Teaching With Heart

Making Healthy Connections With Students

Examines the methods that outstanding teachers use to develop healthy, caring relationships with their students without turning into counselors or parents. Identifies and discusses the teacher behaviors that sustain and support students while helping them learn. Here you'll find case studies that illustrate how you can begin to foster caring and closeness in your school or classroom.

Learn to make real connections with your students to help buffer them against self-defeating behaviors common among young people. Develop these six effective strategies:

  • Learn how to listen to their points of view
  • Set high standards for yourself and for your students
  • Encourage students to be individualistic and independent
  • Learn how to treat students with dignity and respect
  • Use discipline with humor
  • Make it safe for your students to learn

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803963450
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1996
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: April 11, 1996
Price: $39.95
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"Demystifies caring by describing a set of practices that any high school teacher can use. Deiro shows that it is possible to develop healthy bonds with students without becoming intimate. Some of the practices may surprise you—all are compellingly illustrated by case examples. A 'must-read' for teacher education professionals as well as for novice and experienced teachers."
Thomas J. Sergiovanni Lillian Professor of Education and Administration
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

"Teaching With Heart is a book of great clarity and wisdom. I plan to recommend it widely!"
E. Timothy Burns Author, Educator, and Presenter
Santa Fe, New Mexico

"An inspiring book—one that reaffirms what I know I'm doing well and encourages me to keep finding ways to show respect for my students."
Shellie Mueller, Teacher
Sunnycrest Elementary School Lake Stevens School District

Examines the methods that outstanding teachers use to develop healthy, caring relationships with their students without turning into counselors or parents. Identifies and discusses the teacher behaviors that sustain and support students while helping them learn. Here you'll find case studies that illustrate how you can begin to foster caring and closeness in your school or classroom.

Learn to make real connections with your students to help buffer them against self-defeating behaviors common among young people. Develop these six effective strategies:

  • Learn how to listen to their points of view
  • Set high standards for yourself and for your students
  • Encourage students to be individualistic and independent
  • Learn how to treat students with dignity and respect
  • Use discipline with humor
  • Make it safe for your students to learn.

Deiro describes the personal and workplace resources that will encourage, sustain, and support you as you work to create caring relationships with your students. She provides a valuable framework you can use right now to begin building closer bonds in your school or classroom. If you are a classroom teacher who wants to learn to be more caring, or a teacher educator or administrator who wants to teach novices or experienced staff how they can be more caring teachers, this book is the place to start.


Judith A. Deiro photo

Judith A. Deiro

Judy Deiro, Ph.D., has been a full-time faculty member at Western Washington University since Fall, 1997. In her 40+year career, she has worked as a teacher, counselor, and education consultant. Some positions she has occupied include vocational rehabilitation counselor, state women’s prison counselor, chemical dependency counselor, and full-time postsecondary teacher and counselor. As a consultant, she has given numerous presentations nationwide and internationally on healthy teaching and parenting strategies for the prevention of high-risk behaviors. Judy’s passion is for facilitating healthy understanding and collaboration between human services and education in order to promote student success.

Judy is a recipient of the Washington State Chemical Dependency Educator of the Year’s Award, the Washington State Exemplary Women in Community College’s Award, and the Whatcom Community College Full-Time Faculty Excellence Award. She also has been awarded Who’s Who in America by the Marquis Board of Publications.

Table of Contents

Changing Role of the Teacher

Making Healthy Connections with Students

Communicating Caring to Students

How Caring Teachers Revitalize Themselves

Characteristics of Teachers Who Care

Supporting Teachers in the Workplace

Making Nurturing Teachers the Norm

Price: $39.95
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