The Everything Guide to Informational Texts, K-2

Best Texts, Best Practices
By: Kathy H. Barclay, Laura Stewart, Deborah M. Lee

Foreword by Timothy Shanahan

Finally, here’s a the resource that delivers the “what I need to know ” to engage kids in a significant amount of informational text reading experiences.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-2
  • ISBN: 9781452283104
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Literacy
  • Year: 2014
  • Page Count: 296
  • Publication date: March 07, 2014
Price: $39.95
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“Do monarch butterflies have a nose?” a kindergartener inquires.

“Does it rain on the moon?” a first-grader wonders.

“Does a white shark really produce 30 million teeth?”asks a second grader.

These incisive, critical quests for additional knowledge about the world are precisely what children do when the Common Core State Standards for informational texts go right in K-2. And with The Everything Guide to Informational Texts, the Common Core will go right in K-2.

Authors Kathy Barclay and Laura Stewart have written the book that teachers like you have been pleading for—a resource that delivers the “what I need to know Monday through Friday” to engage kids in a significant amount of informational text reading experiences.

No filler, no lofty ideals about college and career readiness, but instead, the information on how to find lesson-worthy texts and create developmentally appropriate instructional plans that truly help young readers comprehend grade-level texts.

What you’ll love most:

  • The how-to’s on selecting stellar informational texts
  • High-impact comprehension strategies for nonfiction
  • Suggestions on providing sufficient challenge in guided reading, read alouds, and other practices
  • Model text lessons and lesson plan templates across each grade
  • An annotated list of 449 informational texts for read alouds, guided reading, and independent reading

It’s time to bring in to our classrooms all the high-quality informational texts that are available. It’s time to demonstrate to students how to read them, and to allow the authors of these children’s texts to take readers into rich, complex ideas they can handle with our support. If ever there were a book to quell our concern about how Common Core expectations will play out in grades K-2, this is it.

Key features

The proposed text will provide teachers and prospective teachers of children in pre-kindergarten through grade two with an in-depth understanding of:
  • The Common Core Standards for Informational Literature
  • Characteristics of and criteria for selecting high quality informational text
  • Proven techniques for scaffolding beginning readers' mastery of the Common Core Standards for Informational Literature

Additional features:

  • A chart containing the Standards for Informational Literature for each grade level will illustrate the progression of knowledge and skills from PreK-2.
  • Text excerpts, sample lessons, and figures containing teacher tips for implementing differentiated instruction to scaffold students in the reading of grade level texts will enhance and support the narrative discussions.
  • An extensive annotated bibliography of informational books appropriate for use during read aloud experiences with young children.
  • Three chapters will include full color interior and exteriors of high quality children's books to illustrate important points

Table of Contents

Foreword by Timothy Shanahan


Publisher's Acknowledgments

Chapter 1. New Standards, Timeless Goals: How Informational Texts Can Help Make Every Child a Reader

A Crash Course on the Common Core

The College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading

Naming the Skills Involved in Reading Nonfiction and Fiction

Where Do We Go From Here?

Chapter 2. Bringing Informational Texts Into Your Teaching

Goal 1: Expose Children to More Complex Texts

Goal 2: Pay More Attention to Oral Language

Goal 3: Be More Intentional

Goal 4: Differentiate Instruction

Goal 5: Explicitly Teach From the Text

Chapter 3. The How-To's of Selecting Stellar Texts

The New Nonfiction

Evaluating Format and Visual Appeal

Evaluating Accuracy and Authenticity

Evaluating Writing Style and Appropriateness for Young Children

Evaluating Potential Content and Curricular Connections

Chapter 4. The Top Ten: Focus on These High-Impact Comprehension Strategies

Teaching High-Impact Skills and Strategies for Comprehending Informational Text

Chapter 5. Demystifying What Makes Lessons Effective: The Lesson Plan Template

The Overarching Goal of Informational Text Lessons: Rigorous Text Experiences for All Students

The Four Lesson Steps

Chapter 6. Informational Text Read-Aloud Lessons in Kindergarten

The Common Core Standards for Informational Text Read-Alouds

Using the Lesson Plan Template for the Read-Aloud

Miss Webb's Kindergarten Class: A Sample Informational Text Read-Aloud Lesson

Chapter 7. Informational Text Lessons in First Grade

What's Different About First Grade?

Mrs. Stocker's First Graders: A Sample Informational Text Guided Reading Lesson

Chapter 8. Informational Text Lessons in Second Grade

What About Students Who Are Not Reading With Grade-Level Proficiency?

Mr. Morris's Second Graders: A Model Informational Text Guided Reading Lesson

Chapter 9. Embedding Informational Texts in Units of Study

An Interdisciplinary Focus

Planning Units of Study: Who Does What?

Selecting High-Quality Informational Literature for Units of Study

Concluding Thoughts

Appendix A. Checklist for Evaluating Informational Literature

Appendix B. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Checklists

Kindergarten CCSS Checklist

First Grade CCSS Checklist

Second Grade CCSS Checklist

Appendix C. Lesson Plan Template

Appendix D. Topical List of Informational Literature

Appendix E. Annotated Bibliography of Children's Books




Price: $39.95
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