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Bully Prevention

Tips and Strategies for School Leaders and Classroom Teachers
Second Edition
By: Elizabeth A. Barton

Excellent for use in both elementary and secondary classrooms, this resource provides updated research and the tools for building a successful schoolwide anti-bullying program.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412939188
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: May 25, 2006
Price: $32.95
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"This book has numerous practical and relevant suggestions. It could be purchased for an entire staff and used for a faculty book study."
—Judy Brunner, Principal
Parkview High School, Springfield, MO
Co-Founder of EDU-SAFE

"This is not just another book delineating the problem. It gives answers! It is easy to read, and the perfect length. I would recommend this book to any administrator or classroom teacher."
—Ruth Gharst, Assistant Administrator
Heatherstone Elementary, Olathe, KS

Make your school safer for all children with a practical anti-bullying program!

We've seen it too manytimes—the weak, lonely child being tormented by an aggressive, powerful bully. The result is a damaging outcome for the victim, bully, and school community at large. Bully Prevention, Second Edition, addresses the growing concern of bullying and violence by offering updated strategies for developing social skills, resolving conflicts, and intervening in bullying situations.

Providing techniques for immediate implementation in both elementary and secondary classrooms, this resource includes:

  • Explanations of the relationships between bullies, victims, and witnesses
  • Case studies and vignettes
  • Role plays for use with students
  • Guidelines for intervening in bullying situations

By using these tools to plan and implement anti-bullying programs, educators can increase the safety of all their students.


Elizabeth A. Barton photo

Elizabeth A. Barton

Elizabeth Barton is associate director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies and assistant professor (research) at Wayne State University.As a developmental psychologist specializing in socioemotional development, she has served as a national consultant on school-based violence for over a decade.She recently received a U.S. Department of Education grant to study violence exposure on learning in a longitudinal sample of urban youth and is currently conducting a statewide assessment in Michigan of organizational readiness for youth violence prevention programs. Barton is the author of numerous publications, including Leadership Strategies for Safe Schools.She is an Urban Health Initiative fellow, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She earned her PhD and MA at Wayne State University.

Table of Contents


Publisher's Acknowledgments

About the Author

1. The Bully, Victim, and Witness Relationship Defined

Bullying Defined

The Role of Conflict and Aggression

The Bully-Victim-Witness Relationship

Research Findings on Bullies and Victims


2. Origins of Bully-Victim-Witness Behavior

Nature Versus Nurture

Family Characteristics

Individual Characteristics

School and Classroom Characteristics


3. Implementing the Schoolwide Anti-Bullying Program

Anti-Bullying Program Development and Implementation Sample

Development of Schoolwide Anti-Bullying Programs

Anti-Bullying Within the Context of the Safe School Plan

Case Study: Flavell Middle School

Elements of a Schoolwide Anti-Bullying Plan


4. Strategies for Managing and Preventing Bullying Behavior in the Classroom

Management Versus Prevention Techniques

Prevention Strategies

Curriculum: Process Versus Infusion

Classroom Programs to Prevent Bullying


5. Strategies for Intervention

Intervening in Bully-Victim Relationships

Talking With Families and Caregivers About Bullying


6. Evaluating Anti-Bullying Initiatives

The Importance of Evaluation

Evaluation Methods


7. Legislation Regarding Bullying Behavior

Legal Implications for Schools

Legislative Trends





Price: $32.95
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