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Vince Bustamante

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Dr. Vince Bustamante, Ed.D., is a Calgary-based instructional coach, curriculum content developer, and author. Vince specializes in working with teachers, leadership teams, schools, and school districts in implementing high impact strategies and systems. With a strong background in implementation, assessment and deep learning, he is passionate about understanding and evaluating teachers' impact. Having worked with schools and school districts across North America and internationally he brings a wide variety of experience and perspectives when looking at school improvement, pedagogical and leadership development, and implementation of high impact strategies across school environments. Vince’s doctoral research focused on the sustainable implementation of professional learning across school districts, and the impact of long-term school partnerships.

Vince has co-authored two bestselling books with Corwin Press: Great Teaching by Design and The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning. His most current title: Leader Ready: Four Pathways to Prepare Aspiring School Leaders is also available from Corwin Press. You can find more information about Vince at: www.vincebustamante.com.


Great Teaching by Design

Keynote: Establishing an Environment for Implementation (Great Teaching by Design)

We already know a lot about teaching and learning, but simply knowing is not enough. As teachers we must ensure that the environment in which we teach is conducive to the implementation of our strategies. Establishing an environment of implementation requires us to understand the learner before the content and to foster that throughout the learning experience.

Workshop: Process Over Product: Strategies to Assess the Growth and Progress of Our Students

Using some of the best lessons learned during pandemic teaching and learning, this session will provide an overview of how simple changes in assessment approaches can glean more information about what our students know and do not know. Join Vince Bustamante (co-author of The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning & Great Teaching by Design: from intention to implementation in the Visible Learning classroom) as he provides examples and evidence of assessment practices that are designed to leverage student self-knowledge and self-assessment in the quest to provide the most accurate determination of learning.

Workshop (multi day option available): - Great Teaching by Design: Moving from Intention to Implementation

This workshop will guide teachers through the Discovery (DIIE) Model of Implementation as they seek to determine the impact their instruction has on student learning. Building off of the content proposed in Great Teaching by Design, each workshop will focus on one of the four parameters of the implementation model (Discovery, Intervention, Implementation, and Evaluation). Teachers and leaders will have ample opportunities to discuss, plan, execute, and evaluate the link between the Visible Learning Research and classroom implementation.

Leader Ready

Keynote Presentations:

  1. The Pathway to Principalship
    1. Canada and the United States are faced with the challenge of recruiting qualified school-based leaders. There is a clear and urgent need to deepen school leader efficacy in such areas as those detailed in leadership quality standards. In order to determine what supports may be needed to better support aspiring leaders, especially in being attenuated to leadership quality standards, it is important to understand what specific areas principals and systems leaders might identify as requiring further professional development to get more aspiring school leaders to venture onto the pathway to principalship. Using a common framework and language will ensure that aspiring school leaders have a clear pathway to principalship.
    2. Session can be a keynote, or full day session depending on depth of exploration.
  1. Exploring the Pathways to Principalship
    1. Serving as an introduction to the Leader Ready book study (or content from the book), this keynote presentation will introduce the 4 pathways of leader development to better prepare aspiring leaders for principalship.
    2. The intention of this keynote is to serve as a means to compliment professional learning services or independent book studies.

Professional Learning Services:

  1. Leader Ready: 4 Pathways to Prepare Aspiring Leaders (Book Study).
    1. Participants will be taken through the stock slide decks pertaining to the 4 pathways in the Leader Ready text.
    2. Sessions are unable to be customized, rather the content and workshops will be exclusively based on content from the book.
    3. Would require approximately 2-4 days (depending on how deep participants want to explore content).
    4. No customization available.
  1. The Implementation of 4 Pathways to Prepare Aspiring Leaders
    1. Participants will be introduced to the research behind the Leader Ready text and will also be introduced to the implementation process of the 4 Pathways as presented in the text
    2. A deeper dive into the implementation of the 4 pathways through the facilitation of participant data gathering, data interpretation, determining leadership dispositions intentions, and identifying areas for growth and development.
    3. School system leadership landscape scan, leadership team meetings and implementation plans are explored at system and school level to consider their local context.
    4. A minimum of 5 days would be required for deeper implementation
    5. Content can be customized to meet local context.
  1. Focused Leadership Practices
    1. Participants will be introduced to a variety of practical skills, and strategies designed to leverage more aspiring leader voice in implementation of standards.
    2. Sessions would include self-efficacy scan, determining growth needs, and alignment of standards.
    3. Sessions would be conducted in school level leadership groups e.g. elementary, secondary (via PLCs / CoP).
    4. Would require approximately 4 days (1 per quarter or 2 per semester).
    5. Can be fully customized to meet local school / district context.
  1. Customizable Professional Learning
    1. A combination of “self-efficacy research” and “4 pathway practices” can be accessed for schools /districts.
    2. A practical assessment (survey tools, leadership meeting) would be required to best assess where professional learning needs are most needed.
    3. Number of days and content can be discussed and determined based on need.
    4. Fully customizable.

Certified In

  • Distance Learning
  • Success Criteria Playbook
  • Teacher Clarity
  • Visible Learning+ Foundation Series
  • Visible Learning+ Impact Series
  • Visible Learning+ Impact Coaching
  • Visible Learning+ School Capability Assessment
