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Twelve Roles of Facilitators for School Change

Second Edition
By: R. Bruce Williams

Foreword by Arthur L. Costa

Facilitate change in schools with this innovative shared leadership approach!

Dramatic and effective change in schools requires a collaborative team approach—one where educators focus on student learning, promote shared decision making, and communicate visible achievements to students, teachers, and parents. Packed with practical tools, this updated edition guides principals, superintendents, staff developers, and other leaders through the change process, outlining 12 essential roles based on the four main functions of effective facilitators:

  • Leading the collaboration and change process 
  • Providing skills training 
  • Acting as a resource consultant 
  • Motivating and energizing the group

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412961134
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 272
  • Publication date: March 10, 2014
Price: $45.95
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"The principles and ideas presented are not just for school improvement. Many of the materials can be used for an entire gamut of situations. There is something for everyone."
—Lyndon Oswald, Principal
Sandcreek Middle School, Idaho Falls, ID

"The book deals with a time-sensitive and time-intensive topic, and its worth will be known only when it is purchased and used by serious educational entities."
—Lori Grossman, Instructional Coordinator for Professional Development Services
Houston Independent School District, TX

Facilitate change in schools with this innovative shared leadership approach!

In today's world of increased accountability, the need for effective and dramatic school change is stronger than ever. Continuous school improvement requires a collaborative team approach—one where educators focus on student learning and achievement, promote shared decision making, and communicate visible achievements to students, teachers, and parents.

This updated edition of Twelve Roles of Facilitators for School Change shows education leaders how they can become powerful agents of school reform. Advocating a transformational vision of leadership and learning, the author outlines 12 essential roles on the leadership team and provides practical tools for individuals in each role to use in facilitating the change process. This easy-to-use, research-based volume guides principals, superintendents, staff developers, and other leaders through the four main functions of effective facilitators:

  • Leading the collaboration and change process
  • Providing skills training
  • Acting as a resource consultant
  • Motivating and energizing the group

By following the clear, step-by-step directions in this book, educators at all levels will learn to facilitate and embrace change, leading to higher student engagement and achievement!


R. Bruce Williams photo

R. Bruce Williams

Bruce Williams has more than thirty five years of international consulting experience,and is noted for his expertise in group facilitation and in planning and team building methodologies. Williams' specialty is facilitating participative, interactive group workshops whether they are focused on strategic planning and consensus building or instructional methodologies for the classroom. He has conducted successful workshops on brain compatible learning and school change facilitation, and he frequently presents in the areas of cooperative learning, higher order thinking skills, and authentic assessment. With seven years' experience in teaching English as a second language in Japan and Korea, Williams is highly experienced in working with diverse populations. Thirty-six years' experience in adult training also make him a valuable resource in facilitating school change. In addition to conference workshops in 2002 in Australia and New Zealand, he has been invited three times to present workshops for teachers in Singapore. In April of 2004, Williams was the keynote speaker for 400 principals and teachers in Beijing.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Arthur L. Costa


About the Author

Introduction to the New Edition


Part 1. Process Leader

1. The Architect Sees the Big Picture

2. The Carpenter Builds Consensus

3. The Contractor Steers the Process

Part 2. Skills Trainer

4. The Coach Devises Strategies

5. The Quarterback Leads the Team

6. The Sportscaster Announces the Game

Part 3. Resource Consultant

7. The Producer Organizes the Project

8. The Director Overcomes Obstacles

9. The Promoter Advertises Successes

Part 4. Group Energizer

10. The Conductor Stayes True to the Score

11. The Concertmaster Harmonizes the Environment

12. The Critic Celebrates the Performance






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Price: $45.95
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