The Parallel Curriculum (Multimedia Kit)

A Design to Develop Learner Potential and Challenge Advanced Learners

Demonstrate how the Parallel Curriculum Model helps educators refine their understanding of a high-quality, comprehensive curriculum to dramatically improve learning and achievement for diverse groups of students.

Includes: DVD (69 min.), Facilitator’s Guide, CD-ROM, Companion Book

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 2-12
  • ISBN: 9781412976367
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 96
  • Publication date: July 21, 2011
Price: $396.95
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Use the PCM model to help educators refine their understanding of a high-quality, comprehensive curriculum!

Designed around the second edition of the best-selling book The Parallel Curriculum, this one-stop multimedia kit reflects the best practices in curriculum development and implementation and allows facilitators to demonstrate how the Parallel Curriculum Model (PCM) can dramatically enhance instruction and improve learning for diverse groups of students. Participants will engage in discussions about:

  • The four parallels for curriculum and instruction: Core Curriculum, Curriculum of Connections, Curriculum of Practice, and Curriculum of Identity
  • Units of study that include one or more parallels
  • 11 key components for high-quality curriculum design and implementation
  • The Ascending Intellectual Demand (AID) concept for supporting student development
  • Assessment as a vital element of the Parallel Curriculum Model

The Parallel Curriculum, Second Edition: A Multimedia Kit for Professional Development provides:

  • The second edition of the companion book The Parallel Curriculum, which offers a rich curriculum model to strengthen students' capacity as learners and thinkers
  • A 69-minute, content-rich DVD—with an easy stop-and-search navigation menu—that features PCM authors Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jann H. Leppien discussing the principles behind the PCM model and shows teachers using PCM in real classrooms
  • A step-by-step facilitator's guide that connects the book to the DVD and provides discussion questions, workshop activities, handouts, and agendas
  • A companion CD-ROM that contains a digital copy of the entire facilitator guide

An ideal professional development resource to use with pairs, small workshops, or large seminars, this multimedia kit is essential for anyone leading workshops focused on creating an in-depth, research-based curriculum that serves every student.


Carol Ann Tomlinson photo

Carol Ann Tomlinson

Carol Ann Tomlinson‘s career as an educator includes 21 years as a public school teacher. She taught in high school, preschool, and middle school, and worked with heterogeneous classes as well as special classes for students identified as gifted and students with learning difficulties. Her public school career also included 12 years as a program administrator of special services for advanced and struggling learners. She was Virginia’s Teacher of the Year in 1974. She is professor of educational leadership, foundations, and pol­icy at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education; a researcher for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented; a codirec­tor of the University of Virginia’s Summer Institute on Academic Diversity; and president of the National Association for Gifted Children. Special interests through­out her career have included curriculum and instruction for advanced learners and struggling learners, effective instruction in heterogeneous settings, and bridging the fields of general education and gifted education. She is author of over 100 articles, book chapters, books, and other professional development materials, including How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, Leadership for Differentiated Schools and Classrooms, the facilitator’s guide for the video staff development sets called Differentiating Instruction, and At Work in the Differentiated Classroom, as well as a professional inquiry kit on differentiation. She works throughout the United States and abroad with teachers whose goal is to develop more responsive heterogeneous classrooms.
Sandra N. Kaplan photo

Sandra N. Kaplan

Sandra N. Kaplan has been a teacher and administrator of gifted programs in an urban school district in California. Currently, she is clinical professor in learning and instruction at the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. She has authored articles and books on the nature and scope of differenti­ated curriculum for gifted students. Her primary area of concern is modifying the core and differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of inner-city, urban, gifted learners. She is a past president of the California Association for the Gifted (CAG) and the National Asso­ciation for Gifted Children (NAGC). She has been nationally recognized for her con­tributions to gifted education.
Joseph S. Renzulli photo

