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The Principal's Field Manual
The School Principal as the Organizational Leader
An original, proven approach to help you meet challenges head-on!
This practical resource for "school CEOs" is based on the Organizational Effectiveness Model, a unique conceptual framework and organizing tool. Drawing from lessons learned in both education and business, the manual provides background knowledge and practices that are immediately useful. Coverage is organized around five elements essential to all organizations:
- Mission, including the central importance of useful metrics
- Strategies, such as the value of seeing the whole system
- Structure, including skill with conflict management
- People, highlighting the usefulness of political savvy
- Leadership, including the fundamental importance of trust
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412971164
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2009
- Page Count: 176
- Publication date: June 09, 2009
Review Copies
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