Thinking and Acting Like a Behavioral School Counselor

How counselors can improve intervention outcomes by employing a behavioral model!

Designed to help new and inexperienced counselors, this book explains the core constructs of behavioral counseling and provides extensive illustrative material to help translate theory into practice. Emphasizing skill development, the author offers clear guidance on processing student data, developing case conceptualizations, and implementing treatment plans. This concise text includes: 

  • A reflective, meaning-making model as a basis for effective school counseling
  • An introduction to the fundamentals of behavioral analysis
  • Clinical illustrations of intervention strategies targeting behavior modification
  • In-depth case studies and guided practice exercises

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412966511
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: November 23, 2012
Price: $34.95
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"This is the go-to training manual for those who received minimal behavioral exposure in their counseling program."
—Katy Olweiler, Counselor
Lakeside School, Seattle, WA

"After reading this book, I found myself thinking more behaviorally with my interactions with students. I plan to refer back to this book for ideas for fine-tuning some of what I do."
—Cynthia Knowles, Prevention Specialist
Livonia Central School District, NY

How counselors can improve intervention outcomes by employing a behavioral model!

With a focus on observing and analyzing student actions, behavioral counseling has proven to be effective in treating a wide range of student problems.

Thinking and Acting Like a Behavioral School Counselor explains the core constructs of behavioral counseling and provides extensive illustrative material to help new and experienced school counselors translate theory into practice. Emphasizing skill development, Richard D. Parsons offers clear guidance to processing student data, developing case conceptualizations, and implementing treatment plans. This concise text includes:

  • A reflective, meaning-making model as a basis for effective school counseling
  • An introduction to the fundamentals of behavioral analysis
  • Clinical illustrations of intervention strategies targeting behavior modification
  • In-depth case studies and guided practice exercises

Like the companion books on cognitive, eclectic, and solution-focused counseling, this exceptional resource transcends basic theory to help school counselors not only think like an expert, but act like one as well.

Key features

Practice and feedback are central to this text. Case illustrations, case presentations with analyses of counselor actions and the decision-making processes underlying them, along with guided practice activities, are employed as 'teaching tools' throughout.

The book is organized around the following sections:

  • Thinking and acting like an expert
  • Core constructs of behavioral counseling
  • Clinical illustrations of intervention strategies
  • In depth case verbatim (with "counselor thinking" superimposed )
  • Guided practice exercises that assist the reader in thinking and acting like an expert


Richard D. Parsons photo

Richard D. Parsons

Richard D. Parsons, Ph.D. is a Full Professor in the Counselor Education Department at West Chester University. Dr. Parsons has over 45 years of university teaching in counselor preparation programs. Prior to his University teaching Dr. Parsons spent 9 years as a school counselor in an inner-city high school.

Table of Contents



About the Author

Introduction to Book Series

Part I. Using Behavioral Orientation to Guide Reflection

1. The School Counselor as Reflective Practitioner

2. The Fundamentals of a Behavioral Orientation

Part II. Interventions Targeting the Increase, Decrease, and Substitution of Behavior

3. Strategies Targeting the Development of Behavior

4. Strategies Targeting the Reduction and/or Elimination of Behavior

5. Counterconditioning

Part III. From the Eyes of the Behavioral-Oriented Expert

6. School Counselors Reflecting In and On Practice

7. Practice in Procedural Thinking




Other Titles in: School Counseling

Price: $34.95
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