The Other Side of the Report Card

Assessing Students' Social, Emotional, and Character Development
By: Maurice J. Elias, Joseph J. Ferrito, Dominic C. Moceri

Foreword by Timothy Shriver and Mark Greenberg

Integrate social-emotional learning and character development into your grading system with guided exercises for analyzing existing report cards, suggested new designs, case studies, and testimonials.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781483386676
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2015
  • Page Count: 112
  • Publication date: December 29, 2015
Price: $39.95
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To better serve the whole child, look at the whole report card.

Students are more than their academic grades—you know it and their parents know it. The progress they make in social-emotional learning and character development is essential to their success in school and in life. But while educators have made great strides in improving grading for academic achievement, we’ve left too many teachers still guessing when it comes to outdated behavior ratings and comment sections.

That’s where this book comes in. Grounded in research and in the author’s work with teachers and administrators, it offers guidance on retooling report cards to better reflect the whole child, integrating SEL and CD into any school- or district-wide grading system. Resources include

  • Guided exercises for analyzing existing report cards
  • Samples and suggested report card designs
  • Tips on improving communication with parents
  • Case studies highlighting common challenges
  • Testimonials from teachers and students

"When you take report cards to the next level, you make sure that communication reflects all of the important characteristics of success—and ensure that students develop the skills they need for the future. This book brilliantly illuminates the key role played by social-emotional learning in each student’s development and it challenges the tradition of relegating the SEL/EQ observations to the back of the report card. If we want to develop better communities, this book shows the way."
Dr. Neil MacNeill PhD, EdD - Head Master
Ellenbrook Indpendent Primary School

"The ultimate goal of misbehavior is attention. When children don’t get the attention they need through the proper behavior, they will get it any way they can. Children want to be loved and cared about. SEL will help them to learn the proper ways to get attention. It will also help teachers better understand the misbehaviors and redirect students toward positive behavior."
Pamela L. Opel - Teacher, Intervention Specialist
Gulfport School District

Key features

  • The work is based on the authors' research into how the behavior ratings and comments sections of the report card relate to academic grades and standardized tests as expressed by CASEL and the SELect social-emotional learning programs.
  • Provides samples and suggested report card designs to help educators model their own report cards after.
  • Includes testimonials from the students and teachers.


Maurice J. Elias photo

Maurice J. Elias

Maurice J. Elias, PhD, is Professor, Psychology Department, Rutgers University, Director, Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab (www.secdlab.org), Co-Director of the Rutgers-based Academy for SEL in Schools, which offers online certificates in SEL Instruction and School Leadership (SELinSchools.org), and a member of the Leadership Team for SEL4NJ and SEL4US (www.SEL4US.org). He received the Joseph E. Zins Memorial Senior Scholar Award for Social-Emotional Learning from CASEL , the Sanford McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education, and the Jane Bostrum Service to School Psychology Award. Dr. Elias is a past winner of the Lela Rowland Prevention Award, the Ernest McMahon Class of 1930 Award for service to New Jersey, and the American Psychological Association/Society for Community Research and Action’s Distinguished Contribution to Practice and Ethnic Minority Mentoring awards. His books include Emotionally Intelligent Parenting, The Educator’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom, and The Other Side of the Report Card: Assessing Students’ Social, Emotional, and Character Development (how schools and districts can integrate social-emotional and character development systematically into their ongoing student report cards). Most recently, he is the coauthor of The Joys & Oys of Parenting: Insights and Wisdom From the Jewish Tradition, Boost Emotional Intelligence in Students: 30 Flexible Research-Based Lessons to Build EQ Skills, Nurturing Students’ Character: Everyday Teaching Activities for Social-Emotional Learning, and Social-Emotional Learning Lab: A Comprehensive SEL Resource Kit (with Victoria Poedubicky).

He writes a blog on SECD for Edutopia (www.edutopia.org/profile/mauricej-elias) and can be reached at secdlab@gmail.com. His Twitter handles are @SELinSchools and @SECDLab.

