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Using Equity Audits in the Classroom to Reach and Teach All Students

First Edition
By: Kathryn Bell McKenzie, Linda Skrla

Foreword by Christine Sleeter

Raise your equity quotient and learn new strategies for reaching students that will raise achievement for all children, including those with diverse needs.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412986779
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: July 14, 2011
Price: $33.95
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Raise your equity awareness quotient

In this time of changing demographics and increased diversity, many teachers find that existing strategies to promote equity are only successful with some of the students in their classes. This book provides teachers with new strategies and tools that will work for all children, including those with diverse needs. The authors outline a wide range of methods to help teachers:

  • Assess their competency in teaching all students
  • Embrace self-reflection and be open to change
  • Evaluate and assess student achievement
  • Develop high-quality teaching skills and an equity consciousness that leads to success with all students

Every chapter of this easy-to-read and content-rich text contains a wealth of assessment tools and discussion tools that guide educators to greater equity and excellence. Teachers will find practical strategies for raising student achievement and closing the achievement gap.

Key features

Question boxes, cases, and graphic organizers were used in the previous text with much success. These will be included in the proposed book as well as personal assessments in the form of check lists and Likert scales. Each chapter will include heuristics or guiding assessments.

This book will provide teachers with 1) tools to assess their competency teaching all students, 2) strategies for developing high quality teaching skills and an equity consciousness, leading to success with all students, 3) evaluations to assess student and teacher progress toward high achievement and an equity consciousness, and 4) skills for working with others in an environment that requires self-reflection and change.


Kathryn Bell McKenzie photo

Kathryn Bell McKenzie

Kathryn Bell McKenzie is professor emerita of Advanced Studies in Education at California State University, Stanislaus and associate professor emerita of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development at Texas A&M University. At California State, Kathryn was director of the EdD program in Educational Leadership and at Texas A&M, she was coordinator for the PhD in K–12 Educational Leadership.Prior to becoming a professor,Kathryn was a public school educator serving as a teacher, curriculum specialist, assistant principal,and principal for nearly twenty-five years. She was also the deputy director of the Austin Independent School District Leadership Academy. She has an international reputation with both P–12 and university educators who have used her work on equity traps and equity audits to improve educational practices that advance equity and excellence. She has numerous journal publications and books and is an educational consultant,writer, and speaker.
Linda Skrla photo

Linda Skrla

Linda Skrla is Professor of Educational Administration at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the Texas A&M faculty in 1997, Linda worked as a middle school and high school teacher and as a campus and district administrator in public schools. Her research focuses on educational equity issues in school leadership, including accountability policy, high success school districts, and women superintendents. Linda is Vice President of Division A of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Editor of Educational Administration Quarterly. She has published extensively in academic journals and has co-authored and co-edited five other books, the most recent of which is Using Equity Audits to Create Equitable and Excellent Schools (Corwin Press, 2009).

Table of Contents



About the Authors

1. Introduction

A Brief Overview of Our Work on Equity Audits

Previews of Chapters 2-9

Chapter Conclusion

Section I. Conceptual and Historical Frameworks

2. Equitable and Excellent Teaching

Equity Consciousness Preassessment

Equity Consciousness Defined

Research on Equity Consciousness

Research on High-Quality Teaching Skills

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

3. Qualities of Equitable and Excellent Classrooms

An Example of an Equitable and Excellent School: Tice Elementary

Classroom Equity Assessment

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

4. Auditing for Equity and Excellence

Equity Audits in International Settings

Equity Audits in U.S. Education

Refining Equity Audits Into a Usable Tool

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

Section II. Equity Auditing in the Classroom

5. Auditing for Teaching and Learning

Active Cognitive Engagement

What Our Critics Might Say

Zone of Self-Efficacy

An Auditing Tool: Teaching and Learning Tours

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

6. Auditing for Discipline

Research on Discipline

Reasons for Discipline Disproportionality

Auditing Tools for Examining Classroom Disciplinary Practices

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

7. Auditing for Parental Involvement

What Research Says About Parental Involvement

Classroom Parental Involvement Inventory

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

8. Auditing for Programmatic Equity

Advanced Placement

Gifted and Talented Programs

Special Education

Chapter Conclusion

Discussion Questions and Activities

9. Conclusion




Price: $33.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.