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The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry

Realizing Change in Schools and Classrooms
By: Jenni Donohoo, Moses Velasco

A Joint Publication with Learning Forward

Promote teachers as powerful change agents. Learn the benefits and challenges of adopting a sustainable, systemwide professional learning culture with this must-read guide for school leaders!

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483383897
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2016
  • Page Count: 136
  • Publication date: May 06, 2016
Price: $32.95
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Foster reflective teacher leadership and make real change happen!

Teachers are powerful change agents in the on-going process of school improvement. This insightful, must-read guide helps school leaders shape the development of a sustainable professional learning culture. Practical suggestions and in-depth research shed light on your path as you explore the benefits and challenges of adopting authentic teacher collaboration across schools and districts. A follow-up to Jenni Donohoo’s best-selling Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator's Guide to School Improvement, this book will quickly move you from theory to practice. Learn valuable lessons from leaders’ experiences in the field and discover:

  • A rationale and framework for engaging in inquiry
  • The vital conditions needed to ensure systemwide collaboration
  • Common pitfalls and the four stages of school improvement

Included are Cardwork Strategies with explicit actions and phrases to improve professional practice. Use this insightful guide to develop teacher leaders who lead and learn productively!

"The concept of collaborative inquiry is increasingly bandied about these days with little precision. In one fell swoop, Donohoo and Velasco change all that with this succinct, hard hitting, complete, powerful, and, above all, accessible book on collaborative inquiry.”
—Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus
OISE/University of Toronto

"Donohoo and Velasco guide readers through an inquiry process that can strengthen every professional learning community. They provide the ‘how’ to teacher collaboration and shine light on the path that will get us all there.”
—Douglas Fisher, Professor
San Diego State University

Key features

(1) Describes the conditions that are needed to implement effective professional learning across schools and districts and offers strategies for overcoming common hurdles to progress.

(2) Provides valuable insights into the critical role of school leaders in sustaining collaborative inquiry.

(3) Promotes an understanding of the need to establish an appropriate balance between accountability and teacher autonomy in promoting school improvement.

(4) An excellent companion piece to the author's best-selling title, Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator's Guide to School Improvement. This book is organized around the four-step framework of the previous book.

(5) Includes a range of illustrative cases of collaborative inquiry in practice as well as insights from practitioners in the field.


Jenni Donohoo photo

Jenni Donohoo

Jenni Donohoo is the director of Praxis-Engaging Ideas, Inc and a project manager for the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE). Jenni has a PhD in Educational Studies and Supervisory Officer Qualifications. Jenni is a former classroom teacher and currently works with system, school leaders, and teachers around the world to support high quality professional learning. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications and three best-selling books, including Collaborative Inquiry for Educators, The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry (with Moses Velasco), and Collective Efficacy: How Educators’ Beliefs Impact Student Learning. Jenni’s areas of expertise include collective efficacy, metacognition, adolescent literacy, and facilitating collaborative learning structures.

Moses Velasco photo

Moses Velasco

Moses Velasco is a Professional Learning Leader with Toronto District School Board. He has held several teacher leadership positions at both the school level and central departments. He is currently completing a Masters of Education degree with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. In addition to his professional and academic work, he sits on the board of directors for the Learning Forward Ontario affiliate. Moses is passionate about the critical role teachers play in improving education by expanding their understanding and exercise of leadership and influence. He also loves karaoke.

Table of Contents


About the Authors

List of Figures, Tables, and Resources


Part One: Collaborative Inquiry: A Transformative Professional Learning Design

Chapter 1. Teacher Driven Improvement

Addressing Adaptive Challenges

A Collaborative Inquiry Framework

What it is and What it is Not

What do the Experts Say?

Moving Collaborative Inquiry from Theory to Practice

Chapter 2. Bringing Collaborative Inquiry to Scale

Coburn’s (2003) Redefinition of Scale

Conditions Necessary to Bring Collaborative Inquiry to Scale

Part Two: Strengthening the Power: Realizing Change in Schools and Classrooms

Chapter 3. Determining and Maintaining Focus

Establishing a Needs Based Focus

Formulating an Inquiry Question

Developing a Robust Theory of Action

Chapter 4. Provoking Thinking to Assess Impact

Building Appreciation for and Capacity to Use a Variety of Assessment Data

Teacher Learning Through the Collaborative Analysis of Student Work

Determining Next Best Move

Reconciling Discrepancies: Theories of Action

Chapter 5. Shaping the Development of a Professional Learning Culture

Shifting from Professional Development to Professional Learning

Building Quality Professional Relationships

Improving Collaboration

Expanding the Reach of Learning




Price: $32.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.