The Clarity Series: Creating Passionate Learners

Engaging Today's Students for Tomorrow's World
By: Kim Brown, Tony Frontier, Donald J. Viegut

Foreword by Dr. Russell J. Quaglia

More student engagement yields better outcomes. In this book, three experts deliver a detailed plan for fostering a common engagement literacy to create passionate learners.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483344485
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2015
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: June 11, 2015
Price: $29.95
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Increase student engagement and create passionate learners.

The path that leads a student to drop out of school is typically long, with engagement fading each year until the student stops attending.

Clearly, increasing student engagement is the key to halting this sequence. But lack of consensus on the definition of “engagement” makes this difficult.

What schools need is a common engagement literacy – a simple yet nuanced understanding of how to maximize engagement.

This book offers the first comprehensive system for defining engagement and optimizing it in any student cohort. Inside, you’ll learn:

  • How to improve teacher feedback methods for maximum engagement
  • The power of mindset (for both educators and students).
  • Key vocabulary terms for furthering the engagement process.

With this book, you can block the path to dropping out and create a community of passionate learners.

Key features

(1) Makes an urgent case for prioritizing student engagement in school improvement efforts and professional development.
(2) Designed to cultivate a common professional vocabulary built around "engagement literacy."
(3) Promotes the use of metrics focused on student engagement.
(4) Underscores the critical connections between mindset, teacher feedback, student passion, and high achievement.
(5) Includes examples of schools that have succesfully implemented and sustained communities of passionate learners.


Tony Frontier photo

Tony Frontier

An award winning teacher, engaging presenter, and best-selling author, Tony Frontier works with teachers and school leaders nationally and internationally to help them prioritize efforts to improve student engagement and student learning. With expertise in student engagement, formative assessment, effective instruction, and strategic planning, Frontier emphasizes a systems approach to build capacity to empower teachers to improve each student’s schooling experience.

Frontier is co-author of the ASCD books Five Levers to Improve Learning: How to Prioritize for Powerful Results in Your School with Jim Rickabaugh, Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching with Bob Marzano and David Livingston, and the forthcoming Balancing Teacher Evaluation, Supervision, and Reflection with Paul Mielke. Frontier is a frequent contributor to Educational Leadership, and facilitates workshops on school improvement, student engagement, curriculum design, formative assessment, and standards-based instructional practices at international conferences and in schools and districts around the country.

Frontier serves as an Assistant Professor of Doctoral Leadership Studies at Cardinal Stritch University, where he teaches courses in curriculum development, organizational learning, research methods, and statistics. Additionally, Frontier serves as a Senior Consultant for Capacity Unlimited. As a former classroom teacher in Milwaukee Public Schools, an Associate High School Principal, and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Whitefish Bay School District, Frontier brings a wealth of experience as a classroom teacher, building administrator, and central office administrator to his workshops, writing, and research.

Frontier has been recognized by Marquette University as the Outstanding Young Alumnus for the School of Education, was the recipient of the Jack Keane Outstanding Young Educator Award for the State of Wisconsin, was selected as an ASCD Emerging Leader, is a past member of the ASCD Leadership Council, and past-president of Wisconsin ASCD.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Dr. Russell J. Quaglia



About the Authors

1. An Introduction to Creating Passionate Learners

The Educational Anachronism

Beyond the Next Mandate

The Intent of Policies and the Ensuing Debates

Assumptions Driving the Current Context

An Alternate Premise: A Humanist Approach to Education and Cognitivist Approaches to Learning

From Past Practice to Next Practice: New Assumptions for Schools in the 21st Century

2. Committing to Engagement Literacy

Test Scores Tell Only Part of the Story

In Search of Something More

Defining Student Engagement

Why Engagement is Important

Mistaking Compliance for Engagement

A More Nuanced Viewed: Types of Student Engagement

Engagement as Malleable: Classrooms and Schools Matter

3. The Power of Mindset


Power of Effort

Leveraging Mindset

Changing our Mental Models About Mindset to Affect Student Engagement

Efficiency for Adults and Effectiveness for Students

Making Learner Psychology Relevant

Migrating from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset

The Implications of Growth Mindset for Emotional, Behavioral, and Cognitive Engagement

The Importance of Dispositions

Dispositions: Now and in the Future

Dispositions Nested in the Framework for Creating Passionate Learners

Growth Mindset Dispositions

Classroom Strategies for Strengthening Student Dispositions

How Growth Mindset Supports Passionate Learners

4. Internal Dialogue: Reengage Learners Using Teacher Feedback

Internal Dialogue

Use Positive Suppositions to Influence Students’ Views of Themselves and Translate to Confidence in the Classroom

Develop Students’ Internal Dialogue by Using Language Intentionally

Efficacy Through Deliberate Language

Using Careful Feedback to Aid in Students’ Reflection

Valuing Student Voice in Feedback

Formative Assessment and Formative Feedback Strategies

When Students Self-Correct

The Implications of Internal Dialogue for Emotional, Behavioral, and Cognitive Engagement

Internal Dialogue Dispositions

How Internal Dialogue Supports Passionate Learners

5. Self-Determination

Self-Determination Theory

Differences Between Autonomy Supportive and Controlling Teachers

The Implications of Self-Determination for Emotional, Behavioral, and Cognitive Engagement

Self-Determination Dispositions

Self-Determination Through the Teacher’s Eyes

How Self-Determination Support Passionate Learners

6. Classroom Culture: Setting the Tone for Engagement

Culture Defined

A Culture of Purpose and Commitment to Support Cognitive Engagement

Cognitive Engagement as a Culture of Learning or a Culture of Performance?

Cognitive Engagement as a Culture of Inquiry or a Culture of Right Answers?

A Culture of Purpose and Commitment to Support Emotional Engagement

Emotional Engagement as a Culture of Judging or a Culture of Understanding?

Emotional Engagement as a Culture of Me or We?

A Culture of Purpose to Support Behavioral Engagement

Behavioral Engagement in a Culture of Compliance or Authenticity?

Behavioral Engagement as a Culture of Low Expectations or Expertise?

Passion Deflators

The Teacher Whisperer

Culture Dispositions

How Culture Support Passionate Learners

7. High-Leverage Reforms

Student Engagement as the Filter for High-Leverage Reform

Case Studies: Transactional and Transformational

Considerations and Implications in Determining High-Leverage Reform Strategies

8. Leading the Transformation for Creating Passionate Learners

Planning for Transformational Change and the System Work of School Leaders

Transformational Leadership in Action

Influencing a Heightened Leader Commitment to Student Engagement

Guiding Leaders' Focus on Student Engagement

Appendix: Effort Tracker



Price: $29.95
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