Take a look at a review on The Other Side of the Report Card from the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists at https://us.corwin.com/sites/default/files/review_of_the_other_side_njasp_0.pdf.

Joseph J. Ferrito photo

Joseph J. Ferrito

Joseph J. Ferrito recently earned his doctoral degree from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University. He is a native of Monroe Township, New Jersey and a graduate of Marist College where he majored in psychology. Clinically, J.J. trained and worked across levels of care ranging from public schools and in-home services, to residential and inpatient treatment facilities. His clinical work has focused on children, adolescents and families, particularly those who have been exposed to various traumatic experiences. He completed an APA-accredited internship at Sharp HealthCare in San Diego, California and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Audrey Hepburn Children’s House at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

Throughout his graduate training, J.J. taught several undergraduate courses and conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Maurice J. Elias through the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lab at Rutgers University. Developing feasible methods for assessing SEL and related skills in schools has been a focus of this research and this work has generated several publications in various forms. J.J. hopes to continue this work and combine it with his interest in trauma and resiliency to enhance evidence-based methods of prevention and promotion on a national and international level.

Take a look at a review on The Other Side of the Report Card, published by the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists here.
Dominic C. Moceri photo

Dominic C. Moceri

Dominic C. Moceri graduated with his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. While at Rutgers, Dominic's research focused on quantifying the dissemination, implementation, sustainability, and scalability of evidence-based practices in schools and other settings. Dominic was co-principal investigator of the initial SEL Report Card Indicator studies, the foundation for this book. Additionally, he was the lead creator of the Schools Implementing Towards Sustainability (SITS) scale, a user-friendly and scalable measure of the system of sustainable implementation framework (Moceri et al., 2012). He received his M.S. in clinical psychology from Rutgers and his B.A. with honors in psychology from the University of Michigan.

Dr. Moceri currently practices cognitive-behavioral therapy and conducts psychological assessments with children, adolescents, and adults in his home state of Michigan. He assesses and treats a wide variety of presenting problems, including anxiety, depression, inattention, hyperactivity, oppositionality, and rage attacks. He specializes in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, and tic disorders using exposure and response prevention and habit reversal training.

Take a look at a review on The Other Side of the Report Card, published by the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists here.

Table of Contents


Annotated Table of Contents

Process Overview and How this Guide can be Utilized

Chapter 1- Is it Realistic to Include SEL Skills and Character on Report Cards?

Chapter 2 - Methods Currently in Practice: Yours and Others’

Chapter 3 - Adapting Your Report Card Comments for SEL and/or Character

Chapter 4 - Implementation and Case Study Examples

Chapter 5 – Implementation with Case Study Examples for Schools with Current SEL or Character Programming

Chapter 6 – Most Frequent Challenges Addressed and Overcome: Reassuring and Involving Parents, Aligning to Early Childhood Education and Career and Technical Education Goals

Chapter 7 – Checklist of Important Considerations

Chapter 8 – Literature Review on Previous Studies Related to “The Other Side” of the Report Card

Chapter 9 - Guidelines and Resources for Social-Emotional and Character Development Programming in Schools

Essential Reference Tables

Table 1: The CASEL 5: Definitions and Skills Examples

Table 2 Character Strengths and Behavioral Indicators

Table 3 - Steps to Evaluating Current Report Card Comments in Your School

Table 4 - Common Characteristics of Student Behavior by Grade and the Overlap with SEL

Table 5 - Common Characteristics of Student Behavior by Grade and the Overlap with Character

Table 6 – Example: SEL Likert Rating System

Table 7 – Example: Character Likert Rating System

Table 8 – Example: SEL Rubric Rating System

Table 9 – Example: Character Rubric Rating System

Online Supplement - Developmentally Adapted SEL Likert Rating System With References

Online Supplement- SEL Skill Trajectory Grades 1-12



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