10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom
Effectively manage your classroom with this must-have guide to building structure, consistency and accountability for measureable, year-round success. Includes real-world examples and free tools to use and share.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781483339160
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2014
- Page Count: 232
- Publication date: May 31, 2014
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.
Your blueprint for building structure, consistency, and accountability year-round!
Often teachers of all experience levels struggle to effectively manage special education classrooms. In this must-have guide, Rohrer and Sampson provide a solid, workable action plan to ensure measurable success for even your most challenging student.
Discover a variety of research-based instructional strategies to:
- Support all students, including those with autism and severe learning disabilities
- Organize your classroom, materials, and staff and student schedules for optimal teaching and learning
- Execute well-planned standards-based lessons, annual IEP’s, PLAALP’s, behavioral interventions, and visual supports
- Develop communication and social skills within a language-rich environment
- Foster parent communication and staff collaboration
Packed with real-world examples, free tools to use and share, a list of resources and a helpful glossary, this dynamic resource will inspire you, develop your teacher toolbox, and ensure your students are on the path to achievement!
“10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom offers practical and easy-to-use ideas for organizing your physical classroom space, materials, student and staff schedules. Readers will also receive well thought out strategies that will definitely aid in the ultimate end result—student success!”
—Avis Canty, Special Education Teacher
Tanglewood Middle School, Greenville, SC
“The path to success for students with autism and intellectual disabilities starts here, when their teachers implement the essential critical components outlined in this book.”
—Renee Bernhardt, Learning Support for Special Education and RTI
Cherokee County School District, Canton, GA
Key features
- Sets the stage for each student to achieve, increase positive behaviors, establish effective communication with parents, and enhance teacher effectiveness for all students.
- Each chapter contains numerous educational best practices around the component discussed.
- The practices, ideas, and suggestions also benefit students in resource and inclusion settings.

Marcia W. Rohrer
Marcia Rohrer lives in Houston, Texas, and currently is an educational consultant for Behavior Plus, Inc. in Friendswood, Texas. She has worked closely with school district special education directors on how to implement the 10 Critical Components in various types of special education classrooms. She has consulted with special education teachers who are now using these components in their classrooms. Her special area of interest and expertise is teaching parents and teachers the importance of using visual strategies and ways to structure the classroom and home to increase student success.
During her 24 years of experience teaching students in self-contained and resource settings, she was a liaison between school and parents, presented numerous in-services and workshops to educators and parents, and served as an In-Home and Parent Trainer. She was also a founding member of an innovative district-wide team of autism professionals.
She and her co-author, Nannette Samson, have presented in-services and workshops on the 10 Critical Components as well as other topics at the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education, at the Texas State Autism Conference, and at Educational Regional Service Centers throughout Texas.

Nannette Samson
Nannette Samson is an educational consultant for Behavior Plus Inc. in Friendswood, Texas. When she is not presenting the two day workshop based on this book with her co-author and good friend, Marcia Rohrer, she presents various parent and teacher workshops, conducts In-Home and Parent Training evaluations, teaches social skills classes, assists teachers in implementing the 10 Critical Components in their classrooms, and consults with schools and parents.
As a retired teacher whose degrees include both Elementary and Special Education, she has over 26 years of experience teaching students with special needs in self contained, resource, and inclusion settings. Nannette also served as a district-wide consultant to general and special education teachers regarding implementation of students’ individual education plans, behavior strategies, and classroom management. Her last five years in the public school system were spent as a member of her district’s autism support team providing In-Home and Parent Training services, consulting with educational staff and parents, and serving as a liaison between parents and school personnel.
Her special area of emphasis has been assisting students and their families with the transition process in moving from elementary to intermediate school. Nannette has presented numerous workshops and in-services throughout Texas at Educational Regional Service Centers, school districts, the Texas State Autism Conference, and the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
1. Physical Arrangement of the Classroom
Benefits of a Well-Designed Classroom
Well-Defined Areas Clarify Student Expectations
The 10-Minute Rule
Arranging Your Classroom
Required Areas
Home Base
Group Instruction Area
Teacher Work Area
Transition Area
Student Schedule Area
Work Station
Technology Area
Additional Areas
Arts and Crafts, Eating, and Cooking Areas
Personal Hygiene
Sensory Area
Recreation and Leisure Activity Area
Getting Started
Real-Life Applications
2. Organization of Materials
Organizing Classroom Materials
What supplies will you need?
