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The Teacher’s Guide to Media Literacy
The authors provide concrete, innovative ways to integrate media literacy across the curriculum. A companion website provides tools for analyzing all kinds of media.
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412997584
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2011
- Page Count: 264
- Publication date: November 27, 2012
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Use media literacy to reach all students!
The Teacher's Guide to Media Literacy starts by asking, "What does it mean to be literate in today's world, and how can those literacy skills be developed?" The authors answer those questions by providing concrete, innovative ways to integrate media literacy across the curriculum and teach students to be independent, skilled, and reflective thinkers. Through dozens of suggested activities, teaching strategies, and lessons, this book's unique vision allows schools to
- Integrate media literacy into teaching at all grade levels and core content areas
- Address key education standards
- Teach 21st-century skills and higher-order critical thinking
- Engage students by bridging schoolwork with their lives outside the classroom
In addition to dozens of activity ideas, the text and companion website include self-reflection exercises, voices from the field, a glossary of terms, and seven annotated, original, classroom-tested lesson plans that illustrate different approaches to media literacy in the classroom. In a time of hectic schedules and ever increasing expectations, the authors help teachers reframe their instruction to focus on the skills students need to succeed in the digital age.
Key features
- Based ona 3-pronged approach to media literacy – inquiry-based, literacy-based, and curriculum driven.
- Presents the theoretical basis behind media literacy education, including what is meant by "media" and "media literacy," the basic principles of media literacy education and its relationship to other educational approaches, and an analysis of the benefits and challenges in using media literacy in the classroom.
- In addition to dozens of activity ideas, includes seven annotated, original, classroom-tested lesson plans that illustrate different approaches to media literacy in the classroom.
- Suggestions for adapting lessons to match developmentally appropriate expections and assessing medial literacyskills and knowledge

Cyndy Scheibe
Faith Rogow
Table of Contents
List of Figures and Tables, Voices from the Field, and Reflection Boxes
About the Authors
1. What Do We Mean by "Media"?
2.. What Is "Media Literacy"?
3. What Is Media Literacy Education?
4. When Are Questions the Answer? Teaching Students How to Analyze Media Messages
5. General Approaches to Teaching Media Literacy Across the Whole Curriculum
6. Integrating Media Literacy Into Specific Content Areas
7. Media Literacy Lesson Plans
8. Does It Work?
9."Sounds Great, But I Don't Have Time!" Getting Past the Barriers and Why It's Worth It
Afterword: Where Do We Go From Here?
“Well-articulated media literacy theories supported by a generous selection of practical student activities. For me, the book’s strongest attribute is the scaffolding that helps students arrive at their own conclusions through critical thinking.”Neil Andersen, Educational Consultant
Association for Media Literacy, Toronto, ON
“Cyndy Scheibe and Faith Rogow, both experts in the field of media literacy education, have provided the quintessential road map for understanding media literacy and its place in 21st-century classrooms. This extremely valuable text belongs on the bookshelf of every teacher’s professional collection.”Frank W. Baker, Media Literacy Consultant
Media Literacy Clearinghouse Inc, Columbia SC
“Not only does this book provide a thorough and engaging backdrop for understanding media literacy; it also provides practical applications for the classroom. Filled with thoughtful tips and concrete examples, this is a book that teachers can use right off the shelf. I will definitely provide copies for my faculty and administrators.”Michelle Saylor, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development
Wilson School District, West Lawn, PA
“The Teacher’s Guide to Media Literacy is just the guide all educators would appreciate having in their personal library. Media literacy is a buzz phrase, however, this guide will turn your class abuzz with higher order questioning, inquiry and reflection discussions throughout all content areas.”Cheryl Oakes, Resource Room Teacher and Facilitator
Wells Ogunquit Schools, ME
"I look forward to introducing this text to pre-service English and theatre educators. The balance of historical understandings, contemporary contexts, and useful examples will be a positive influence for beginning teachers who are practicing media literacy for the first time."Amy Petersen Jensen, Professor and Co-editor of the Journal of Media Literacy Education
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
“Cyndy and Faith have provided many creative, inquiry-based lesson ideas students will love, and the kinds of activities in this book are more needed than ever--this book situates these tasks firmly in a truly broadened conception of what it means to be a literate person in the 21st century.”William Kist, Associate Professor
Kent State University, OH
"This is essential reading for teachers, but even more for those who set the education agenda in the United States. Scheibe and Rogow make it seem not only obvious but natural to include media literacy education at all levels of teaching and learning today."Sister Rose Pacatte, Director
Pauline Center for Media Studies, Los Angeles, CA
"Scheibe and Rogow have developed an innovative approach to help teachers master the secrets of inquiry learning for media literacy education. They demonstrate how to support students’ deep reading with a variety of print and non-print texts. Educators using these techniques will see dramatic improvements in the quality of student critical thinking skills."Renee Hobbs, Founding Director
Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
"A comprehensive overview of media literacy, from core principles to best practices. Scheibe and Rogow have done a masterful job articulating the multiple theories and aspects that constitute the media literacy field, further expanded the vocabulary, concepts, and approaches, and honed them to brilliant sharpness. This book should be USED by teachers everywhere."Elizabeth Thoman, Founder
Center for Media Literacy, Los Angeles, CA
"Scheibe and Rogow’s book arrives at a moment when technology and educational thinking have finally converged. It combines important theoretical concepts with practical lesson plans applying media literacy across the curriculum and should be read by everyone interested in improving our public schools."Milton Chen, Senior Fellow & Executive Director, Emeritus
The George Lucas Educational Foundation, San Rafael, CA
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