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Secondary Lenses on Learning Participant Book

Team Leadership for Mathematics in Middle and High Schools

Lead a successful mathematics program to help all students realize their full potential!

This participant book is part of a comprehensive professional development program for site-based mathematics leadership teams in secondary schools. Designed for participants of the Secondary Lenses on Learning program, this resource contains:

  • Three observation and reflection tools
  • Introductory essays and Big Ideas corresponding to each of the seminar's six sessions
  • Relevant, accessible, and thought-provoking readings that bring current research and knowledge into the seminar
  • A comprehensive set of data collection and reflection tools designed to inform leaders' plans for improving the mathematics program at their site

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9781412972796
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 424
  • Publication date: August 28, 2009
Price: $105.95
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Leadership Solutions

"What is so exciting about the Secondary Lenses on Learning materials is how the process brings together a team to collect and analyze data and form an action plan."
—Dan Chazan, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Maryland

"To quote the principal from one school team that participated in our pilot program: 'Unlike most schools in the state, my school saw growth in our mathematics student achievement this year. The Secondary Lenses on Learning seminar was extremely valuable in improving skills for staff and learning for students.'"
—Linda Foreman, Director
Teachers Development Group

Lead a successful mathematics program to help all students realize their full potential!

This participant book, in combination with the facilitator's guide, forms a comprehensive professional development program designed to improve the efforts of site-based mathematics leadership teams for middle and high schools.

Secondary Lenses on Learning prepares leaders to explore concepts in middle and high school algebra as a window into content, instruction, and assessment. You will learn how to assess the strengths and needs of your mathematics programs, set goals, and generate plans for ongoing improvement by engaging in extended explorations and conversations based on readings, problem-based activities, cases, and videos. The participant book contains:

  • Three observation and reflection tools
  • Introductory essays and Big Ideas corresponding to each of the six sessions of the seminar
  • Relevant, accessible, and thought-provoking readings that bring current research and knowledge into the seminar
  • A comprehensive set of data collection and reflection tools designed to inform leaders' plans for improving the mathematics program at their site

This innovative program provides the tools to examine the leadership tasks and responsibilities that contribute to an effective mathematics program and authentic reform within any school district.

Key features

  • Comprehensive professional development program for site-based mathematics improvement teams designed to advance middle and high school students' mathematics achievement
  • Fosters a deeper understanding what it means to be mathematically literate in today's world and what kinds of learning opportunities help to make significant mathematics accessible to all students
  • Participant book includes relevant readings, focus questions, data collection assignments, observation/reflection guide and rubrics
  • Facilitator's guide includes an accompanying DVD with video clips keyed to sessions, detailed facilitation notes, numbered handouts for each session, and document samples
  • Materials have undergone extensive field testing with math leadership teams throughout the United States


Steve Benson photo

Steve Benson

Steven R. Benson is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he teaches a variety of mathematics content courses for traditional undergraduate students and in-service mathematics teachers. Before joining the Lesley faculty, Dr. Benson was a Research Scientist at Education Development Center, Inc., where he was involved in a wide variety of projects, most of which involved the development of curricula for mathematics students and teachers. He has also facilitated preservice and in-service teacher professional development workshops across the U.S. and internationally (including serving as consultant to the Ministry of Education in Azerbaijan), directed a research project investigating the genesis and development of mathematical talent in Mathematical Olympians, and edited the problem calendar section of the Mathematics Teacher journal published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Prior to joining the EDC staff in June 2000, he held mathematics faculty positions at St. Olaf College, Santa Clara University, University of New Hampshire, and University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and is currently a co-director of the Master of Science for Teachers program at the University of New Hampshire. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois, working under the direction of Leon McCulloh in algebraic number theory.

Table of Contents



About the Authors

Part I. Useful Tools

Secondary Lenses on Learning Observation and Reflection Guide for a Mathematics Lesson

Levels of the Math-Talk Learning Community: Action Trajectories for Teacher and Student

Task Analysis Guide

Part II. Session Introductions and Readings

Session 1. What Does It Mean to Know Algebra? (Content)

Readings and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 1 (Two Homework Readings)

Session 2. What Does High-Quality Instruction Look Like? (Instruction)

Readings and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 2 (Two Homework Readings)

In-Session Readings for Session 2

Session 3. How Can Assessment Support Learning and Instruction? (Formative Assessment)

Readings and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 3 (Two Homework Readings)

Session 4. How Can We Hold High Expectations and Provide Strong Support for All Students? (Equitable Practices)

Readings and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 4 (Readings 4.1 and 4.2 for All Participants and Readings 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 to Be Divided Among Building Team Members)

Session 5. How Can Professional Development Enable Teachers to Improve Student Achievement? (Practice-Based Professional Development)

Readings and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 5 (Three Homework Readings)

In-Session Readings for Session 5

Reading Option for DATA Assignment Following Session 5

Session 6. How Can School Leaders Advance Their Mathematics Program Toward Success for All? (Mathematics Improvement Process)

Reading and Focus Questions to Prepare for Session 6 (One Homework Reading)

Part III. Team DATA Assignments (Data As a Tool for Assessing the Mathematics Program)

Team DATA to Collect Between Session 1 (Content) and 2 (Instruction)

Part A: Overview of DATA Assignments Between Sessions 1 and 2

Part B: Templates for Data Collection

Part C: Whole Team Reflection

Team DATA to Collect Between Session 2 (Instruction) and Session 3 (Formative Assessment)

Part A: Overview of DATA Assignments Between Sessions 2 and 3

Part B: Templates for Data Collection

Part C: Whole Team Reflection

Team DATA to Collect Between Session 3 (Formative Assessment) and Session 4 (Equitable Practices)

Part A: Overview of DATA Assignments Between Sessions 3 and 4

Part B: Templates for Data Collection

Part C: Whole Team Reflection

Team DATA to Collect Between Session 4 (Equitable Practices) and Session 5 (Practice-Based Professional Development)

Part A: Overview of DATA Assignments Between Sessions 4 and 5

Part B: Templates for Data Collection

Part C: Whole Team Reflection

Team DATA to Collect Between Session 5 (Practice-Based Professional Development) and Session 6 (Mathematics Improvement Process)

Part A: Overview of DATA Assignments Between Sessions 5 and 6

Part B: Templates for Data Collection

Part C: Whole Team Reflection

Areas to Pursue: Composite List

A Few Final Thoughts

Price: $105.95
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