What stays and what goes?
Where will materials be located?
Group by academic subject
Group by frequency of use
Safety considerations
Organizing Student’s Materials
Real Life Applications
3. Schedules
The Three Types of Schedules
Building a Foundation for Your Schedules
Daily Classroom Schedule
Creating Your Classroom Schedule
Posting the Classroom Schedule
Using the Daily Classroom Schedule
Staff Assignment Schedule
Individual Student Schedules
The Importance of Symbolic Communication Forms
Creating Student Schedules
Student Schedule Formats and Locations
Teaching Students to Use Schedules
Real-Life Applications
4. Visual Strategies
What Are Visual Strategies?
The Importance and Benefits of Visual Strategies
Creating Visual Strategies
Consider the Student's Communication Level
Using Visual Strategies
As Reminders
Behavioral Cues
Communication Supports
Real-Life Expectations
5. Behavioral Strategies
Determing the Need for Behavioral Inteventions
Conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment
Define the Behavior
Gather Information About the Behavior
Review Records
Conduct Interviews
Collect Baseline Data
Look for Patterns of Behavior
Make a Hypothesis about the Function of the Behavior
Identifying Behavioral Goals and Objectives
Developing a Behavioral Intevention Plan
Defining Consequences
Meaningful Reinforcers
Edibles as Reinforcers
Nonedibles as Reinforcers
Strategies to Change Behavior
Implementing the Behavioral Intervention Plan
Real-Life Applications
6. Goals, Objectives, and Lesson Plans
Legal Foundation
Annual Goals and Objectives
Develop a Present Level of Academic Achievement
The Need for Data Collection
Methods for Collecting Data
Special Factors and the Individualized Education Program
Write the Annual Goals and Objectives
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan Elements
Monitoring Student Progress: Your Grading System
Real-Life Applications
7. Instructional Strategies
Instructional Considerations
Age-Appropriate Materials and Activities
Variety Increases Interest
Sensory Needs
Instructional Methods and Strategies
Direct Instruction
Applied Behavior Analysis
Grouping Students
Social Stories
Having a Substitute Teacher
Work Stations
Station Rotation
Community-Based Instruction
Real-Life Applications
8. Communication Systems and Strategies
The Speech and Language Pathologist
Communication Throughout the Day
Teaching Social Skills
The Use of Schedules and Communication
Communication and Assistive Technology
Communication and Behavior
Real-Life Applications
9. Communication with Parents
Setting Up a System for Parent Communication
Student-Generated Daily Communication to Parents
Keeping Communication Meaningful and Helpful
Parental Involvement
Real-Life Applications
10. Related Services and Other School Staff
Important Information About Related Services
Related Services Defined
Who Qualifies for Related Services?
Direct Versus Indirect Services
Service Delivery Models
Other School Staff
Real-Life Applications
Putting It All Together
Glossary and Acronym Guide
"10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom is a must have resource for experienced as well as new special education teachers as well as school administration. The book offers easy to use and practical ideas for organizing your physical classroom space, materials, student and staff schedules. Readers will also receive well thought out strategies that will definitely aid in the ultimate end result; student success!"Avis Canty, Special Education Teacher
Tanglewood Middle School, Greenville, SC
"Finally, the book that should be consulted when new ESE classrooms are created! This book provides the blueprint to setting up a successful self-contained classroom for both beginning teachers and experienced teachers."Karen Kozy-Landress, Speech/Language Pathologist
MILA Elementary School, Merritt Island, FL
"The path to success for students with autism and intellectual disabilities starts here, when their teachers implement the essential critical components outlined in 10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom."Renee Bernhardt, Learning Support for Special Education and RTI
Cherokee County School District, Canton, GA
"Raising expectations is what the 10 Critical Components is all about! Not only does this system provide a 'map' for teachers to provide appropriate instruction with high expectations for students, it also gives a systematic and clear method for administrators to evaluate teachers in the Special Education classrooms. Put it all together, and you have a system that will ensure students are receiving structured and meaningful instruction that will prepare them for the future."
