Whole School Health Through Psychosocial Emotional Learning

By: Jared Scherz

Foreword by Esther Wojcicki

Educators today must navigate a newer and more dynamic terrain than previous generations. This book provides a practical framework for improving the satisfaction of educators, all through the lens of whole-school health.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071823637
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: January 27, 2021
Price: $39.95
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15 strategies to jumpstart student and educator health

With rapid technological advancements and changes to how schools must respond to learning and mental health needs, the educational landscape looks considerably different from how it did 20 years ago. How do educators contend with this everchanging future? Jared Scherz answers this question and more by outlining the 15 critical steps to educators’ and students’ health through psychosocial emotional learning.

Designed for everyone involved in the educational system—including district administrators, teachers, students, parents, and the business community—this book provides a practical plan with steps to harmonize whole-school health, including sustainable growth in student character development, improvement of organizational health, and reduction of violence and other threats to education. A blueprint of applicable resources is provided, including:

15 easy-to-follow guidelines for successfully implementing social-emotional learning practices
A spotlight on issues such as empathy, identity formation, self-control, and conflict resolution
Dozens of real-world stories from educators
Anecdotal and data-driven results from successful implementation

Educators today must navigate a newer and more dynamic terrain than previous generations. This book provides a practical framework for improving the satisfaction of educators, all through the lens of whole-school health.


Jared Scherz photo

Jared Scherz

Dr. Jared Scherz is a clinical psychologist, author, and consultant who has worked with educators for over 30 years. He earned his M.Ed. from Penn State University and became an elementary school counselor before gaining his Ph.D. in psychology. He has created innovative prevention and intervention programs in both rural and inner-city schools.

Dr. Scherz believes that by supporting educator wellness and organizational health, schools will be better equipped for the challenges of modern-day education. He also believes that self-reflective practitioners who can recognize and meet their own needs are the keys to cultivating environments where both academic and psychosocial emotional learning can flourish.

As the CEO of TeacherCoach, Jared’s mission is to develop educational ecosystems that bring new revenue streams into school districts, make schools the hub of wellness in their community, and blend personal growth and professional development for faculty. Through the first ever Learning Engagement System (LES), districts can meet the needs of both the individual and the organization. For more information about TeacherCoach, email coach@teachercoach.com or visit us at www.teachercoach.com.

Table of Contents



About the Author


Part I: Current State of Education

Chapter 1: Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Chapter 2: Engagement

Chapter 3: The Psychology of Educator Stress

Chapter 4: Organizational Health and Educator Wellness

Part II: Psychosocial Emotional Learning

Chapter 5: Introduction to Psychosocial Emotional Learning

Chapter 6: Balancing Brain and Body

Chapter 7: Connecting Sensations With Feelings, Wants, and Needs

Chapter 8: Differentiating Self-Regulation Versus Self-Control

Chapter 9: Building Capacity to Hold Feelings in Abeyance

Chapter 10: Improving Tolerance for Distress

Chapter 11: Stimulating Self-Reflective Practices

Chapter 12: Helping Integrate Inequities and Frailties

Chapter 13: Evolving Identity Formation

Chapter 14: Growing Self-Worth

Chapter 15: Channeling Aggression Into Constructive Outlets

Chapter 16: Developing Tools for Expressing and Negotiating Needs

Chapter 17: Cultivating Empathy and Advanced Empathy

Chapter 18: Deepening Conflict Resolution to Constructive Differencing

Chapter 19: Anticipating the Consequences of Actions

Chapter 20: Modeling Ownership and Accountability

Chapter 21: Human Evolution and Psychosocial Emotional Learning

Appendix A: Road Map for Psychosocial Emotional Learning

Appendix B: Next Steps




Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.