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Universal Design for Learning and Beyond

Universal Design for Learning and Beyond

Presented by Lee Ann Jung
[Recorded] Date: Monday, March 06, 2023
Duration: 60 minutes

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In this session, Lee Ann will facilitate thinking around Universal Design for Learning as a means to bring equity in learning experiences and outcomes for a broad range of student variability. The session will challenge the way we view human characteristics as dichotomies. We categorize race, sexual orientation, and neurodiversity. But this is not the way the human condition works! This perspective opens a broad understanding of our students, the wonderful variations they bring to our classrooms, and how this impacts our practice. 

Participants will come away with:

  • An understanding that dichotomous thinking around human characteristics is faulty 
  • Understanding of the implications on roles of teachers and identity of students



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We wish we could bring all of us together at a convenient time. If you're not able to make it, just register and we'll send you the recording afterwards.

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