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Deliverology 101

A Field Guide For Educational Leaders
Michael Barber, former chief advisor on delivery to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, provides steps to achieving public education reform in this practical field guide.

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  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412989503
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 304
  • Publication date: January 22, 2011

Price: $52.95

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"Michael Barber outlines the steps that will enable courageous education leaders around the country to execute their plans and bridge the gap between hope and reality."
—Joel Klein, Chancellor
New York City Department of Education

"No one knows system reform better than Sir Michael Barber. His delivery contains bold, inspiring, crystal clear ideas that are never more timely than today. A must-read for reformers at all levels of the system."
—Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

A step-by-step approach to delivering results

Michael Barber, former chief advisor on delivery to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and his colleagues Andy Moffit and Paul Kihn thoroughly describe Barber's proven reform delivery processes in this practical field guide. The timing is ideal, as Barack Obama's administration prioritizes education reform. Citing education reform case studies from more than 20 countries, the authors assert that most previous reforms were unsuccessful due to failed implementation. This book focuses on how to accomplish meaningful results, including:

  • Significant and ongoing education reform
  • Excellence and equity across public education
  • Students who are prepared to lead America's future

The authors illustrate a field-tested program that ensures reform is achieved in the most profound sense, with students able to see, feel, and reap the benefits of a high-quality education.

Listen as Barber describes the importance of the book:


Key features

Deliverology 101 has been written specifically for leaders of American education reform. It draws heavily on Instruction to Deliver and freely quotes from it; but instead of telling the story, it describes the routines, techniques and approaches in the form of a "field guide." Moreover, it is based not only on the experience of the Blair administration but also on case studies of successful implementation of reform in the U.S. and elsewhere. Much of what is described in the book has been piloted in collaboration with state K-12 and major education systems here in the U.S. and honed and refined as a result.

has been written specifically for leaders of American education reform. It draws heavily on Instruction to Deliver and freely quotes from it; but instead of telling the story, it describes the routines, techniques and approaches in the form of a "field guide." Moreover, it is based not only on the experience of the Blair administration but also on case studies of successful implementation of reform in the U.S. and elsewhere. Much of what is described in the book has been piloted in collaboration with state K-12 and major education systems here in the U.S. and honed and refined as a result.

The American education leaders I know are ambitious for their students; they know that a remarkable opportunity to transform public education is before them; they know what to do; and they know that a major barrier to seizing that opportunity is a severe lack of capacity to deliver. Deliverology 101 is prepared precisely to address these circumstances.

 What does adopting an end-to-end "deliverology" approach in your system entail?

1. Develop a foundation for delivery. Every strong delivery effort has a few prerequisites that must be put in place before you begin: a clear idea of what the system should deliver, an understanding of where and how delivery must improve, a talented team to run the delivery effort on your behalf, and sufficient alignment at the top to get things done. As system leader, you will kick off the delivery effort by putting these in place.

2. Understand the delivery challenge. Knowing the nature of the problem you face will be crucial to success. With your foundation in place, your Delivery Unit will begin its work with a diagnosis of both the size and nature of the barriers that your system faces to delivery of your aspiration.

3. Plan for delivery. You have defined where you want to be, and you have learned where you are. The next logical question is, "How are we going to get there?" With the facts about performance in hand, your Delivery Unit will support you to define your system's approach to addressing the delivery challenge, to set a concrete and measurable definition of success, and to produce plans that will help your system to get there.

4. Drive delivery. Your system's strategy, targets, trajectories, and plans all represent commitments made by your system which, if honored, should generate real results. Your Delivery Unit's role will be to track progress against these commitments, to identify challenges and change course where required, and above all to push your system to keep its promises.

