Spirituality in Educational Leadership

Revitalize your leadership and help shape a better future for the students you serve!

This fourth volume of The Soul of Educational Leadership series offers key strategies for identifying the moral and ethical dimensions of school leadership practice. With thought-provoking contributions from top leadership figures like Terrence E. Deal, Dawna Markova, and Scott Thompson, this enlightening volume combines research with innovative ideas for practice and emphasizes:

  • Spirituality within a life-sustaining context
  • The role of spirituality in empowering leaders as agents for transformative change
  • A moral obligation to create safe and supportive learning spaces for students

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412949422
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: The Soul of Educational Leadership Series
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication date: August 09, 2013
Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


"A useful book for those who want to find balance in their lives and add a dimension of spirituality to their leadership."
—Kenneth Killian, Assistant Professor
Vanguard University of Southern California

"The information is approachable, nonthreatening, and personal. The authors discuss their own past roles as educational leaders, providing instant credibility."
—Jennifer Baadsgaard, Assistant Principal
Roosevelt High School, San Antonio, TX

Revitalize your leadership and help shape a better future for the students you serve!

This fourth volume of The Soul of Educational Leadership series offers key strategies for identifying the moral and ethical dimensions of school leadership practice. With thought-provoking contributions from top leadership figures like Terrence E. Deal, Dawna Markova, and Scott Thompson, this enlightening resource combines research with innovative ideas for practice and emphasizes:

  • Spirituality within a life-sustaining context
  • The role of spirituality in empowering leaders as agents for transformative change
  • A moral obligation to create safe and supportive learning spaces for students

Spirituality in Educational Leadership helps educators align everyday practice with core values in ways that will make a significant difference in their professional and personal lives.

Key features

  • Compact volume offering contributions from top school leadership figures in theory and practice
  • Combines research, practice, and innovative thinking into a single volume
  • A joint publication with AASA and the HOPE Foundation


Paul D. Houston photo

Paul D. Houston

Paul D. Houston has established himself as one of the leading spokespersons for American education through his extensive speaking engagements, published articles, and his regular appearances on national radio and television. Formerly executive director of the American Association of School Administrators from 1994 to 2008, Houston has served as a teacher and building administrator in North Carolina and New Jersey. He has also served as assistant superintendent in Birmingham, Alabama, and as superintendent of schools in Princeton, NJ; Tucson, AZ; and Riverside, CA. Houston has served in an adjunct capacity for the University of North Carolina, Harvard University, Brigham Young University, and Princeton University. He has served as a consultant and speaker throughout the United States and overseas, and he has published more than 100 articles in professional journals.
Alan M. Blankstein photo

Alan M. Blankstein

Award-winning author and educational leader, Alan Blankstein served for 25 years as President of the HOPE Foundation, which he founded and whose honorary chair is Nobel Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A former “high-risk” youth, Alan began his career in education as a music teacher. He worked for Phi Delta Kappa, March of Dimes, and Solution Tree, which he founded in 1987 and directed for 12 years while launching Professional Learning Communities beginning in the late 1980s. He is the author of the best-selling book Failure Is Not an Option®: Six Principles That Guide Student Achievement in High-Performing Schools, which received the Book of the Year award from Learning Forward. Alan is Senior Editor, lead contributor, and/or author of 18 books, including Excellence Through Equity with Pedro Noguera,. He also authored some 20 articles in leading education print including Education Week, Educational Leadership, The Principal, and Executive Educator. Alan has provided keynote presentations and workshops for virtually every major U.S. Ed Org, and throughout the UK, Africa, and the Middle East. Alan has served on the Harvard International Principals Centers advisory board, and the Jewish Child Care Agency, where he once was a youth in residence.
Robert W. Cole photo

Robert W. Cole

Robert W. Cole is proprietor and founder of Edu-Data, a firm specializing in writing, research, and publication services. He was a member of the staff of Phi Delta Kappan magazine for 14 years: assistant editor 1974-1976, managing editor 1976-1980, and editor-in-chief 1981-88. During his tenure as editor-in-chief, the Kappan earned more than 40 Distinguished Achievement Awards from the Association of Educational Publishers, three of them for his editorials.

Since leaving the Kappan, Cole has served as founding vice president of the Schlechty Center for Leadership in School Reform (1990-1994). At CLSR he managed districtwide and communitywide school reform efforts and led the team that created the Kentucky Superintendents’ Leadership Institute. He formed the Bluegrass Leadership Network, in which superintendents worked together to use current leadership concepts to solve reform-oriented management and leadership problems.

As senior consultant to the National Reading Styles Institute (1994-2005), Cole served as editor and lead writer of the Power Reading Program. He and a team of writers and illustrators created a series of hundreds of graded short stories, short novels, and comic books from Primer through Grade 10. Those stories were then recorded by Cole and Marie Carbo; they are being used by schools all across the United States to teach struggling readers.

Cole has served as a book development editor for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), for Corwin Press, and for Writer’s Edge Press. He has been president of the Educational Press Association of America and member of the EdPress Board of Directors. He has presented workshops, master classes, and lectures at universities nationwide, including Harvard University, Stanford University, Indiana University, Xavier University, Boise State University, and the University of Southern Maine. He has served as a special consultant to college and university deans in working with faculties on writing for professional publication. Recently he began serving as managing editor and senior associate with the Center for Empowered Leadership.

Table of Contents


About the Editors

About the Contributors


1. What’s Spirituality Got to Do With It?

2. The Spiritual Dimension of Leadership

3. Spiritual Courage: Leading From the Inside Out

4. Appreciative Inquiry: A Strategy for Reshaping Education That Builds on Strengths and Hopes

5. Community in School: The Heart of the Matter

6. The Stories of Practicing Superintendents: The Struggle to Make the Right Decisions

7. Personal Growth in the Workplace: Spiritual Practices You Can Use

8. Spiritually Oriented Leadership in a Secular Age

9. Spiritual Leadership: The Invisible Revolution

10. Leadership on a Teeter-Totter: Balancing Rationality and Spirituality



Other Titles in: Leadership

Price: $39.95
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