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Before the Special Education Referral

Leading Intervention Teams

Develop an efficient prereferral intervention process that truly benefits students!

Prereferral intervention teams can dramatically improve academic achievement for struggling students by providing focused instructional interventions and support before a referral for special education evaluation is needed. This resource presents school leaders with a step-by-step, four-phase model for developing, leading, and evaluating effective prereferral intervention teams. This book shows how leaders can: 

  • Establish prereferral intervention teams by assessing school needs, determining the composition of the team, defining team roles, and conducting staff training
  • Use prereferral intervention teams to support Response to Intervention 
  • Enhance the collaborative strengths of a professional learning community

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412966917
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: November 10, 2008
Price: $30.95
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"A practical approach to the real problems administrators face when dealing with intervention and referral. The writing is clear and concise, providing examples and solutions to real-world situations. This book belongs in every school administrator's professional library."
—Jack Dennis, Principal
Columbia Middle School, Berkeley Heights, NJ

Develop an efficient prereferral intervention process that truly benefits students!

Prereferral intervention teams can dramatically improve academic achievement for struggling students by providing focused instructional interventions and support before a referral for special education evaluation is needed. This resource presents school leaders with a step-by-step, four-phase model for developing, leading, and evaluating effective prereferral intervention teams.

The author provides numerous reproducible tools that can be used for facilitating implementation and staff training. Featuring a running example that illustrates the model in action, this book shows how school leaders can:

  • Establish prereferral intervention teams by assessing school needs, determining the composition of the team, defining team roles, and conducting staff training
  • Use prereferral intervention teams to support the Response to Intervention process
  • Enhance the collaborative strengths of a professional learning community

Before the Special Education Referral enables educators to apply the practical steps necessary to greatly improve the quality of prereferral intervention programs.

Key features

  • Provides educational leaders with a sequential, four-phase model designed to result in effective prereferral intervention teams
  • Explains the connection between Response to Intervention (RTI) and prereferral intervention and shows how to use the strengths of both models for more effective results
  • Includes numerous charts, tables, checklists that easily and clearly guide the reader through the implementation process
  • Provides numerous tools for school leaders, including reproducible handouts and an Implementation Plan organized by the school calendar
  • Written in a clear, narrative voice for easy reading and comprehension


Matthew Jennings photo

Matthew Jennings

Matthew Jennings is currently the superintendent of schools for the Alexandria Township Public School System. Prior to serving in this position, Jennings served as an assistant superintendent of schools, a director of student services, a supervisor of curriculum and instruction, and a classroom teacher.

In addition to presenting at numerous state and national conferences, Jennings has served as an organizational behavior consultant to school districts throughout New Jersey. He works as an adjunct professor for Rutgers University, where he teaches courses on curriculum development, school administration, and the supervision of instruction. His work has been published in Kappan, Preventing School Failure, the New Jersey English Journal, Channels, and The Writing Teacher. His most recent publication, Leading Meetings, Teams and Work Groups in Schools and Districts, was released by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development in June of 2007. He earned his master’s degree and doctorate in educational administration from Rutgers University.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. An Introduction to Prereferral Intervention Teams

Variations on a Theme

Educational Leader's Role


2. The Analysis and Decision-Making Phase

Costs and Benefits

Establishing and Analyzing the Task

Establishing Authority


3. The Planning and Preparation Phase

Determining Group Composition

Designing and Communicating the Task

School and District Supports

The Team Charter


4. The Start-Up Phase

Team Boundaries

Task Redefinition

Norms and Roles

The Start-Up Meeting

The Importance of the Start-Up Meeting

Initial Prereferral Intervention Team Training

Staff Awareness

Staff Training


5. The Assistance Phase

Eliminating Barriers


Reflection Activities

Assistance With Group Processes


6. Evaluating Prereferral Intervention Teams

Evaluation Tools

Data Analysis and Action Planning


7. Connecting Prereferral Intervention Teams and Response to Intervention

The Connection

Implementation Decisions

Universal Screening Decisions

Intervention Tier Decisions

Intervention Management Team Training and Staff Awareness

The Combined Process

Identifying the At-Risk Pool

Tier Placement


Final Thoughts

Resource A: Putting It All Together: The Implementation Plan

Resource B: Implementation Tools




Price: $30.95
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