
Teaching Inclusive Mathematics to Special Learners, K-6

Every mathematics teacher should read this book!

With inclusion of special education students and mathematics requirements on the rise in today's classrooms, Sliva's new book helps to open the windows to a greater understanding of how to recognize and compensate for the math challenges students face.   Information and tools are provided that help teachers better understand, observe, and include students with special needs such as:  

  • Descriptions of characteristics of students with special needs and how to "see inside the heads" of the most challenged students
  • Instructional techniques, suggestions, and modifications for facilitating learning for all students
  • Checklist of "look fors" to help observe and assess students 
  • A matrix of strategies matched to challenges



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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-6
  • ISBN: 9780761938910
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2003
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: October 21, 2003
Price: $35.95
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Arm yourselves with the information and tools necessary to help special education students conquer today's mathematics!

With inclusion of special education students and mathematics requirements on the rise in today's classrooms, there is no better source than Julie A. Sliva's new book to open the windows to a greater understanding of how to recognize and compensate for the math challenges students face. Its purpose is to provide an expanded framework for K-6 educators to use when teaching math to students who find it difficult to grasp the concepts of math and to meet the ultimate goal of providing standards-based math for all students.

Information and tools provided to help teachers better understand, observe, and include special needs students are:

  • Descriptions of characteristics of special needs students and how to "see inside the heads" of the most challenged students
  • Strategies and the most recent research useful for teaching students with disabilities
  • Instructional techniques, suggestions, and modifications for facilitating learning
  • "Look fors" to help clarify, understand, and observe strengths and challenges
  • Matrix for matching challenges to strategies

Teaching Inclusive Mathematics to Special Learners K-6 is a guiding perspective emphasizing techniques and strategies designed to address specific difficulties or weaknesses to help the challenged student succeed in math.

Key features

  • Provide recognizable vignettes of students to help teacher see the connection to students in their own classrooms
  • Shows teachers how to recognize and address student difficulties
  • Provides a menu of strategies helpful to all students but particularly to learning disabled and "behind" learners
  • Examples of specific applications help to clarify for teachers the needs and the solutions.
  • Suggestions offer ways to accommodate the needs of special education students along
    with all students within the larger class setting
  • Checklist of observational "look fors" to help teacher assess individual strengths and weaknesses


Julie Sliva Spitzer photo

Julie Sliva Spitzer

Julie Sliva Spitzer brings a rich background in mathematics, technology, and special education. As an associate professor of mathematics education at San Jose State University, she teaches methods of mathematics instruction to aspiring educators and supervises their field experiences. Julie continues to enjoy inservice work with teachers Grades K–12. Julie’s research interests include studying teacher and student attitudes toward teaching and learning mathematics, and best practices for teaching mathematics to learners withspecial needs. She is a frequent presenter at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meetings, the California Mathematics Annual Conference, and the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Teaching the Challenged Learner

Chapter 2: Characteristics of Students with Learning Disabilities and the Impact on their Mathematical Ability

Chapter 3: Specific Strategies for Instruction

Chapter 4: Assessing Your Special Education Students

Chapter 5: General Strategies for Teaching Inclusive Mathematics to All Students


Reference List



Price: $35.95
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