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Rethinking Leadership

A Collection of Articles
Second Edition
By: Thomas J. Sergiovanni

Foreword by Carl Glickman

Explore the moral craft of school leadership!

In the second edition of this revolutionary collection of articles, school leaders are introduced to the craft of moral leadership. Thomas J. Sergiovanni, a leading authority on the subject, uncovers how successful leadership practices are often based in values and ideas rather than formal processes. Readers will learn a comprehensive approach to reframing leadership as they discover how to:

  • Practice effective instructional leadership
  • Approach leadership as a moral craft
  • Implement the practices that promise new successes
  • Build an effective learning community

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412936996
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: June 21, 2006
Price: $40.95
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"A seminal collection of work from the foremost scholar of educational leadership of the last half century."
-Joseph Murphy, Professor
Peabody College at Vanderbilt University

"A powerful collection of articles by North America's foremost authority on moral leadership. A comprehensive, coherent and definitive treatment of all aspects of moral leadership: What it is, how to develop it, how to lead in the learning community, and about value-added leadership for the future!"
-Michael Fullan, Professor of Policy Studies
University of Toronto

"With Sergiovanni's customary clarity and focus, he reminds us of the vital role that morality, relationships, purpose, and artistic action play in making schools serve kids and community. A great resource for every principal, teacher leader, and system administrator."
-Gordon A. Donaldson, Jr., Professor of Education
University of Maine

"When you open Rethinking Leadership, you will enter a treasure trove of revolutionary ideas that will stir your soul-and change your concept of leadership forever."
-Stephen P. Gordon, Professor and Co-Director
National Center for School Improvement, Texas State University

Explore the moral craft of school leadership!

In the second edition of this revolutionary collection, school leaders are introduced to the craft of moral leadership. Thomas J. Sergiovanni, the leading authority on moral leadership, uncovers how successful leadership practices are often based in values and ideas rather than formal processes. Readers will learn an innovative approach to reframing leadership, while discovering how to build effective learning communities.

Written by the best of the best, this groundbreaking work truly redefines school leadership!

Key features

  • The best from one of the foremost scholars in educational leadership
  • Concise articles that can be read cover to cover or one at a time for leadership development moments, professional study groups, or individual reflection


Thomas J. Sergiovanni photo

Thomas J. Sergiovanni

Thomas J. Sergiovanni is Lillian Radford Professor of Education at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, where he teaches in the school leadership program and in the five-year teacher education program. Sergiovanni received his master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia University, his Doctor of Education degree from the University of Rochester, and honorary degrees from the University of San Diego and State University of New York. Prior to joining the faculty at Trinity, he was on the faculty of education administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, for 19 years, and he chaired the department for seven years. A former associate editor of Educational Administration Quarterly, Sergiovanni serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education and Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice. Among his recent books are Moral Leadership (1992), Building Community in Schools (1994), Leadership for the Schoolhouse (1996), The Lifeworld of Leadership: Creating Culture, Community, and Personal Meaning in Our Schools (2000), Supervision: A Redefinition (2002), and Strengthening the Heartbeat: Leading and Learning Together in Schools (2005).

Table of Contents

Foreword by Carl Glickman

Prologue: On Rethinking Leadership: A Conversation With Tom Sergiovanni by Ron Brandt

Section 1. Leadership as a Moral Craft

Leadership and Excellence in Schooling

Administering as a Moral Craft

New Sources of Leadership Authority

Leadership as Stewardship

Section 2. The Developmental Stages of Leadership

Adding Value to Leadership Gets Extraordinary Results

Why Transformational Leadership Works and How to Provide It

The Roots of School Leadership

Why We Should Seek Substitutes for Leadership

Section 3. Leading the Learning Community

Changing Our Theory of Schooling

Leadership as a Practice

Getting Practical

The Eight Basic Competencies

Section 4. Value-Added Leadership

The Lifeworld of Leadership

The Virtues of Leadership

Craftsman Leaders Are Critical



Other Titles in: Leadership | Reflective Practice

Price: $40.95
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