Joseph S. Renzulli

Joseph S. Renzulli is professor of educational psychology at the University of Connecticut, where he also serves as director of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. His research has focused on the identification and development of creativity and giftedness in young people and on organizational models and curricular strategies for total school improvement. A focus of his work has been on applying the strategies of gifted education to the improvement of learning for all students. He is a fellow in the American Psychological Association and was a consultant to theWhite House Task Force on Education of the Gifted and Talented. He was recently designated a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor at the University of Con­necticut. Although he has obtained more than $20 million in research grants, he lists as his proudest professional accomplishments the UConn Mentor Connection program for gifted young students and the summer Confratute program at UConn, which began in 1978 and has served thousands of teachers and administrators from around the world.
Jeanne H. Purcell photo

Jeanne H. Purcell

Jeanne H. Purcell is the consultant to the Connecticut State Depart­ment of Education for gifted and talented education. She is also director of UConn Mentor Connection, a nationally recognized summer mentorship program for talented teenagers that is part of the NEAG Center for Talent Development at the University of Con­necticut. Prior to her work at the State Department of Connecticut, she was an administrator for Rocky Hill Public Schools (CT); a pro­gram specialist with the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, where she worked collaboratively with other researchers on national issues related to high-achieving young people; an instructor of Teaching the Talented, a graduate-level program in gifted education; and a staff developer to school districts across the country and Canada. She has been an En­glish teacher, community service coordinator, and teacher of the gifted, K-12, for 18 years in Connecticut school districts and has published many articles that have appeared in Educational Leadership, Gifted Child Quarterly, Roeper Review, Educa­tional and Psychological Measurement, National Association of Secondary School Principals’ Bulletin, Our Children: The National PTA Magazine, Parenting for High Potential, and Journal for the Education of the Gifted. She is active in the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and serves on the Awards Committee and the Curriculum Committee of NAGC, for which she is the co-chair for the annual Curriculum Awards Competition.
Jann H. Leppien photo

Jann H. Leppien

Jann Leppien served as a gifted and talented coordinator in Montana prior to attending the University of Connecticut, where she earned her doctorate in gifted education and worked as a research assistant at the National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented. She has been a teacher for 24 years, spending 14 of those years working as a classroom teacher, enrichment specialist, and coordinator of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Montana. She is past president of the Montana Association for Gifted and Tal­ented Education. Currently, she is an associate professor in the School of Education at the University of Great Falls in Montana. Leppien teaches graduate and under­graduate courses in gifted education, educational research, curriculum and assess­ment, creativity, and methods courses in math, science, and social studies. Her research interests include teacher collaboration, curriculum design, underachievement, and planning instruction for advanced learners. Leppien works as a consultant to teachers in the field of gifted education and as a national trainer for the Talents Unlimited Program. She is coauthor of The Multiple Menu Model: A Par­allel Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum. She is active in the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), serving as a board member and newsletter editor of the Curriculum Division, and a board member of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students.
Deborah E. Burns photo

Deborah E. Burns

Deborah E. Burns began her teaching career in 1973 as a Title I reading and mathematics teacher in a rural K-8 school in Michigan. She has worked as a K-8 classroom teacher, as a middle school language arts spe­cialist, and as a program coordinator for a seven-district consortium. She has taught in preschool, summer, and Saturday programs, in resource rooms, a psychiatric ward, an orphanage, and at the university level. She has written grants, professional development modules, journal articles, assessments, program evaluations, curriculum units, and three books. She has also designed and implemented class­room-based research studies and conducted program and teacher evaluations. For the past 15 years, she has been employed by the University of Connecticut’s NEAG School of Education as a program director, an assistant professor, a research scien­tist, associate professor in residence, and most recently in Cheshire as curriculum coordinator for the district. She is an active member of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and has been a board member for the past five years. She is a member of the Curriculum Division and is co-chair of the annual Curriculum Awards Competition. Burns earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary edu­cation from Michigan State University in 1973. She pursued her graduate studies at Western Michigan University in clinical reading instruction and received her MEd from Ashland College in 1978 in remedial reading, administration, and supervision. She pursued additional graduate studies at Ohio State University involving ad­ministration, special education, and gifted education and received her PhD in educational psychology and gifted education from the University of Connecticut in 1987.
Cindy A. Strickland photo

