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The Principal as Data-Driven Leader

A proven process for demonstrating and communicating school improvements!

Part of the Leading Student Achievement series, this concise guide helps school leaders use data to shape, revise, and assess instructional reform. Focusing on the significance of data in the development of realistic solutions to specific educational issues, this resource defines four types of data and helps principals:

  • Understand their role as leader, communicator, and professional developer for data-driven reform
  • Introduce the use of data into the school improvement planning cycle
  • Create a team to gather relevant, valid, and comprehensive data 
  • Embed data practices into a school's culture

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412963053
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Leading Student Achievement Series
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: December 17, 2008
Price: $32.95
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"This series allows school principals to integrate theory and practice themselves, resulting in highly insightful and practical strategies that will make a difference in schools. Practitioners: lead thyselves!"
—Michael Fullan, Professor Emeritus
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

"Avoiding high-flown theory on the one hand and mere bullet points on the other, these books represent the best that highly expert leaders have to offer—intellectually informed ideas about how to deal with the compelling practical issues of principalship."
—Andy Hargreaves, Thomas More Brennan Chair in Education
Boston College

"This series of little volumes provides a valuable resource for new principals who would become accomplished instructional leaders and seasoned principals looking to strengthen their leadership capacity."
—Roland S. Barth, Founding Director
Harvard Principals' Center

"Addresses some of the most important challenges facing school leaders today. The authors bring a remarkable combination of deep, practical experience and academic sophistication to these challenges."
—Ken Leithwood, Professor
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

A proven process for demonstrating and communicating school improvements!

As the call for educational accountability increases, so does the importance of data. This practical guide, part of the Leading Student Achievement series, helps school leaders use evidence to shape, revise, and assess instructional reform.

Focusing on the significance of data in the development of realistic solutions to specific educational issues, this resource defines four types of data and helps principals: 

  • Understand their role as leader, communicator, and professional developer for data-driven reform
  • Introduce the use of data into the school improvement planning cycle
  • Create a team to gather relevant, valid, and comprehensive data

With brainstorming templates, case studies, and planning forms for embedding data use into a school's culture, The Principal as Data-Driven Leader helps schools start on a journey to genuine accountability and demonstrable gains in student performance.

Key features

  • Describes a data-driven school improvement planning cycle
  • Shows the principal how to lead a school through a data-driven school improvement planning cycle
  • Educator ToolKit at the back of the book offers numerous tools to help the principal lead a school through the data-driven school improvement planning cycle
  • Shows school leaders how to gather relevant, valid, complete and reliable data from as many types as possible to ensure that decisions are based on the whole picture, not just part of it.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



1. School Improvement Planning

The International Drive for Accountability in Education

School Improvement Planning for Student Achievement


2. The Dimensions of the Principal as Data-Driven Leader

The Principal as Leader

The Principal as Professional Developer

The Principal?s Role as Communicator


3. Introducing Data-Based School Improvement

Convincing School Staff

Working With Leadership Teams

Making Data Use Explicit


4. Finding Reliable, Valid, and Comprehensive Data

Types of Data

Intersecting Data

Defining Data Types With Your Staff


5. The Data-Driven School Improvement Planning Cycle

The School Improvement Planning Cycle

In-School Application and Practice

Ensuring That Evidence Is Valid and Complete


6. Embedding the Cycle in the School's Culture

Facilitating Success

Adding to the Tool Kit


Educator Tool Kit






Price: $32.95
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