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Why Some Leaders Succeed and Others Fail
First Edition
By: Michael Fullan

A Joint Publication With the Ontario Principals' Council and the B.C. Principals' and Vice Principals' Association

Break the cycle of surface-level change and failure
How do leaders become clearer as complexity increases? We live in a world where decisions require judgment, getting people on board, drawing on local knowledge, ingenuity, and commitment. As leaders, how do you get beneath surface-level change to tackle complex challenges with depth and clarity. Nuance is the answer. Michael Fullan returns with an eminently readable, compelling and practical guide on the three habits of nuance: joint determination, adaptability, and culture-based accountability. Learn how you can:

  • Combine the power of networks and humanity to get to desired destinations
  • Embrace complexity and understand context to develop better judgmenChange the culture of your organization to harness the forces of nuance
  • Develop quality change that sticks

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544309927
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2018
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: November 20, 2018
Price: $30.95
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Break the cycle of surface-level change and failure

How do leaders become clearer as complexity increases? We live in a world where decisions require judgment, getting people on board, drawing on local knowledge, ingenuity, and commitment. As leaders, how do you get beneath surface-level change to tackle complex challenges with depth and clarity.

Nuance is the answer.

Michael Fullan returns with an eminently readable, compelling and practical guide on the three habits of nuance: joint determination, adaptability, and culture-based accountability. Learn how you can:

· Combine the power of networks and humanity to get to desired destinations.

· Embrace complexity and understand context to develop better judgment

· Change the culture of your organization to harness the forces of nuance.

· Develop quality change that sticks

With tons of examples and case studies of this book makes explicit the hidden habits and mind frames of leaders who deliver lasting change.


Michael Fullan photo

Michael Fullan

Michael Fullan served as Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Special Policy Adviser in Ontario from 2003-2013. He received the Order of Canada (OC) in December 2012 and holds five honorary doctorates from universities around the world. His ‘interim autobiography’, Surreal Change, covers his work to 2018. Michael and his colleagues are now working diligently on field-based comprehensive system change in several countries. This work operates under the umbrella of what they call the ‘shared humanity paradigm’ —Equity, Engagement, Excellence--Deep change that integrates local (school and community), middle (district/regional), and state (policy) entities.

Fullan’s favorite method of learning is to partner with groups that are engaged with change; and to learn together with them. (And then to write another book about the experiences, and what was learned).

Michael Fullan’s latest books are: Nuance (2019), Spirit Work and the Science of Collaboration (with Mark Edwards, 2022), The Principal 2.0 (2023), and The Drivers (with Joanne Quinn, 2023).

For more information on books, articles, videos, podcasts please go to: www.michaelfullan.ca

Table of Contents

Introduction: Making the World Go Round

Chapter 1. The Nature and Need for Nuance

Nuance: A Subtle Difference in or Shade of Meaning, Expression, or Sound

Surfacers vs. Nuancers

Leonardo da Vinci: The Patron Saint of Nuance

Nuance: Never More Needed Than Now

The Nature of Nuanced Leadership

The Nuanced Leadership Framework

Chapter 2. Jointly Determined Change: Be Right at the End of the Meeting

The Prevalence of Bad Leadership

Joint Determination

Case Example One: The Problem of Declining Levels of Principal Well-Being

Case Example Two: Districtwide Transformation to “Deep Learning”

Case Example Three: School Turnaround

Case Example Four: Turning Around Persistently Failing Schools

Integrative Leadership

Chapter 3. Adaptability: Learn and Lead in Equal Measure

Case Example Five: Rescuing Education From Technology

Case Example Six: The Toronto District School Board

Case Example Seven: Shattering Inequity

Case Example Eight: Global Initiative in Deep Learning


Chapter 4. Culture-Based Accountability: Trust and Interact

The Fruitless Pursuit of Top-Down Accountability

Ingredients of Culture-Based Accountability

1. Use the Group to Change the Group

2. Precision Over Prescription

3. Feedback: Collaboration, Candor, and Autonomy

4. Trust and Interact vs. Trust but Verify

5. See the Forest and the Trees

6. Accountability as Culture

Examples of Natural Accountability Linked to Results

Case Example Nine: Strengthening Whole System Accountability

Case Example Ten: Integrating Accountability and Improvement

Culture Counts

Chapter 5. Nuanced Leaders and the World

More Macro

Learners and Change Agents: Attack Inequity and Thrive on Every Level

Being and Becoming a Nuanced Leader




About the Author


Price: $30.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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