Cindy A. Strickland

Cindy A. Strickland has been a teacher for twenty-five years and has worked with students of all ages, from kindergarten to master’s degree. A member of the ASCD Differentiation Faculty Cadre, Cindy works closely with Carol Ann Tomlinson and has coauthored several books and articles with her. In the past eight years, Cindy’s consulting work has taken her to forty-six states, five provinces, and three continents where she has provided workshops on topics relating to differentiation, the Parallel Curriculum Model (PCM), and gifted education.
Cindy’s publications include Staff Development Guide for the Parallel Curriculum; The Parallel Curriculum Model, 2nd edition; The Parallel Curriculum Model in the Classroom: Applications Across the Content Areas; and In Search of the Dream: Designing Schools and Classrooms That Work for High Potential Students from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds.

Publications in differentiation include Professional Development for Differentiated Instruction: An ASCD Toolkit, Exploring Differentiated Instruction, Tools for High-Quality Differentiated Instruction: An ASCD Toolkit, the ASCD online course Success with Differentiation, the book Differentiation in Practice: A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum, Grades 9–12, and a unit in the book Differentiation in Practice: A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum, Grades 5–9.
Marcia B. Imbeau photo

Marcia B. Imbeau

Marcia B. Imbeau is an associate professor at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, where she teaches graduate courses in gifted education and elementary education. She is actively involved with university/public school partnerships and teaches in a local elementary school as a university liaison. Her professional experience includes serving as a field researcher for the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, elementary teaching in the regular classroom, teaching in programs for the gifted, and coordinating university-based and Saturday programs for advanced learners.

Imbeau has been a board member for the National Association for Gifted Children and has served as a governor at-large for the Council for Exceptional Children – The Association for the Gifted Division. She is a past president of Arkansans for Gifted and Talented Education, a state organization that supports appropriate instructional services for all students.

Working with special education colleagues, she has coauthored How to Use Differentiated Instruction With Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom as a service publication for the Council for Exceptional Children. Her most recent publication may be found in Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners.

Imbeau is a member of the ASCD’s Differentiated Instruction Cadre, which provides support and training to schools interested in improving their efforts to meet the academically diverse learning needs of their students.

Table of Contents

About the Author


How to Use This Guide

How to Use the Video/DVD

Additional Resources for Facilitators

Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide: Facilitators Guide to The Parallel Curriculum

Welcome and Workshop Starter

Optional Preassessment

Workshop 1: Rationale

Preview Activity

Video Segment 1

Discussion Questions

Workshop 2: Overview of the Model

Preview Activity

Video Segment 2

Discussion Questions

Workshop 3: Elements of Curriculum Design

Preview Activity

Variation on Preview Activity

Video Segment 3

Discussion Questions

Application Activity

Workshop 4: Core Parallel

Optional Review Activity

Preview Activity

Differentiation Based on Learner Need (Including AID)

Video Segment 4

Discussion Questions

Application Activity

Differentiation Based on Learner Need (Including AID)

Workshop 5: Connections Parallel

Preview Activity

Video Segment 5

Discussion Questions

Application Activity

Workshop 6: Practice Parallel

Preview Activity

Video Segment 6

Discussion Questions

Application Activity

Workshop 7: Identity Parallel

Preview Activity

Video Segment 7

Discussion Questions

Application Activity

Workshop 8: Ascending Intellectual Demand

Preview Activity

Video Segment 8

Discussion Questions

Optional Extension Activity

Application Activity

Workshop Closure Activity

Workshop 9: Combining the Parallels


Workshop Closure Activity

Video Segment 9


Sample Workshop Agendas

Workshop Evaluation Form

Price: $396.95
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