Authentic Intellectual Work

Improving Teaching for Rigorous Learning

This works helps school-based teams improve the quality of instruction, assessment, and curriculum through focused professional learning and the cultivation of disciplined inquiry and knowledge construction.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483381084
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2015
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: December 02, 2015
Price: $40.95
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Build teacher capacity to promote students' authentic intellectual work

In spite of numerous reforms to improve rigor and relevance in the classroom, our schools have been slow to change. This work provides

  • A research-validated, field-tested framework that can be applied across grades and disciplines
  • A powerful professional learning component that emphasizes teacher collaboration
  • Detailed examples of lessons, assignments, assessment tasks, and student work

Backed by over 20 years of research, the Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) framework helps school-based teams improve the quality of instruction, assessment, and curriculum for higher and more equitable student learning.

“Newmann and colleagues offer a refreshing approach to research and professional development, which deeply honors teachers' critical inquiry and collaboration. Thanks to their insights, educators finally have a framework for promoting rigor and relevance across all grades and subjects. Those who join this journey will reap the rewards of increased teacher engagement and improved student learning.”
Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education
Stanford University

“Authentic Intellectual Work enables educators to overcome challenges to Common Core implementation. Newmann, Carmichael, and King explain how the AIW approach builds the culture of collaboration and trust required for successful school reform. Importantly, they show how collective professional development among teachers and school leaders can enhance educators’ learning and practice, leading to more equitable student outcomes.”
Greg Anrig, Senior Fellow
The Century Foundation

Key features

  1. Presents a research-validated, field-tested framework for teaching (Authentic Intellectual Work) and learning designed to increase student-engagement and interest in academic work, promote deeper levels of professional learning for educators, and prepare students to address the complex intellectual challenges of work, civic participation, and managing personal affairs.
  2. When implemented effectively, AIW is a proven means to enhancing levels of student achievement and narrowing of achievement gaps across racial and socioeconomic lines.
  3. Includes a powerful professional learning component that addresses methods of capacity building focused on teachers working collectively to improve their pactice.
  4. Framework can be applied to any academic or applied discipline.
  5. Includes artifacts spanning grade levels such as assignments and assessment tasks, student work samples, and teacher artifacts from professional learning.


Fred M. Newmann photo

Fred M. Newmann

Dr. Fred M. Newmann, Emeritus Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin–Madison, began his education career teaching high school history and social studies in 1959. Dissatisfied with prevailing curriculum and instruction, he completed doctoral studies at Harvard and began to attack thebroader question: In what ways can institutions, especially schools, in a modern culture be shaped to enhance community?

This led to research and development of social studies and civic education curriculum, to planning an alternative school, to studies of alienation in secondary schools, theories of democratic citizenship, student community service, higher order thinking in high school curriculum, new approaches to student assessment, the restructuring of public, elementary, middle, and high schools, and professional development to build capacity in low-income schools.

At Wisconsin, he taught graduate courses in curriculum and assessment and directed national centers on Effective Secondary Schools and on Organization and Restructuring of Schools (k-12) which generated the initial research on Authentic Intellectual Work that was used in research on Chicago Public School reform. He has published widely and is recognized internationally as a leader in reform of curriculum, instruction and schooling. He retired from the University of Wisconsin in 2001, and since 2007 helped develop the approach to professional development sponsored by the Center for Authentic Intellectual Work.

Dana L. Carmichael photo

Dana L. Carmichael

Dr. Dana L. Carmichael began her teaching career in Japan. After five years, she joined Minneapolis Public Schools as a social studies teacher. In 1995, Dana earned a Fulbright Scholarship, to write authentic curriculum in Namibia on how education promotes democracy in new nations. Her international background, which included living in Chile, Spain and Austria as a child, led her to pursue a PhD in Comparative International Development in Education Studies in the Department of Policy and Administration at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, which she completed in 2003.

Ultimately her passion for teaching urban students kept her in the Twin Cities. She first learned about Dr. Newmann’s work in the Mid-1990’s while serving as the K-12 District Social Studies Curriculum Specialist. She and Dr. Patricia Avery (University of Minnesota) collaborated on a number of early AIW projects. Her experiences directing these projects, including a Minnesota Best Practices grant (2000) and Federal Teaching American History (2001-2004), combined with additional experiences, including Director of NCLB, Staff Development Director, and Learning Forward academy graduate (2007), prepared her to accept Newmann’s invitation to join him and Dr. King on the Iowa-AIW project. Since 2008, she has served as Executive Director of the Center for Authentic Intellectual, based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and two children. For more information about how the Center and supports educators learn to sustain transformational reform by promoting academic rigor through teacher reflection, visit the Center website at www.centerforaiw.com

M. Bruce King photo

M. Bruce King

Dr. M. Bruce Kingis a Faculty Associate with the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His work in ELPA concentrates on teaching courses on instructional leadership and teacher capacity, coordinating the Wisconsin Idea PhD cohort program in K–12 leadership, and building effective partnerships between the department and schools and districts.

Bruce has been a researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, where he contributed to two studies focused on Authentic Intellectual Work, the Research Institute on Secondary Education Reform for Youth with Disabilities and the Center for Organization and Restructuring of Schools. He received his PhD in curriculum and instruction from UW-Madison and taught upper elementary, middle, and high school for 11 years in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Quito, Ecuador.

Bruce has been a research fellow at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, and has consulted on two research projects in Australian schools that extended the body of research on AIW. He serves as associate editor for the international journal Teaching and Teacher Education, and has published in national and international research and practitioner journals. Currently, he provides professional development as an AIW coach in Wisconsin and Georgia.

Along with colleagues Fred Newmann and Dana Carmichael, Bruce recently published a companion book to this volume, Authentic Intellectual Work: Improving Teaching for Rigorous Learning (Corwin, 2015).

Table of Contents


Part I: The AIW Framework

1. Authentic Intellectual Work: Criteria, Examples, Rationale

Part II: Teaching to Promote Authentic Intellectual Work: Criteria, Standards, and Rubrics

2. Construction of Knowledge

3. Disciplined Inquiry

4. Value Beyond School

Part III: Implementation that Builds Capacity

5. AIW Research

6. Internal Support: Building Capacity for Improved Teaching within Schools

7. External Support: Building Capacity for Improved Teaching within Schools




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