Theses and Dissertations

A Guide to Planning, Research, and Writing
Second Edition
By: R. Murray Thomas, Dale L. Brubaker

Take the anxiety out of preparing your thesis or dissertation!

In a conversational style, the authors help masters and doctoral students approach the process of writing a thesis or dissertation with confidence by providing checklists, multiple examples, and practical strategies. This revised classic offers updated references and new information on Internet searches, narrative summaries, plagiarism, and Internet publishing options. Addressing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, this resource takes readers through five critical stages:

  • Preparation
  • Selecting and defining research topics
  • Collecting and organizing information
  • Interpreting the results
  • Presenting the finished product

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412951166
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 352
  • Publication date: July 03, 2013
Price: $47.95
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"This text moves beyond simplistic 'procedures to follow' to in-depth discussions of stages in the research process, providing strong reference points and examples for students embarking on the disciplined inquiry of thesis and dissertation research. A valuable text for proposal writing classes, faculty members who direct dissertations and theses, and students throughout the research process."
—Betty J. Alford, Chair of Secondary Education and Educational Leadership
Stephen F. Austin State University

"Graduate students will be in debt to professors Thomas and Brubaker for providing a long-overdue guide to the rite of passage known as theses and dissertations. This book is realistic, clear, and refreshingly sensitive to what students need to know."
—Seymour B. Sarason, Professor of Psychology Emeritus
Yale University

Take the anxiety out of preparing your thesis or dissertation!

This revised classic helps graduate students approach the thesis or dissertation writing process with confidence, offering updated references and new information on Internet searches, narrative summaries, plagiarism, and Internet publishing options. The authors help readers stay on track by providing checklists and multiple examples as they progress through five critical stages:

  • Preparation
  • Selecting research topics
  • Collecting and organizing information
  • Interpreting the results
  • The final presentation

With thorough guidelines for evaluating research options, this indispensable resource helps make the writing process a satisfying and rewarding one!

Key features

  • Outlines 5 stages of writing a thesis or dissertation
  • Conversational toneand style helps graduate students approach this intimidating topic
  • Each chapter includes checklists to help readers stay on track and make continual progress toward their goal
  • Includes a sample outline of a dissertation proposal


R. Murray Thomas photo

R. Murray Thomas

R. Murray Thomas (Ph.D., Stanford University) is an emeritus professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where for three decades he taught educational psychology and directed the program in international education. He began his 50-year career in education as a high school teacher at Kamehameha Schools and Mid-Pacific Institute in Honolulu, then continued at the college level at San Francisco State University, the State University of New York (Brockport), and Pajajaran University in Indonesia before moving to Santa Barbara. His professional publications exceed 340, including 46 books for which he served as author, coauthor, or editor.

Dale L. Brubaker photo

Dale L. Brubaker

Dale L. Brubaker is Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has also served on the faculties of the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He received his doctorate in foundations of education from Michigan State University. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books on education and educational leadership, including CREATIVE CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP (Corwin), STAYING ON TRACK, (Corwin), and CREATIVE SURVIVAL IN EDUCATIONAL BUREAUCRACIES.

Table of Contents


About the Authors

1. The Nature of Theses and Dissertations

Stage I. Preparing the Way

2. Sources of Guidance

3. Searching the Literature

Stage II. Choosing and Defining Research Topics

4. Sources and Types of Research Problems

5. Building and Adapting Theories

6. Stating the Problem and Its Rationale

Stage III-A. Collecting Information

7. Types of Research Methods and Sources of Information

8. Data Collection Techniques and Instruments

9. Things That Go Wrong

Stage III-B. Organizing Information

10. Classification Patterns

11. Summarizing Information Verbally, Numerically, Graphically

Stage IV. Interpreting the Results

12. Modes of Interpretation

Stage V. Presenting the Finished Product

13. Writing the Final Version

14. Mounting a Persuasive Defense

15. Reaching a Wider Audience

Appendix: Outline of a Dissertation Proposal




Price: $47.95
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