
Maximizing People Power in Schools

Motivating and Managing Teachers and Staff
The effective administrator knows that a school's greatest resource is people—and that desired goals such as school improvement and better services can be achieved by developing the potential and competency of teachers and support personnel.

This volume focuses on maximizing productivity of people in schools and covers all phases of professional development. Specific suggestions are given on a number of areas, such as hiring the best teachers, providing quality in-service training, motivating and evaluating teachers, arresting burnout, dismissing incompetent teachers, and using support staff resources. A trouble-shooting guide to major problems confronting administrators is also included. The busy administrator dealing with day-to-day problems will find this book an invaluable resource.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803960152
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Successful Schools
  • Year: 1992
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: April 30, 1992
Price: $28.95
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This volume focuses on maximizing productivity of teachers and other school staff and covers all phases of professional development. Specific suggestions are given on a number of areas, such as hiring the best teachers, providing quality in-service training, motivating and evaluating teachers, arresting burnout, dismissing incompetent teachers and using support staff resources.


Larry E. Frase photo

Larry E. Frase

Larry E. Frase was professor and department chair of educational leadership in the College of Education at San Diego State University. He was a former superintendent of schools of the Catalina Foothills District in Tucson, Arizona, and is the author, coauthor, or editor of 23 books and 80 professional journal articles. His books include Top Ten Myths in Education; School Management by Wandering Around; and Teacher Compensation and Motivation. He is also coauthor of Walk-Throughs and Reflective Feedback for Higher Student Achievement. He has presented papers at AERA and UCEA. He is a senior lead auditor, having led curriculum audits of 32 school systems, including Oakland, California, and Baltimore, Maryland. Frase earned his EdD at Arizona State University.

Table of Contents


Staffing the School Right the First Time

Teacher Burnout and Mediocrity

The Antidote is Professional Development and Motivation

Evaluating and Supervising Teachers

Managing the Marginal Teacher

Strategies for Assisting the Marginal Teacher

Staying Legal and Out of Trouble

Maximizing the Potential of Support Personnel

Trouble-Shooting Guide

Price: $28.95
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