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The General Educator's Guide to Special Education

Third Edition
By: Jody L. Maanum

The third edition of this user-friendly handbook offers easy-to-implement ideas, recommendations, and answers to questions to help general education teachers provide top-notch support for all students.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412971379
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publication date: June 15, 2012
Price: $47.95
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"This is a great resource for general and special education teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals looking for answers when working with students with special needs. What a wonderful guide for supporting our day-to-day work."
—Heidi Rinke, Special Education Teacher
Wheaton Area Schools, MN

The essential guide for teaching effectively in the inclusive classroom!

Through IDEA 2004, students who are eligible to receive services to meet their special needs are guaranteed certain rights and benefits in the general education classroom. The third edition of this user-friendly handbook offers easy-to-implement strategies, recommendations, and answers to questions that help general education classroom teachers provide the best support for all students.

In addition to an all-new section that outlines the basics of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model, this resource presents research-based intervention ideas to sustain student progress and describes:

  • Instructional approaches for the 13 recognized disability categories under which students may be eligible to receive special education services
  • An easy to follow, step-by-step explanation of the special education process
  • Ready-to-use classroom accommodation and modification options to ensure appropriate student access to the general education curriculum
  • The transition process for students with special needs

Accessible, up-to-date, and comprehensive, The General Educator's Guide to Special Education provides much-needed guidance to new and veteran teachers as they meet the diverse needs of their students.

Key features

This user friendly resource:

· Defines and provides educational approaches for the 13 IDEA recognized special education categories under which students may be deemed eligible to receive special education services.

· Provides a general-educator friendly, easy to follow, step by step explanation of the Special Education Process

· Offers classroom accommodation and modification ideas, ready for immediate use, to ensure children are receiving appropriate access to the general education curriculum.

· Outlines the basics of the Responsive to Intervention (RtI) model and descriptively presents research-based intervention ideas that can be instantly implemented to support student progress.

· Encourages the need for and implementation of a smooth and appropriate transition for students with special needs.



Jody L. Maanum photo

Jody L. Maanum

Jody L. Maanum has taught in both the general and special education settings for 13 years, working diligently to implement best practice techniques and differentiated strategies to meet the individual needs of all students. Maanum is currently the literacy coach and Response to Intervention training specialist for the Midwest Special Education Cooperative in West Central Minnesota. She has been instrumental in promoting early literacy achievement in all children and fully implementing the RTI model in the nine school districts within the cooperative in which she works. She received her bachelor of arts degree in elementary education from Concordia College and obtained a master of science degree in special education from the University of Minnesota, Moorhead.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

I. Federal Special Education Disability Categories




Emotional Disturbance

Hearing Impairment

Mental Retardation

Multiple Disabilities

Orthopedic Impairment

Other Health Impairment

Specific Learning Disability

Speech or Language Impairment

Traumatic Brain Injury

Visual Impairment

II. The Special Education Process

Special Education Flow Chart

Explanation of the Special Education Process

Traditional Formal Assessments

Explanation of Test Scores

Non-Traditional and Progress Monitoring Assessment

Section 504

Special Education Acronyms and Abbreviations

III. Access to the General Education Curriculum: Accommodations, Modification, Strategies, and Assistive Technology



Assistive Technology

IV. Meeting the Needs of All students: Response to Intervention

The "Very Basic" Steps of RTI

Three-Tier System

Intervention Strategies

Language Arts Strategies

Whole Class Strategies

Reading Comprehension

Written Expression Strategies

Written Mechanics Strategies

Whole Group Response

Keeping Students on Track

Behavior Interventions

Behavior Management Strategies

V. Transitions for Students With Disabilities

Educational Transitions

What Is a Transition Portfolio

Secondary Transition Needs From High School to Adulthood

Medication Resources





Price: $47.95
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