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The Teacher's Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide

77 Proven Prescriptions to Build Your Resilience

Manage your stress levels before they start managing you!

How can teachers effectively manage the challenges they face both in and out of school? This survival guide shows teachers how to proactively build emotional strength to prevent stress and/or burnout. Rich with examples and behavioral tips, this book covers how stress affects your health, how to boost your psychological immunity, and how to maintain your teaching effectiveness. In an easygoing voice, Jack Singer, PhD, presents:

  • Action plans for mastering the different types of stress in your life
  • Success stories from teachers who have conquered stress
  • Strategies based on cognitive and resiliency theory

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412970938
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 200
  • Publication date: November 05, 2009

Price: $39.95

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"With all of the pressures and stress that today's teachers face, it is nice to finally have a publication that is willing to acknowledge this stress and help us combat it. This book is full of practical tips, hints, and advice that can bring out the relaxed, effective teacher in all of us."
—Rachel Hanson, Eighth-Grade Gifted Language Arts Teacher
South Forsyth Middle School, Cumming, GA

Manage your stress levels before they start managing you!

Why do some teachers thrive under pressure while others quit? What kinds of skills can empower teachers to effectively deal with the challenges they face both in and out of school?

The Teacher's Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide shows teachers how to build resilience and emotional strength to prevent stress and/or burnout and the negative emotions that may result. Rich with examples, easy-to-understand concepts, and simple behavioral tips, this book covers how stress affects your health, how proactively boost your psychological immunity, and how to maintain your optimism and teaching effectiveness. In an easygoing and witty voice, Jack Singer presents:

  • Action plans for mastering the different types of stress in your life
  • Success stories and experiences from teachers who have conquered stress
  • Strategies and examples based on cognitive and resiliency theories used by psychologists and counselors

Don't let the challenges of the job weigh you down! This blueprint for success can help you achieve personal and professional goals, tackle daily challenges, and reignite your passion for teaching.



Jack Singer photo

Jack Singer

Learn more about Jack Singer's PD offerings

Jack Singer has maintained a private practice for 33 years and treated hundreds of teachers and administrators. He has also taught in the psychology departments of seven universities, including an assistant professorship at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

For the last 17 years, Singer has been a proud member of the National Speakers Association and he has been invited to provide keynote speeches, workshops, and training seminars for schools, educational associations, other national associations, and Fortune 1000 corporations from Miami to Malaysia. His 1975 doctoral dissertation, entitled, “Job Strain as a Function of Job and Life Stresses,” was funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service. Accordingly, for more than 30 years, Singer has continued to develop and consult with Fortune 1000 companies and school systems with his expertise in the area of job-related stress. He is recognized around the U.S. for his innovative work on eliminating stressors in the busy workplace and he appears frequently on CNN, MSNBC, the Glen Beck Show, and radio talk shows throughout the U.S. and Canada. His articles appear frequently in business, human resources, psychology, and sports periodicals, and his stress prevention and mastery programs have been featured in USA-TODAY.

Singer has a PhD in industrial/organizational psychology and a post-doctorate in clinical psychology. He has been honored with diplomates from the American Academy of Behavioral Medicine, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, the Society of Criminal and Police Psychology, and the National Institute of Sports, Division of Psychologists.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

Part I. Understanding the Real Causes of Your Stress

1. How Stress Can Kick the Health Out of You

Learning Objectives

Tales of a Saber-Toothed Tiger

The Incredible Mind-Body Connection

Some Stress Is Actually Good for You

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


2. How Life Events and Changes Can Impact Stress and Illness

Learning Objectives

Your Recent Life Changes Score and Its Interpretations

The Life Event Stressors Inherent in Teaching

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


3. How to Recognize the Real Culprit: Your Internal Critic

Learning Objectives

The Origins of Our Belief Systems

Our Self-Talk and Our Emotions

Expose and Dispose of Your Internal Critic

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


4. How to Thrive Despite Being Genetically Wired With Stress-Prone Personality Traits

Learning Objectives

Two Personality Types That Promote Stress

You Can Start Modifying Some of Your Type-A Behaviors Today!

You Can Start Modifying Some of Your People-Pleasing Behaviors Today!

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


5. How to Deflect Stressors: Both Carefully Planned Plus Warp-Speed Techniques

Learning Objectives

Recognize Your Thinking Patterns

The Thinking Pattern Worksheet (TPW)

A Thought-Stopping Technique

A Calming-Breathing Technique

Write-It-Down Technique

Worry-Time Technique

Make a Contrac With Yourself

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


Part II. Prescriptions for Building Your Psychological Immunity to Stress

6. How to Harness the Power Within and Inoculate Yourself Against the Impact of Inevitable Stressors

Learning Objectives

How to Begin the Inoculation Process

How to Build Resilience to Stress: The Three Cs of Stress Hardiness

How to Build a Sense of Self-Efficacy

How to Use the Power of Goal Setting to Stay Focused Despite Stress Provocations

The Power of Desire, Imagination, and Expectation

How to Use the Power of Positive Affirmations to Develop the Three Cs and Accomplish Your Goals

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


7. How Fun and Laughter Can Inoculate You: Jest for the Health of It!

Learning Objectives

The Legacy of Norman Cousins

The Legacy of My Dad, Bill Singer

What Do You Really Get Out of Laughing?

Today’s Upsets are Tomorrow’s Laughs

Lighten Up Your Classroom

Lighten Up Both Your School and Your Life

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


8. How to Become and Remain a Resilient Person

Learning Objectives

Learning to Become Optimistic

How to Bring More Joy and Happiness Into Your Life

More Behavioral Prescriptions to Build Resiliency

Action Plan for Stress Mastery


Resource A. Glossary of Acronyms

Resource B. 77 Behavioral Prescriptions to Master Stress and Build Your Resilience

Resource C. A Deep-Muscle Relaxation Technique

Resource D. Web Sites Resources on Classroom Management




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