diverse backgrounds, including English Language Learners
  • Preparing effective standards-based lessons
  • Achieving professional growth through job-embedded professional development

Teachers will find resources, samples, templates, homework contracts, strategies, checklists, and proven solutions to everyday challenges. Rest assured that you are not alone, and you will succeed!




Kathleen Feeney Jonson photo

Kathleen Feeney Jonson

In her 40 years as an educator, Kathleen Feeney Jonson, Professor Emeritus, has been a teacher, taught director of staff development, principal, director of curriculum and instruction, and university faculty. She conducted numerous workshops for teachers and administrators on such topics as reading comprehension strategies, writing process, portfolio assessment, peer coaching, and beginning teacher assistance programs. Until her retirement in summer 2009, Jonson was professor of education and coordinator of the Master in Arts in Teaching Reading program at the University of San Francisco's School of Education. She published three books with Corwin Press, including The New Elementary Teacher's Handbook (1st edition 1997, 2nd edition 2001), Being an Effective Mentor: How to Help Beginning Teachers Succeed (1st edition 2002, 2nd edition 2007), and 60 Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension in Grades K–8 (2006).

Nancy Cappelloni

Nancy L. Cappelloni, EdD, is an Educational Consultant, Learning Therapist, and Early Childhood Education Specialist. Dr. Cappelloni consults privately with families and their preschool through elementary-age children regarding a wide range of academically-related issues and learning-related challenges. She served as an adjunct professor in the Teacher Education Department at the University of San Francisco and has taught kindergarten, preK, and preschool for the past 20 years. Dr. Cappelloni was President of the Board of Directors of the California Kindergarten Association (CKA) and is a member of a number of other professional organizations (ASCD, NAEYC, NIEER, EdSource, MEPP, CAEYC, ASCD, First Five, and PDK). She holds a doctorate in education, a California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certificate, and a California Early Childhood Education Administrative Credential. Dr. Cappelloni conducts numerous professional development workshops for early childhood educators, primary school teaching staff, administrators, and families. Her areas of expertise are kindergarten readiness and self-regulated learning.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Authors

1. You Are Not Alone

2. Organizing Your Classroom and Yourself

3. Learner-Friendly Classroom Management

4. Behavior Management and Discipline

5. Preparing Lesson Plans that Engage Students

6. Instructional Methodologies

7. Assessing Student Learning and Performance

8. Developing Partnership with Families

9. Your Own Professional Development

References and Suggested Reading



Price: $39.95
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