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Habits for Resilient Teachers

Guest(s): Lindsay Prendergast, Piper Lee and Megan Martens
Date: 03/20/2024
Run time: 45:26
Season 2, Episode 3

In this episode, we have a teacher to teacher to teacher episode with three teacher guests - Lindsay Prendergast, Piper Lee & Megan Martens. In addition to sharing their teacher stories and classroom strategies, they talk about how teachers can nourish their well-being and navigate the negative Ned’s and Nelly’s. Lindsay and Piper share some themes from their new book Habits of Resilient Educators. Megan also shares her story, "Be a Leader" from Carol's book "When I Started Teaching, I Wish I Had Known..."

Episode Audio

Lindsay Prendergast Photo

Lindsay Prendergast

Lindsay Prendergast brings nearly two decades of experience in global education, where her roles have ranged from leadership coach to principal, consultant, and classroom teacher. As the Assistant Director of Strategy & Development with the Danielson Group, she collaborates with districts, schools, and educators to promote equitable teaching and learning through the Framework for Teaching. Lindsay’s work centers on leading systems change and advancing instructional leadership with practical and impactful insights. Recognized as an ASCD Emerging Leader and Champion in Education as well as an AAIE Fellow, Lindsay is an established thought leader who frequently shares her expertise on leadership development, growth-centered supervision, and assessment practices through ASCD, Learning Forward, Edutopia, AAIE, EARCOS, AMLE, Cognia, and more. She co-authored bestselling Habits of Resilient Educators: Strategies for Thriving During Times of Anxiety, Doubt, and Constant Change (Corwin, 2024), as well as dozens of articles and manuscripts in the field of education. Driven by a commitment to impactful change and global competence, Lindsay’s work empowers educators to navigate complex challenges, fostering environments where both teachers and students thrive.

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Piper Lee Photo

Piper Lee

Piper Lee has more than twenty-five years of experience in education, including teaching, administration, instructional coaching, professional learning facilitation, and leadership coaching. Her passion for student and adult learning and improving effective teacher instruction and student success in learning ignited her pursuit of working as an instructional leadership coach nationally.

Over the course of her career, Piper has served students, families, teachers, leadership teams, and undergraduate and graduate students. Most recently, Piper has been supporting district leaders, principals, and educators in one of the largest school districts in the country. While partnering with educators across the country, Piper has learned and lives the philosophy that rigorous relationships help to create transformative schools and impact every aspect of our lives. Piper received her bachelor of arts degree in Elementary Education, her master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and her education leadership certification and licensure from Winona State University in

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Megan Martens Photo

Megan Martens

Megan Martens was a teacher of the year Top 5 finalist in Volusia County, FL. A VolusiaLEADS member, a VolusiaMENTORS mentor, both grass roots projects where she had the privilege of collaborating with teacher leaders to grow the programs. She has been a FFEA (Florida’s Future Educators of America) club advisor at Sweetwater Elementary for 9 years and serves on her school’s leadership team as well as various committees.

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Carol Pelletier Radford Photo

Carol Pelletier Radford

Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.

Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership. She is also a certified yoga teacher who practices meditation and shares mindfulness strategies with educators through her online courses and website. Her podcast Teaching With Light features the stories of teachers and inspirational leaders. Her next passion project is the creation of a Teacher Legacy Network, where retired teachers can share their wisdom with the next generation of teachers.

You can learn more about Carol, find free resources, videos, meditations, courses, and all of her books at mentoringinaction.com/.

Twitter: @MentorinAction
Facebook: @MentoringinAction4Teachers
Instagram: @cpradford

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