Bonnie Haecker, Director of Special Education"Raising expectations is what the 10 Critical Components is all about! Not only does this system provide a 'map' for teachers to provide appropriate instruction with high expectations for students, it also gives a systematic and clear method for administrators to evaluate teachers in the Special Education classrooms. Put it all together, and you have a system that will ensure students are receiving structured and meaningful instruction that will prepare them for the future."
Santa Fe Independent School District, Santa Fe, TX
"I have had the pleasure of working with Marcia and Nannette in two school districts. I first met them while working as Dean of Instruction at a high school campus. These two ladies were hired by our Special Education Director to come in and 're-haul' our Life Skills programs. I sat back and watched in amazement as they worked their 'magic.' The classrooms transformed into learning environments right before my eyes. As the 10 Critical Components were taught to the teachers, a significant impact was made not only on the staff, but most importantly, the students and their parents. The 10 Critical Components encompass the needs of the whole child from the necessary physical arrangement of the classroom to individualized IEP's as well as parent communication. After leaving that district and becoming a Special Education Director in a neighboring district, I realized my Life Skills classes were in need of a "makeover," not only in classroom arrangements, but also in instruction, communication, individualized behavior plans, and curriculum. I immediately called upon Marcia and Nannette, and they began the process. I am currently in year two of the 10 Critical Components. The teachers who have begun this process are amazed at the progress of their students along with the simplicity of the components. Once the components are in place in the classroom, everything comes together, and the students thrive. We still have a lot of work to do to fully implement the 10 Critical Components in my district, but with Marcia and Nannette by my side, the classrooms will be instructional learning environments where all students in this district will experience success and reach their full potential. I cannot begin to thank Marcia and Nannette for all of their hard work in working with my district."
Cynthia Peltier, Director of Special Education"I have had the pleasure of working with Marcia and Nannette in two school districts. I first met them while working as Dean of Instruction at a high school campus. These two ladies were hired by our Special Education Director to come in and 're-haul' our Life Skills programs. I sat back and watched in amazement as they worked their 'magic.' The classrooms transformed into learning environments right before my eyes. As the 10 Critical Components were taught to the teachers, a significant impact was made not only on the staff, but most importantly, the students and their parents. The 10 Critical Components encompass the needs of the whole child from the necessary physical arrangement of the classroom to individualized IEP's as well as parent communication. After leaving that district and becoming a Special Education Director in a neighboring district, I realized my Life Skills classes were in need of a "makeover," not only in classroom arrangements, but also in instruction, communication, individualized behavior plans, and curriculum. I immediately called upon Marcia and Nannette, and they began the process. I am currently in year two of the 10 Critical Components. The teachers who have begun this process are amazed at the progress of their students along with the simplicity of the components. Once the components are in place in the classroom, everything comes together, and the students thrive. We still have a lot of work to do to fully implement the 10 Critical Components in my district, but with Marcia and Nannette by my side, the classrooms will be instructional learning environments where all students in this district will experience success and reach their full potential. I cannot begin to thank Marcia and Nannette for all of their hard work in working with my district."
Texas City ISD, Texas City, Texas
"Our teachers have been very happy with the training on the Ten Critical Components and feel that it has assisted them in being better prepared to meet the needs of their students. In fact, the question I get most often from teachers is, 'When can they come back?'"
Laurie Goforth, Director of Special Programs"Our teachers have been very happy with the training on the Ten Critical Components and feel that it has assisted them in being better prepared to meet the needs of their students. In fact, the question I get most often from teachers is, 'When can they come back?'"
Dickinson Independent School District, Dickinson, Texas
"I will never forget my first year as a Life Skills Special Education teacher! I had two brand new empty classrooms and absolutely no idea how to set them up for success when the students arrived. Thank goodness my director sent Marcia and Nannette and their 10 Components! They taught me how color coding makes the classroom structure come together. Now each year the first thing I do is choose a color and appropriate icon/picture for each student. I label everything 'theirs'- desks, work boxes, place in line, picture schedule, etc. with that color and icon. It makes the first days and lessons so much easier! Students identify what’s theirs, and learn to respect what belongs to others. Excellent and 'essential' for the Special Education Classroom."
