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A Tapestry for School Change
Finally, one resource that weaves professional learning communities (PLCs), differentiated instruction (DI), and Response to Intervention (RTI) into a comprehensive framework for achieving school improvement.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412992381
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: May 30, 2012

Price: $39.95

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For Instructors

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"Combining PLCs, DI AND RTI into a tapestry for school change is a brilliant idea. It weaves three predominant threads together into wholeness for teachers and students. The PLC thread provides the collegial support for substantive change to occur; the Response to Intervention thread exposes a structure that ensures student success; and the Differentiated Instruction thread highlights appropriate responses to learners' talents and needs."

—Robin Fogarty, President
Robin Fogarty & Associates

A framework for weaving common threads into an artful solution

Rather than buying individual books about professional learning communities (PLCs), differentiated instruction (DI), and Response to Intervention (RTI), invest wisely in one resource that synthesizes all three. The text uses a tapestry analogy to weave together these critical topics to form a comprehensive framework for achieving continuous school improvement. The result is a stronger foundation for administrators' leadership direction and teachers' instructional decisions based on:

  • Utilizing PLCs as the framework for sharing new strategies and understandings
  • Discussing data collected through assessments
  • Evaluating data against benchmarks

Included are walk-through checklists, learning-style surveys, and examples that illustrate practical strategies for integrating DI and RTI and collaborating with colleagues to assess student learning and adapt instruction and interventions. This timely resource efficiently provides all the information you need to optimize instruction for outstanding results.


Key features

  • Provides case studies to illustrate the key concepts in each chapter
  • Describes a systematic method for school-wide change that can get teachers to develop critical friends groups or PLCs built on collaboration, critical thinking, discussion, and lesson studies
  • Devotes an entire chapter to "Putting it Together", with timelines, team organization tools, and implementation checklists for integrating school wide PLC, RTI, and DI efforts
  • Includes guidelines for establishing a list of non-negotiables that will support the new framework and create a well-established yet necessary guide for "power teaching and learning"
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


About the Authors


1. Elements and Principles of the Integrated Model

2. Professional Learning Communities


What It Is

The Research Behind It

Who Said It and Why


What's in It for Me?

21st Century Skills

Making It Rigorous


Walking the Walk

Time, Voice, and Choice

Defining Components


Talking the Talk

Using Protocols

How and When to Begin a PLC

Specifics of PLC Meetings

Goals for PLCs

Organizing PLCs



References and Resources

3. Differentiated Instruction


What It Is

The Research Behind It

Who Said It and Why


What's in It for Me?

21st Century Skills

Making It Rigorous


Walking the Walk

Defining Components

Setting up a Positive Classroom Environment

Use of Flexible Grouping

Strategies and Activities for Differentiating Content

Strategies and Activities for Differentiating Process

Strategies and Activities for Differentiating Student Products


Talking The Talk

How and When to Implement DI



References and Resources

4. Response to Intervention


What It Is

The Research Behind It

Who Said It and Why


What's in It for Me?

21st Century Skills

Making It Rigorous


Walking the Walk

Defining Components


Talking the Talk

How and When to Implement RTI



References and Resources

Further Resources Available Online

5. Weaving a Tapestry for School Change


Simple Ways to Get Started



References and Resources

Appendix A: Forms and Templates

Appendix B: Activities and Protocols

Appendix C: Resources



Price: $39.95
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For Instructors

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