5. Create an irreversible delivery culture. The tools and tactics of delivery are necessary elements for success but they cannot ensure it will be achieved. Change will be irreversible only when you have succeeded in changing your system's culture, widening the circle of your delivery effort's leadership to include senior leaders, middle managers, the front line, and even the public. Therefore, you and your Delivery Unit will underpin every activity in your effort, as described in chapters 1-4, with efforts to build the skills and mindsets, send the messages, and develop the relationships that are instrumental to creating a culture of delivery.




Michael Barber photo

Michael Barber

Sir Michael Barber has been chief education advisor at Pearson since September 2011 and is the founder of Delivery Associates.

In 2001, he founded the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in No10, Downing Street, which he ran until 2005. In this role he was responsible for ensuring delivery of the government's domestic policy priorities across health, education, crime reduction, criminal justice, transport and immigration. The sustained focus on delivery from the heart of government, and the processes the PMDU developed, were a significant innovation in government, of interest to numerous other countries and global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank. Tony Blair described the PMDU as “utterly invaluable.”

From 2005 to 2011 he was a partner at McKinsey and Company where he played a leading role in creating a public sector practice and founded the global education practice. In 2009 he founded, in Washington DC, the Education Delivery Institute, a not-for-profit organisation that works with more than a dozen US States to apply systematic delivery approaches to improving outcomes in schools and public higher education.

Since 2009, on behalf of the British government, he has visited Pakistan over 30 times to oversee a radical and, so far, successful reform of the Punjab education system.

He is the author of numerous books and articles, such as How to Run a Government published by Penguin in 2015 and Instruction to Deliver (Methuen 2008), which tells the story of his time in Downing Street, and was described by the Financial Times as “one of the best books about British government for many years.” Deliverology 101 is the textbook on how to deliver in government and was written as the curriculum for the Education Delivery Institute.

Andy Moffit photo

Andy Moffit

Andy Moffit is a Senior Practice Expert and a co-founder of McKinsey & Company’s Global Education Practice. Moffit joined the firm in 2000 and has served clients in the financial services, non-profit and public sectors on a wide range of strategic and organizational issues. Since 2005, he has worked exclusively with education clients—large urban districts, state education departments, national foundations and nonprofits, and private companies—on large-scale reform and key strategic efforts. He is a frequent commentator at education sector conferences and publications. Moffit was an elementary school teacher in Houston, Texas from 1991-93 as a corps member of Teach For America. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Oxford University and Yale Law School, at which he studied education law and policy. He is based in McKinsey’s Boston office.
Paul Kihn photo

Paul Kihn

Paul Kihn is an Associate Principal in McKinsey and Company's Education Practice, where he specializes in human capital strategy, system transformation, and the delivery of large-scale reform. During his six years at McKinsey, Paul has worked with large urban school districts, local and national non-profits, and state and federal public sector agencies in K-12 and higher education. Prior to joining McKinsey, Paul worked as a public middle school teacher and administrator and community youth worker in South Africa, Ireland and New York City. He is a graduate of Yale College and Columbia University's Teachers College and Graduate School of Business. He lives in Washington, DC.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About the Authors

How to Read This Field Guide

Executive Summary

1. Develop a Foundation for Delivery

1A. Define Your Aspiration

1B. Review the Current State of Delivery

1C. Build the Delivery Unit

1D. Establish a Guiding Coalition

2. Understand the Delivery Challenge

2A. Evaluate Past and Present Performance

2B. Understand Drivers of Performance and Related System Activities

3. Plan for Delivery

3A. Determine Your Reform Strategy

3B. Set Targets and Trajectories

3C. Produce Delivery Plans

4. Drive Delivery

4A. Establish Routines to Drive and Monitor Performance

4B. Solve Problems Early and Rigorously

4C. Sustain and Continually Build Momentum

5. Create an Irreversible Delivery Culture

5A. Build System Capacity All the Time

5B. Communicate the Delivery Message

5C. Unleash the "Alchemy of Relationships"

Frequently Asked Questions


Appendix A1 Delivery Capacity Review Rubric

Appendix A2 Assessment Framework Used by the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit





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