Shelley Hyde, Life Skills Teacher"I will never forget my first year as a Life Skills Special Education teacher! I had two brand new empty classrooms and absolutely no idea how to set them up for success when the students arrived. Thank goodness my director sent Marcia and Nannette and their 10 Components! They taught me how color coding makes the classroom structure come together. Now each year the first thing I do is choose a color and appropriate icon/picture for each student. I label everything 'theirs'- desks, work boxes, place in line, picture schedule, etc. with that color and icon. It makes the first days and lessons so much easier! Students identify what’s theirs, and learn to respect what belongs to others. Excellent and 'essential' for the Special Education Classroom."
Pearland ISD, Pearland, Texas
"I was excited to attend Marcia and Nannette's workshop on the 10 critical components when I found out who the presenters were. They both have so much to offer teachers and parents of ALL students with learning differences. My first year as a self-contained special education teacher would have ended very differently, and much sooner, had they not been there to 'reorganize' the way the classroom was set up, as well as the way I approached teaching. That was an extremely difficult year, but they got better. I do believe I learned from the best."
Laurie Moreno, Special Education Teacher"I was excited to attend Marcia and Nannette's workshop on the 10 critical components when I found out who the presenters were. They both have so much to offer teachers and parents of ALL students with learning differences. My first year as a self-contained special education teacher would have ended very differently, and much sooner, had they not been there to 'reorganize' the way the classroom was set up, as well as the way I approached teaching. That was an extremely difficult year, but they got better. I do believe I learned from the best."
"This is a formal thank you for introducing me to the 10 Components. Before I was introduced to Marcia and Nannette's methodology, my self-contained classroom, in my opinion, was running smoothly, as I was receiving excellent appraisals from my principal. Although it was taking me 10 to 11 hours a day, I was 'juggling' my classroom pretty successfully one would say. My initial introduction to the 10 components was not readily accepted. In fact you might say I resisted change. One day I received a new student with behavioral issues, and consequently the behaviors of my current students changed as well and not for the better. Marcia and Nannette revisited my classroom and refocused me on the methodology of the 10 components. That refocusing literally saved my school year, and everyone reaped the benefits. My students were totally happy to have a dependable schedule, my paraprofessionals were more at ease and comfortable, and of course the classroom ran more smoothly. Various other aspects of the 10 components were equally as important, but the one mentioned above was very key to my classroom situation at the time. I am happy to report that I ended the year working from 8 to 9 hours per day including getting administrative tasks completed as well. You made me a believer in the 10 Components."Portia J Bogaert, Special Education Teacher
Dickinson ISD, Dickinson, Texas
"Marcia Rohrer and Nannette Samson have provided the Special Services department with outstanding services through the years. The training they provide on the 10 Critical Components enable teachers to structure their classrooms in such a way that behavioral concerns are minimized and time on task is increased. This outstanding training is then coupled with individualized assistance with classroom arrangement, staff and student scheduling, behavioral management, and delivery of instruction to maximize student progress. These specialists have also provided our parents with thorough and in depth evaluations and targeted goals for in-home and parent training. These comprehensive services enable staff to increase their positive energy and productivity so that students attain maximum educational benefit."
Gloria Roach, Special Services Director"Marcia Rohrer and Nannette Samson have provided the Special Services department with outstanding services through the years. The training they provide on the 10 Critical Components enable teachers to structure their classrooms in such a way that behavioral concerns are minimized and time on task is increased. This outstanding training is then coupled with individualized assistance with classroom arrangement, staff and student scheduling, behavioral management, and delivery of instruction to maximize student progress. These specialists have also provided our parents with thorough and in depth evaluations and targeted goals for in-home and parent training. These comprehensive services enable staff to increase their positive energy and productivity so that students attain maximum educational benefit."
Channelview ISD, Channelview, Texas
Other Titles in: Inclusive Education | Special Education Instruction | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.