School House Bullies (Facilitator's Guide + DVD)

Preventive Strategies for Professional Educators
Second Edition
By: Judy M. Brunner, Dennis K. Lewis
Created by school safety experts, this best-selling resource includes all-new video vignettes and an updated facilitator’s guide, with a focus on research-based, proven strategies that prevent bullying.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483386010
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2015
  • Page Count: 72
  • Publication date: March 05, 2015
Price: $117.95
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The best-selling complete resource for effective bullying prevention - now fully updated!

Does your school need an effective approach to bullying prevention? Thousands of educators have turned to this research-based, bullying prevention program created by respected school safety experts. With a DVD and facilitator’s guide, this complete resource focuses on positive actions that your team can take now to reduce bullying.

Presenting new video vignettes for each grade level and compelling discussion topics, this learning program will help your team develop a shared approach to bullying prevention. Participants will

  • Gain perspective on the challenges schools face today in addressing all forms of bullying, including cyber-bullying
  • Master proven techniques to reduce anti-social behaviors associated with aggression and harassment
  • Develop skills for working with both victims and aggressors to break the cycle of bullying
  • Familiarize yourself with the legal implications of bullying and harassment
  • Review the key elements of a bullying prevention plan
  • Discover how to empower students and families to join prevention efforts

Create a safer school environment and a stronger community by equipping administrators, faculty, and staff with the tools for change.

Key features

  • Up-to-date research and information from experts on bullying prevention
  • Completely new Videos allow for easy self-guided or group-lead training on bullying prevention
  • Accompanying Facilitator’s Guide offers multiple ways in which to use the training videos in professional development events as well as provides surveys and checklists to use at one’s own school site.

Facilitator Guide Components
Surveys – Parent, Staff, and Student
Discussion Questions for Activating Background Knowledge
Review Questions for Use After Watching Video
Tabletop Exercises for Students and Staff
Sample Action Plan
Sample Workshop Agenda


Judy M. Brunner photo

Judy M. Brunner

Judy Tilton Brunner is an author and consultant having served as an elementary, middle, and high school principal. She is currently Clinical Faculty at Missouri State University in the Department of Reading, Foundations, and Technology and a regular presenter at national and state conferences on the topics of literacy, differentiated instruction, student engagement, classroom management, school safety, and the prevention of bullying behaviors.

As consultants, Judy and Dennis K. Lewis work with school districts across the United States on topics related to creating and maintaining safe schools, crisis planning and management, managing aggressive and violent students, and the prevention of bullying behaviors. They have served as expert witnesses in matters of litigation on school violence and bullying and have written numerous articles for national school safety magazines, periodicals and served as guest lecturers for several universities. They are the co-founders of Edu-Safe LLC, a school safety and advisory service, as well as Instructional Solutions Group.

Their method of training school staff and crisis management teams for responding to classroom and school emergencies by problem solving events through the use of tabletop exercises has been featured in a variety of national publications. Both are widely respected in the field of school safety.

Dennis K. Lewis photo

Dennis K. Lewis

Dennis K. Lewis has over thirty-eight years of experience in working to provide safe schools and communities, including seventeen years as the director of a school police department for a large mid-western school district. He has held numerous offices for the National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers (NASSLEO) and is the past President of that organization.

As consultants, Dennis and Judy Brunner work with school districts across the United States on topics related to creating and maintaining safe schools, crisis planning and management, managing aggressive and violent students, and the prevention of bullying behaviors. They have served as expert witnesses in matters of litigation on school violence and bullying and have written numerous articles for national school safety magazines, periodicals and served as guest lecturers for several universities. They are the co-founders of Edu-Safe LLC, a school safety and advisory service, as well as Instructional Solutions Group.

Their method of training school staff and crisis management teams for responding to classroom and school emergencies by problem solving events through the use of tabletop exercises has been featured in a variety of national publications. Both are widely respected in the field of school safety.

Table of Contents


How to Use This Guide

I. Video Discussion Questions

1. Introduction to Bullying

2. The Dynamics of Bully/Victim Relationships

3. Intervention Strategies for Staff

4. Working With Bullies

5. Helping the Victim

6. Helping the Bystander

7. Supporting Parents

8. Supporting Parents of Victims

9. Supporting Parents of Bullies

10. Social Media and the Internet

11. Vignettes

II. Tabletop Exercises: Using Scenario-Based Exercises for Increased Participant Learning

Staff Scenarios

Exercise Instructions

Facilitator Instructions

Tabletop Exercises

Student Scenarios

Exercise Instructions

Facilitator Instructions

Tabletop Exercises

III. Using Surveys to Gather Data on Bullying at Your School

Student Surveys

Staff Surveys

Parent Surveys


Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Components

Cease and Desist Harassment


Price: $117.95
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